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  1. K

    The Martial Arts Superthread

    Hey all, I just got posted and get the feeling I'm gonna get bored, so I've decided to take up martial arts classes on the side. My question is: Does the military compensate for some of the fees and if so what is the process I need to follow to get things rolling? Thanks in advance, Knuckles
  2. K

    Aching Shins from Running

    Well, I've been running mostly outside(on concrete) and on a treadmill. I try to avoid downhill roads because I was told by someone it might be the cause of the shin splints. I have been neglecting to stretch before running and I think the smat thing to do would be to make a habit of doing it...
  3. K

    Aching Shins from Running

    Much thanks, I better look into this before BMQ. Again, very much appreciated
  4. K

    Aching Shins from Running

    Thanks for the quick responses. I guess I have been neglecting my stretching. I will take it easy till the aching dies down and will pick up when things feel right. Much thanks and it is well appreciated  :) I don't think my shoes are the problem because I bought a new pair and I had this...
  5. K

    Aching Shins from Running

    Hey guys, I run just about everyday, sprinting for 10 mins and jogging for as much as I can. Thing is I have this pain on my inner shins. I figured it might be bruised muscle so I'm taking glutamine. Can someone please advise me if this is something I should pay attention to or does it mearly...
  6. K

    Speeding / Traffic tickets during application [Merged]

    Much thanks for the quick reply, I'm on it!
  7. K

    Speeding / Traffic tickets during application [Merged]

    Hey Guys, Quick question: If I have unpaid tickets from the states, will it affect my enrollment? Best Regards
  8. K

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    ***UPDATE*** Recruiting Center: Montreal, QC Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: Officer Trade Choice 1: Signals Officer (DEO) Trade Choice 2: x Trade Choice 3: x Application Date: Don't remember First Contact:  Don't remember CFAT completed : July 21 Medical Completed: August 2 Interview...
  9. K

    Tip for feet required

    Thanks for replying That might be it, cause my last pair were some nike shox Nz's and I loved those shoes. I wanted the exact same model so I went out looking for them and guess what? they're only available in the states and they won't ship here. Whatever, I'll go down to NY later this month...
  10. K

    Tip for feet required

    Hey guys, I'm having a problem where the tips of my toes are tearing up from running. I used to run 5 times a week and have now reduces it to two and still have the same problem. Anyone have any suggestions? Oh, and just so no one has to go there, I cut my toe nails on a regular basis. Thanks
  11. K

    Almost done!

    Haven't got my answer yet... been on the merit list since early August for Aerospace Engineer (officer) and changed it for Signals officer because there were no spots left for the Aerospace Eng. position. The BMOQ (officer training) is in January so I'm thinking they're likely to call me in late...
  12. K

    Almost done!

    Grats! Wish you the best man
  13. K


    Hey all, I'm glad to say that I'm on the merit list. Thing is I applied for AERE officer, but sadly there are no openings left for that position so I had my first option switched to signals officer. Funny how life works because after reading up on the position, it seems much better suited for...
  14. K

    Air Force Cuts?

    That's funny, thanks for the info.
  15. K

    Air Force Cuts?

    I'm guessing the recruitment of new aerospace engineers would be affected by this as well?
  16. K

    Air Force Recruitment Cycles?

    Well, the only thing I have to go on are the Application Process Samples and based on what I was able to figure out that recruitment cycles vary depending on the position your applied for, where you applied and the time of year.
  17. K

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Montreal, QC Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: Officer Trade Choice 1: Aerospace Engineer Trade Choice 2: x Trade Choice 3: x Application Date: Don't remember First Contact:  Don't remember CFAT completed : July 21 Medical Completed: August 2 Interview completed: August 2...
  18. K

    Almost done!

    Cool man, All that's left is for them to send your file to Ottawa to get a green light from them, then you get set up on the merit list. I'm on the merit list and am waiting for the call. Best of luck to ya!
  19. K

    Air Force Recruitment Cycles?

    Hey all, I've gone through all the hoops and am now on the merit list in Montreal, QC. I've applied DEO for the Aerospace Engineering position and only that position because I know that's what I want and I feel strongly about it. I'm keeping busy by training and working till I get the call. I...