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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

I can't even find a reference to his favourite book "Flying Maggie's Drawers" - though there is: Ray E. Zink, The Final Flight of Maggie's Drawers, Turner Publishing Company (KY), 1998

I read a bit of it, and while it is a historical account, it's not overly stunning.

You'd think he'd get the name of his favourite book right....

Maybe I'm just nitpicking now though....
Hello fellow members and guests,

Well its just 0640h here on a wintery Saturday morning.

It is good to be entertained so bloody early.

I was just wondering why we are calling him a Walt (AKA W Mitty), as what he is representing is fraud and being an imposter, and a liar.

As far as I am concerned he is a coward, playing a child's game in DPM.

We are being too polite.

The man (?) is a disgrace, and is a true insult to all who serve or have served during peacetime and war.

My blood boils when I see people like Booty who fantasise like this, and try to fool/take the piss out of real soldiers in/on our own ground here especially), but this is overtaken with much humour when they are openly busted. Booty, I don't think has the intestinal fortitude to post again, he will cower in his pathetic corner and lurk/pout as required. There is not a doubt in my mind that he will find another site and try this again.  

He must have some real identity issues with himself.

On the brighter side, it has been entertaining.

Regards from the Sunshine Coast of Queensland,

You're killing me with the weather reports there....
However my HLTA is in Dec and I did promise the boss lady a nice trip.....
There is some web presence (See attachments) and his internet identity and web tracks are covered well by the use of a third party domain hoster to hide identity.

His internet profile appears to be reducing as a result of this communities input since this morning.

Given that 'booty' no longer wishes to engage in open forum or private message, these concerns (training children, incorrect cadet head dress, use of unauthorised wpns etc with or without of course MOD, cadet or public liability insurance) needs to be passed up the chain for the Scottish RFCA to review and or investigate as he appears to operate on MOD property. The photo dates will provide an insight in to unit/organisational bookings on the Trg areas/ranges.


The Highland Reserve Forces and Cadets Association
365 Perth Road
Tel: 01382 668283
Email: TA@hrfca.co.uk

Jammer said:
You're killing me with the weather reports there....
However my HLTA is in Dec and I did promise the boss lady a nice trip.....

Hey Jam,

Fair dinkum, it is winter (but a tropical one). Its about 12C right now, and will top out at about 23. My pool is about 18C, too bloody cold, but I am planning a polar swim and BBQ soon.

Meanwhile at the Batcave, two weeks and one day til I depart for Canada and home.


"Flying Maggies Drawers" I found a reference through google. Let's just say, it is in reference to women's underwear (duh) and um, it usually is in reference to the red range flag flown when the range is live. Now, who still uses this term, I have no idea...

Flying Bravo (Baker): Normally, a signal flown ashore when the firing range is hot, or afloat while handling ammunition or fuel. When a woman is menstruating, she is said to be 'flying Bravo.' The Bravo (originally 'Baker' from the phonetic alphabet) alphabet signal flag is red. Sometimes also seen as 'flying Maggie's Drawers.'


As to a book? Never heard of it. Perhaps it is a book written by a super secret Scuba Recce Ninja and hence, none of us have the clearance to even hear about it... In which case... Oh wait a second, someone is at my door. Be ri...
This is sad.  Once people commit to such a large fabricated story, they have no choice but to stick to the lie until the very end.  This thread will eventually end like this...

"I don't need to prove myself to you people, who I've played paintball served with is none of your business.  I have provided all the personal information I feel comfortable with disclosing, so goodbye!"

But thats just my prediction.  ;)
[Insert Random Name] said:
I unno, but I found this using the link from that pic of him. And he's playing the victim now.


The maturity level demonstrated on that site is way down there...   :boring:
Teeps74 said:
"Flying Maggies Drawers" I found a reference through google. Let's just say, it is in reference to women's underwear (duh) and um, it usually is in reference to the red range flag flown when the range is live. Now, who still uses this term, I have no idea...

When we were on the range, if there was a miss, a red flag was waved.....called Maggies Drawers... (USMC)
I have emailed a Scottish Policeman (TA friend I served on Ops with) for advice and process.

This has to be delt with professionally and with due process. It is a sensitive matter for all concerned.

It may take some time and this thread will probably wither in due course.

Excerpt below



Here are the links.

This guy is in my  view a faux identity  aka 'Walt'  based on current evidence presented and behaviour.

My concern is the trg of cadets without correct or invalidated insurance, incorrect head dress, incorrect wpns, and authority to publish children’s pictures etc.

This may be an air soft club or just an unregulated cadet unit 


Some more google-fu int...  It appears that our Walt had previously posted on a Spanish-language music site.  While the thread is gone, it lives on in Internet heaven...  ;D

Yeah? Tell that to ... ( 20 hours ago by Canadian2Para)
Yeah? Tell that to those who send the guys to fight them. As for me, I will fight, and have fought, for my buddies and myself.
The US? I have defended those colours also, as have many other Canadians and Brits.
Just remember this,if it takes war to defend your right to condemn it and burn your own flag then do not condemn those who fight to give you the right to do so.
A wise man once said " A true patriot is one who can condemn a government in peace but support it in time of war"

Now you speak of ... ( 16 hours ago by Canadian2Para)
Now you speak of things that have no relevance to the Military defence of a nation,only to the fight itself.
In which case,speaking as a professional, I will leave that to the amateurs.
If you want to understand Canadian and British Military humour read "Flying Maggie's Drawers",itmay just broaden your horizons.
As for the Argentine Marines,they were quite happy to do likewise when they got the chance, kick Brit ass that is.And they did it exceedingly well.LOL.

There may be more on YouTube...
Sure enough...


Canadian2Para (7)
We walked back to our positions laughing and spent some time talking to the captured Argie Marines about the charge who laughed just as loudly as we did at their conscripts lack of balls.

We gave them cigarettes, rations and water. We even shook their hand in farewell as they headed off to the rear.

After all they were Marines,our Brothers-in-Arms.
C2P. Ex RM, Arctic Warfare Cadre. Who took part in that action.

Issues doesn't describe them OWDU...Now he's a Falkland's vet too...
Shec said:
you called it back around page 16 Bud, he was in the Falklands.   We'll stilll need to confirm that it was as the first man ashore or not ;)

Theres doubt about that  ???
I'm sure he was...I was flying a Pucara on a recce. I even have the shots from the photo pod that was slung underneath my bird....
If I'm reading this right (courtesy of the Google cache)

Comment from Canadian2Para
I was making tribute to the crew of U33 which I dived on. She was sent into the deep by a Canadian Corvette.
Posted on: 22nd June 2008

I can't tell if someone using the same handle either:
1)  claims to have done some scuba diving around the sunken boat, or
2)  claims to have been on the U-33 during the WW 2.

Curiouser and curiouser....
milnewstbay said:
If I'm reading this right (courtesy of the Google cache)

I can't tell if someone using the same handle either:
1)  claims to have done some scuba diving around the sunken boat, or
2)  claims to have been on the U-33 during the WW 2.

Curiouser and curiouser....

Good find Tony.

I am just wondering what year he climbed Mt Everest in, and also if he has a bar to his VC  ;D

Cold XXXX Golds,
