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Changes to IAP and BMQ?


Army.ca Veteran
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I have heard from a number of people that there has, or will be changes to the structure of Basic. I heard things from BMQ being longer to BMQ is now coupled with SQ and is all being taught at St. Jean. Have any of these changes come about, or am I just hearing things in the rumour mill?

Not all of the BMQ courses are being run at St Jean.  There are courses being run in Borden as well. 

As for the SQ/BMQ...  There are people being enrolled beginning of August that are still only doing 10 weeks for the BMQ and the new courses starting in Sep are doing approx. 12 1/2 weeks, with the SQ added.  So depending on when a person is starting course right now will determine how long they spend at BMQ.

Thanks, that is what I have been more or less hearing. Quite a lot of changes to SQ then, it used to be a 10 week course at one point according to this thread:

Hi All,

I did a search and went back a number of pages looking for this, but didn't find anything. I was down at the recruiting office, as I am looking at DEO, and was told that they are extending basic training by 3 weeks. Can anyone tell me what they are adding or why they are increasing the number of weeks?


I had a similar question:

militarygirl said:
Not all of the BMQ courses are being run at St Jean.  There are courses being run in Borden as well. 

As for the SQ/BMQ...  There are people being enrolled beginning of August that are still only doing 10 weeks for the BMQ and the new courses starting in Sep are doing approx. 12 1/2 weeks, with the SQ added.  So depending on when a person is starting course right now will determine how long they spend at BMQ.

Would the "new" BMQ be equivalent to the old QL2 ?
I finished the 11 week bmq in Borden in March. My understanding is that there are some courses running in the summer for reservists that are still 8 weeks. The additional 3 weeks on my January-March course was spent mostly in the field. That's all I know about it.
I'm starting my BMQ as of Sept 2nd and in the package they gave me the form said 11 weeks. Also the recruiting center (when I asked) said after I finish my BMQ, I will then go onto SQ. Not combined. So as of my BMQ, they are still separate. Unless I get there and they say. "You thought you were here for 11 weeks? HA! 13+ weeks now!"
I remember discussing this with the Sgt and Lt (N) on my course, and I believe the increase in time was to allow for a longer period in the field, and more of a focus on physical fitness, drill & deportment, etc.  I'll email them when I get back from holidays, and see what I can figure out.

Wonder if they will expand the Reserves BMQ as well (Weekend verison & Summer) or is this Reg. force only?
Great more physical fitness and drill..... For all of us prospective members, I hope it is more field time. Not that it would be any easier than the many pushups and right wheel, left wheel stuff, but it would be more interesting I'm sure.

Dank said:
I'm starting my BMQ as of Sept 2nd and in the package they gave me the form said 11 weeks.

I start BMQ August 21 in St Jean and my package also says that it is 11 weeks long.