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Kids wearing camo

I would have LOVED to have seen that... that was a really cute story :)
If you go paintballing or if you have children that do, you'll see kids and even some adults wearing pieces of cadpat.  It's generally just the pants with other types of shirts and even combat boots sometimes.  Even the kids have realized that they blend in better wearing this rather than some of the brighter clothes, they are comfortable and roomy and these articles of clothing are easy to clean of both dirt, mud AND paint.

As has been said before, "Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery".

*star said:
Side Note: Couple of weeks back I saw two 12-14yr girls at the CANEX wearing, what I assume to be, their parents issued CADPAT combat pants (and yes it was CADPAT combat pants, I've washed enough to know!). Isn't there some kind of rule against this?

I thought it was illegal for non-military people to buy Cadpat.  But when talking with that guy who is selling camo (army issue) to try and find some paintball camo, he said he could sell me Cadpat.
Adrian_888 said:
I thought it was illegal for non-military people to buy Cadpat.  But when talking with that guy who is selling camo (army issue) to try and find some paintball camo, he said he could sell me Cadpat.

This CADPAT topic had been beaten to death, try doing a search, and you'll find many answers to your questions.


cadpat lookalikes.
to the untrained eye - they look pretty much like the real mccoy.
I don't have a problem with it. My son sent the grandbaby a U.S desert cam hat and he thinks its the greatest thing. Grandbaby is 14 months and loves to pull his hat as far down as he can. He ends up with the brim of the hat around his lips. Anyone know of a way to shrink it?
Or the army guys after work wearing their kit to the ranges,to impress the civilian population.
My son has several pairs of military inspired shorts in different camo patterns. Although I'm hard pressed to understand anything so long can be classifed as "shorts."
I have a couple camo T-shirts. One says "You Can't See Me", as my good friend practically forced me into buying it.
(She argued that if I didn't buy it, she would and make me eat it.)
The other one was a more "rock and roll" rebellion T-shirt. I always had a thing for logo's and insignias growing up, and having a cool design or logo on a shirt or hat always seemed to be a selling point for me.
In fact, right now I'm wearing the army.ca hat  8)
SigOpDraco said:
The other one was a more "rock and roll" rebellion T-shirt. I always had a thing for logo's and insignias growing up, and having a cool design or logo on a shirt or hat always seemed to be a selling point for me.
so you enjoy paying someone for the privilige of providing them free advertising?
I'm actually a little mixed on the subject, and it kind of goes on an individual basis and how the person is wearing the clothing.  But for what is sold in Zellars and most other clothing stores, it doesn't come close to resembling Canadian combats, so I don't generally give it a second thought.  Doesn't bother me.
paracowboy said:
so you enjoy paying someone for the privilige of providing them free advertising?

Sure, if it looks good enough. I usually don't go for brand logo's but acutal designs like a falcon or a griffon-ish type thing.

I have a black shirt that has a yellow design that looks like a coat of arms. I wear it and cannot even find the brand logo on it.

For me, I really don't care about advertising or brand names. I have many no-name brand shirts and pants. I only buy what I think looks good; or "cool". Since I never go 'clubbing' or 'out in the scene' with a bunch of people, I don't go all out and brand new flashy design stuff. Nearly 60% of my wardrobe is just t-shirts. The other 20% is dress clothing. The other 20% is mixed. I don't go hunting for a particular brand type or name, just the look of the clothing.

That's why it's really hard for me to look for clothing. Usually most shirts just seem bland in design but are highlighted as the best in style in my view.

If someone sees it as advertising, then so be it. I wear the cloths because I want to and its what I want. I'll buy a pair of pants for covering my arse and legs, not because a company made it. I'll my shirt that has the griffon with its wings spread out with laurel leaf and the words "Born to Rock n' Roll" on the scroll wrapped around the legs because I think its looks cool, makes me stand out in a crowd, and it covers my body. With a black button shirt over top and a nice pair of jeans it can look rather attractive.

Don't care who made it, really.  :)

[Edit: Just to be sure; I hope this post isn't viewed as offensive or defensive to the comments. I hope no aggression was put forward by the  post.  :salute:]
SigOpDraco said:
Don't care who made it, really. 
fair 'nuff. I was curious. I've always found it hilarious that so many companies have found a way to not only advertise for free, but to make people pay for the privilige of doing it on their behalf. I remember some article in the '90s that said Harley-Davidson made more money on clothes than on motorcycles (the H-D sofa killed me).

Anyway, hi-jack over.
paracowboy said:
I remember some article in the '90s that said Harley-Davidson made more money on clothes than on motorcycles (the H-D sofa killed me).

Just so I didn't get accused of being a wannabe, I had to buy my Harley just so I could wear the t-shirts. Haven't gotten the sofa yet. ;) 
Camo thong????....
Does it dissapear / make things dissapear when whe wears it?
Oi, I have seen some AUSCAM short (VERY) shorts being worn by a seriously curvy woman! If it was on a street, with busy traffic, there would have been an accident for sure ;)

What eats me is when I see "thugged out homey's" wearing full or partial camo because they think they are "soldiers of the streets" or some BS like that.  I take offense to that. They are nothing close to a soldier, and it is insulting to those who are in the service. I almost choked on my morning bagel when I saw one dude wearing the full CADPAT ensemble a few weeks ago.  Peace out yo -yo