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  1. militarygirl

    Quebeckers joining the Armed Forces

    You get a couple guys drinking, feeling sorry for themselves and you call it urban myth...
  2. militarygirl

    Quebeckers joining the Armed Forces

    This was not heard by me.  The relative who mentioned it to me, mentioned it because of the disbelief and disgust when he heard it.  He did get up and speak to them and told them how close they were treading to that very fine line.
  3. militarygirl

    A whole new take on Diet Coke and Mentos (imagine setting up dominos..)

    My kids found that out and had a "blast" do it.  (At their own cost)
  4. militarygirl

    Quebeckers joining the Armed Forces

    I happen to be an english speaking Canadian, who was born in Quebec.  People always say that the one thing that you do that leaves a bad impression leaves a more lasting impression that the hundreds of good things a person can do.  During the last separatist vote, quite a few years ago now...
  5. militarygirl

    Peoples Attitudes changed when stated I was joining

    I was very lucky.  When I decided to join the Reg F, my family and most of my friends were very supportive ;D.  That was back in the late 80's.  Now I have a brother-in-law who joined just a few years ago, and the family was not nearly as supportive.  He joined as reservist and enjoyed it so...
  6. militarygirl

    Pay Deductions [Merged]

    If you are a single parent and you have custody of the child(ren) then you do not pay rations and quarters.  You have to make sure that there is a copy of their birth certificates on your file.  It should also state on your message that you are single with dependants.  If it not picked up that...
  7. militarygirl

    BMQ and Teamwork

    It really is too bad that some of these bad apples make it through to BMQ, and don't realize before hand that they really aren't the best type of personality for the military which emphasized team work.  Just remember that what goes around comes around.  There will come time in their career that...
  8. militarygirl

    BIG Mistake!

    True, very true.  Assume, "ASS out of U and ME".
  9. militarygirl

    BIG Mistake!

    If you are that interested in the military, then go Reg F.  But just to clarify, the Variable Initial Engagements that new recruits sign now can be anywhere from 3 - 6 years depending on the trade.
  10. militarygirl

    Direct Entry Officer (DEO) questions [Merged]

    The best place to get the answers on your contract length, would be your recruiting centre, though I did look it up and it is nine (9) years for DEO Sigs.  As for your salary, contact the file manager at the recruiting centre who is working on your file and ask them for the details on your rank...
  11. militarygirl

    CIC Interview

    Think of this as a job interview.  You want to put your best foot forward, so dress as you feel would be appropriate for the position you are applying for.  As with any interview, know about the job you are applying for, ie. what the job entails and what you are expected to do and know.  Also...
  12. militarygirl

    Recruitment cancelation

    Depending on how long ago you closed your file, you may need to resubmit a new application form, and any other documents that may now be out of date.  Your original file is kept at the recruiting centre for 3 years, at which time it is destroyed.  The best people to speak to about this would be...
  13. militarygirl

    Before swearing in.

    You can wait till you get there.  Once you are there you will have to spring for the haircut also. 
  14. militarygirl

    Changes to IAP and BMQ?

    Not all of the BMQ courses are being run at St Jean.  There are courses being run in Borden as well.  As for the SQ/BMQ...  There are people being enrolled beginning of August that are still only doing 10 weeks for the BMQ and the new courses starting in Sep are doing approx. 12 1/2 weeks...
  15. militarygirl

    Kids wearing camo

    If you go paintballing or if you have children that do, you'll see kids and even some adults wearing pieces of cadpat.  It's generally just the pants with other types of shirts and even combat boots sometimes.  Even the kids have realized that they blend in better wearing this rather than some...
  16. militarygirl


    If you are thinking of applying for the PRes then you need to talk to the unit that you want to apply to, they have the numbers and positions available for the unit.  The recruiting process is almost identical to the the Reg F process except that you need to talk to the reserve unit first and...
  17. militarygirl

    summer or fall ....which will it be?

    The best person to tell you if you will be enrolled prior to the summer is the recruiter for the reserve unit.  Alot of the time they will enrol you even if no course is starting soon or they already have too many for the course because it is so easy for the applicants to lose interest in...
  18. militarygirl

    Selection Board for Veh Tech

    Most ncm trades don't have formal selection boards anymore.  There are a few exceptions, MP, firefighter etc, but most are real time selection, when they have a position they'll fill it. Hope this helps
  19. militarygirl

    BMQ 2018 - Regular Force

    The BMQ's have constant intake dates.  The trade you want, and the positions available in that trade are what determine how quickly you will get picked up.  Considering the time of year, you should be prepared to leave pretty quickly.  Sometimes you get a few weeks notice and other times you are...