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Air Force Tech

New Member
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Hey everyone,

I got a call from the Wpg CFRC today and was offered my 1st choice, 226 ATIS Tech.  BMQ begins on April 12/05.  I accepted of course and look forward to serving.  Thanks to Mike for this site on which I have found a lot of helpful info.  Also thank you to Kincanucks in particular for the information he has provided to me specifically,  you are truly an asset to this site.  My swearing in ceremony has not been scheduled but I was told that would happen within the next few days.  If anyone is interested, my application process went down like this:

Applied mid Sept/04
Completed all testing on Sept.27/04
Security check completed mid Oct/04
Merit listed late Oct/04
Re-did fitness test Feb.19/05
Received job offer Mar. 2/05

All in all,  a very bearable wait time.  Thank you again to all and I look forward to becoming a more knowledgeable contributor to this site.  See you around. ;D
congrats dude. everybody sweats bmq before they go.
But t's really not that difficult...you never have time to find it hard, so just do what they tell you, and look out for your mates.

P.S Sonics is great place to pick up french chics, and stay away from eroticas (just a bunch of skanks)
Thank you all.  Yes it does feel great.  Now to break the news to my boss.  Wait a minute, he's on holidays and only back on Mar.7/05.  Guess I can't spread the news at work until I have spoken to him.  Oh well. 
Congrats dude, i just got my call too. Looks like we'll be on the same course April 12 at st. jean. See you there.

P.S. Isn't it funny how all the recruiters were acting picky and rude for the last few months and now that positions have opened up, they're all of a sudden your best friends.
      Oops, that was a little harsh.... gotta learn to keep that mouth shut.
Gratz man! when I get a call I am gonna looooose it (in a good way). As I've been waiting for years now...
Congratulalation dude

i myself put a demand yesterday it seems to have taken a while for yours to be threated

oh well gotta wait....
Congrats man, and best of luck to you! What a feeling you must get when the phone rings and you answer and they're like "Hi mr.Bloggins, this is Mary from the CFRC, are you still interested in a job in the canadian forces?" Wow... wish this happends to me soon!

Good luck!!  :salute:
Thanks again to everyone!

I just can't say that I've had even 1 unpleasant experience with recruiting staff I have dealt with in Wpg.  The clerk in charge of my file always cheerfully responded to my pestering, ie. phoning every 2 weeks.  I also never had cross words with anyone as some people have experienced so I think that helps.

Hey congrats Choppa,  what trade are you in for? Look forward to meeting someone in person rather than just a name on the screen.

dan476,  sorry to hear you've been waiting so long,  don't lose hope

NiTz, I just about had a heart attack and was shakin' like a leaf I was so excited.  Now I'm just concerned that I don't leave any loose ends behind.
Congrats man.. I can't wait for that phone call to come too... I'm sure the wait is well worth it in the end...   
hey guys im Justin i'm gunna be at St.Jean starting my basic for 031 Infantry April 16th man im so pumped.