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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

Ok then mods, who is responsible for this then?  ;D

Rank:  O Grade Instructor. Canadian / UK Joint Training Force Cadre (s)
Unit:  Mountain and Arctic Warfare Cadre - IC ,Zulu Troop.
Mil Exp:  Royal Marines..... Canadian Airborne Forces (but I have only really read SoF once)

And this:

There are those who can talk a good Service. Then there are those who can prove it...... A direct translation from the old Roman...... As true today as it was then....... Look into the man and not the internet post.....for there you will find the truth. (and in my world the sky is a nice shade of pink and everyone wears furry bunny slippers for tea)
And I think we can put this to rest now - considering Booty is probably off conning some poor African Prince out of the 1,000,000,000 Turkish Reichsmarks his deposed father left him that he now needs to get out of the country before the ninjas invade.  Continuing discussion without any new material is a) silly and b) wastes the bandwidth on this here internets.

If Booty sees fit to come back and back himself up with credible proof as he was asked; we can open this thread up again and he can have his say.
If anyone has anything they feel is useful and not just another jab, (no matter how well deserved), the post can be added to this thread.

Both of these may be accomplished by sending a PM to any member of the Directing Staff. 

Kyle Burrows
Army.ca Staff
First, if this is not in the correct forum, I apologize.  Could a moderator place it in an appropriate area?

One thing I have found on the internet that absolutely disgusts me is when people take it upon themselves to portray themselves as CF members to impress the great unwashed masses on the internet.  Imagine, to my surprise, while in on a discussion board for a videogame I play, that I find that someone if claiming to be "a JTF-2 Stryker" who has been "a Seaman for 8 years". 

Now, as if these claims were not ludicrous enough, they we accompanied by the photograph of a CF member.  Know, I KNOW no actual JTF2 member is going to violate OPSEC and identify themselves on the internet, and I thought to myself, having spent some time in the reserves many years ago with the Royal Winnipeg Rifles, that I knew this guy from somewhere.  I was wracking my brain to figure out from where...his pics was in Cadpat AR, so it was long after my day...and then to my horror I realized I recognized it from a slideshow that I had worked on for Remembrance Day.

For the sake of reference, I have included screenshots of this person's claims:



Then I realize that the picture I had used from my powerpoint had been taken from this article:  http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2007/07/02/friendly-fire.html

Clearly, this person is, IMHO, the lowest for of low.  It disgusts me that Pte. Costall gave his life and this asshat is waltzing around and sullying his name and reputation by using his photograph.  Is there anything, legally, that can be done about individuals claiming to be CF members?  It made me SO angry to see this that I've been fuming for hours.

Any advice/knowledge would be appreciated.
I can't think of any legal thing to stop that. Even if there was one, it probably wouldn't be worth the effort to take this guy to court over it. Can't you contact the website's administrator? Most forums have a terms of use agreement against things like this. Even if they don't, it won't make him popular, so just call him out. Post that you know he's impersonating a dead soldier, and post your proof.
In real life, yes.

On the Internet? No, and I say that not just as a Constitutional lawyer but as a Navy SEAL and Victoria Cross winner who is also a three-time Miss Hot College Student pageant winner.

Not to say you can't make someone's life miserable who is doing it, but going into detail would breach Mike's TOS...
Besides being a criminal offence what this idiot is doing is just disgusting.  Perhaps if you could provide us with the website we can refer it to some people who specialize in outing these sorts of Walts.  This guy's claims are pretty preposterous, but most Walts tend to be that way.  No one falsely claims to be a Cpl for life in a Svc Bn, they all want us to believe they are JTFunderwaterscubaninjasnipers!
At the end of the day there's little you can do beyond 'outing' him online and hopefully making him scurry back from whence he came.

There ARE legal provisions to prosecute people for impersonating a CF member etc, but I see that being a rather hard case to make in regards to someone posing online.

Don't let it get to ya, life's too short.
His comment appears on p. 12

I thought that there might be something in the Criminal Code of Canada about impersonating members of the CF?  I'm not personally knowledgeable enough about the CCoC to be able to find it.

*edit* perhaps Section 419?
Just out him. Make sure you link to other sites that have the picture hosted in its correct context. Others will pile on soon enough.
Let me rephrase my post.

What he is doing might be technically illegal, it's not serious enough for the court system to care. Kind of like how the Police rarely pull someone over for driving a single kilometer over the speed limit. Impersonating a CF member (if it is a crime) would probably only be taken seriously in more extreme cases, like if a civilian falsified a military ID and acquired a uniform so he could wander around a base, or to solicit money for a bogus military charity.
A while ago I was cruising in the hood with my hommies when I noticed a skid wearing a cadpat ensemble, crappy mk III cbt boots, complete with shaved head and goatee....sitting on a curb outside a convenience store. Tunic undone, no head dress, boots not properly bloused... I directed my one partner in crime to pull over the mystery machine so I could tactically question the creature. He told me he was in the CF, from a unit in Vancouver. When I specifically asked him to state what unit, he said he couldn't tell me because it was classified...
popnfresh said:
A while ago I was cruising in the hood with my hommies when I noticed a skid wearing a cadpat ensemble, crappy mk III cbt boots, complete with shaved head and goatee....sitting on a curb outside a convenience store. Tunic undone, no head dress, boots not properly bloused.

Sounds like he must have been working in HUMINT.
So, for $hit$ and giggles I decided to look into some of hi latest posts...

Come up to Canada. My tour ends October 8th, which means you could all come to my birthday!

Seriously, Saskatoon would be an awesome place for it.

6 June 2009


So he may very well be military and has posted a false pic which could get him in a bit of doo doo if someone can ID him by other means.
40below said:
Sounds like he must have been working in HUMINT.

Perhaps, but I think he was working for a much more secret entity...FUMEINT!

I'd go out on a limb and say the only contact that guy maintained was his local crack dealer...
When I was young I wanted to fight in afghanistan as a Canadian JTF2 Stryker due to loss of many of my relatives there. Then I wanted to be a machinist. So I went to afghanistan as a member of the Princess Patricia's Light Infantry unit based outta Regina for 2 years, then went as a JTF2 Stryker for 4 years, now a Machinist in Saskatoon and a reservist out of Dundurn.

[kindaofftopic] I think that people who sign up as a reservist with no intention of service, just to get a discount on schooling, are total and complete scum and should be shot repeatedly in the face [/kindaofftopic]
(emphasis mine)


Edit: Added emphasis.
Anyone else with military or para-military service? Shout out my friends!
2 Years Princess Patricia's Light Infantry
4 Years JTF2



2nd battalion, but got shifted round lots. You'd remember me if you met me. The 6'7'' white haired russian guy with the 6'3 asian. Me and my buddy Harry signed up together and were kept together for the most part. Sadly, I am not really supposed to release any info on my JTF2 Service. Lets see. PPCLI was prolly bout 7 years to 5 years ago (served 2 years then went JTF2)

I think that's enough editing unless I find something particularly interesting.
He actually got called out by someone who may well have actually been a Patricia in that thread - and "skillfully" attempted to dodge the question.

I'm picturing Dolph Rundgren (sp?), the 10 foot Russian from Rocky whatever it was...

I thought it was a typo until he did it several times - he referred to himself as "Lieutenant Corporal".

Lt Cpl.  Serious.  You cannot make this shyte up.  Well, actually, apparently, you can.