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US Presidential Election 2024 - Trump vs Harris - Vote Hard with a Vengence

That, and she has the reach to a demographic that traditionally doesn’t vote in huge numbers.
Sometimes all the people need is someone to give them some direction or guidance....say isn't that what politicians are supposed to do??
Trump isn't alone misunderstanding or misrepresenting the issue. Some people are ignorant; some are misstating the situation for effect. I've already stated the truth of what is happening. "It's a lie that babies are being killed; they are being left to die" isn't a good message for swaying voters. People who have got their teeth into that one are preventing it from dropping into the memory hole; as long as it's talked about, the reality is in the public mind along with the lie.

Abortion is maybe in the bottom 3 of the top 10 issues right now. Democrats are eager to run on it, and specifically on permissive federal legislation. I read a claim that the debate spent almost 30 minutes all up on abortion - one third of the available time. The average American position is restrictions after about the first trimester, with the usual compassionate exemptions. I doubt her position helps Harris.

I admit it's kind of weird that a politician would lie about something, or state that someone has a position they either don't hold or have denied holding. I suppose now that fence has been breached, we'll see more of it.
He’s alone in lying about it while running for president. “Post-birth abortions” isn’t a misunderstanding, it’s just a blatant lie, and an egregiously dumb one.

Frank Zappa had voter registration booths at his last 1988 US concerts, and had a long history of encouraging registration. Not many contemporary entertainers function at his level, though.

No, but I’d say she does. She has literally hundreds of millions of followers on social media. Good chance that her endorsement and her exhortation to register directly or indirectly reaches a not insignificant number of eligible voters in the U.S. Her ability to provide a direct link to how to register to vote is surely at least as impactful, adjusted for the modern day, as offering in-person registration at a concert.
No, but I’d say she does. She has literally hundreds of millions of followers on social media. Good chance that her endorsement and her exhortation to register directly or indirectly reaches a not insignificant number of eligible voters in the U.S. Her ability to provide a direct link to how to register to vote is surely at least as impactful, adjusted for the modern day, as offering in-person registration at a concert.
I meant "function" as in "intellect". Zappa was not particularly influential in society at large. Lots of people have heard of him; many like one or two of his songs; some comprehend the extent of his talent; few know about his political and civic engagement.
He’s alone in lying about it while running for president. “Post-birth abortions” isn’t a misunderstanding, it’s just a blatant lie, and an egregiously dumb one.
If it publicizes what is actually happening, and people horrified by it are moved to vote for him (I can't imagine many people being moved to vote FOR something so unpleasant), it isn't egregiously dumb - lie or not.
As a thought exercise, some consideration for minor grammatical adjustments

Remarkably similar outcome, n’est-ce pas?
As said apple's and oranges. If you wish to call half the eligible voters in the US cult members, that's up to you. I'll put your statement in the same box as Pelosi's, the self confessed discreet, cold blooded reptilian. And her recent stat that, 30% of Republicans are racist, sexist homophobes.

Chapter 11 is a business gambit. As he has said a number of times, if you don't like the way he does business, change the laws. He simply works inside the structure provided by the House, Senate and Internal Revenue.
Chapter 11 is a business gambit. As he has said a number of times, if you don't like the way he does business, change the laws. He simply works inside the structure provided by the House, Senate and Internal Revenue.

That’s not true though. Trump Org was convicted on multiple felony counts of tax fraud.
If you wish to call half the eligible voters in the US cult members, that's up to you.

...looking for where I said that....

I'll put your statement in the same box as Pelosi's, the self confessed discreet, cold blooded reptilian.
Well if that’s the only box you have, I suppose there’s no stopping you. Technically, I’m a mammal. My wife even tells me I run warmer than average, as some kind of justification I guess for slamming her ice cold feet against my legs after the sun goes down.
We find ourselves in agreement. The simple say-so of a billionaire entertainer should not be driving how someone votes, and a lot of low-info voters are unfortunately persuaded by such things. But in the end, every vote is equal.
And it cuts both ways. Voting red or blue because everyone in your family back to your great-great-grandpappy makes equal sense.

That, and she has the reach to a demographic that traditionally doesn’t vote in huge numbers.
I'm not so sure. This site claims that her fan base is 45% Millennial (28-43 years old), 21% Gen X (44-59) and 25% Boomers (60-78).
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...looking for where I said that....

Well if that’s the only box you have, I suppose there’s no stopping you. Technically, I’m a mammal. My wife even tells me I run warmer than average, as some kind of justification I guess for slamming her ice cold feet against my legs after the sun goes down.
You're right. Perhaps I misunderstood. I suppose though the same can be said for Harris voters.

I was not calling you any names. I was quoting Pelosi, in both cases. I found your grammar changes a tad hyperbolic and pointed specifically at Republicans. Much like Pelosi's hyperbolic statements about Republicans.

Again, if I failed to pick up on some of your subtle humour, I apologize.
This article highlights the theme I've been saying all along. There are long standing institutions (media, in this article) working against public interests. This must be stopped. This election is a critical step in doing that.

Much like social media being manipulated to hide Hunter's laptop, as Russian disinformation, then using 51 Biden operatives to lie and swing election results. There is little to none unbiased true reporting that comes from the MSM when carrying water for the deep state.
Again, if I failed to pick up on some of your subtle humour, I apologize.
I’ve been accused of being drier than the Sahara at times, that may have been one of them.

I’m generally like most here, neither candidate was stellar. I’d like to see both of them up their game, for the sake of American voters, who deserve better than what we saw last night.
Much like social media being manipulated to hide Hunter's laptop, as Russian disinformation, then using 51 Biden operatives to lie and swing election results. There is little to none unbiased true reporting that comes from the MSM when carrying water for the deep state.
That's another example of misunderstanding/misrepresentation/myth-making. The "51" did not lie. They alleged that the laptop LOOKED LIKE IT COULD BE a Russian disinfo op. They did not allege that it WAS a Russian disinfo op. It got converted into a "fact" by people who heard/read differently what was said/written.

I don't doubt the "51" knew what they were doing, and that theirs was a "disinformation" op. Any of them could have corrected the misinterpretations early on. They allowed the incorrect interpretations to stand. As I've written, it's amusing that a real disinformation op was created to advance a story about a non-existent disinformation op.