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US Presidential Election 2024 - Trump vs Harris - Vote Hard with a Vengence

Or, that the US has become so polarized that the corporate/editorial board decided not to endorse anyone at all.

Did they retract any stories? Will they change their slant in the next two weeks? Those would be better indicators.
"Decided" can be a ... multi-layered term in some situations :)
Well given Russian links to him, and some of the money he borrowed to acquire Twitter, I see no reason to doubt it, as well as a slew of different articles and leaks from the Intelligence Community

Well I originally called him a South African Nazi that you took issue with and @Lumber offered a maybe more accurate description.

So we have laws about talking to foreign governments as a private citizen or a company -- It is specifically forbidden, Trump still does it - but I mean par for the course for a convicted felon right?

More than sanctions - we have actual laws that forbid that -- as well as the fact he holds a US DoD Security Clearance - I guess he takes his guidance for ignoring that from Trump too.

Russia being under sanction and the fact we have three other laws on the books that forbid it?

The fact that Twitter took on propagating Russian Disinformation is not a good look.

Then they should be charged too. If Trump's DoJ didn't that is not a reason that others can conduct illegal activity too...
So, you're condemning him on speculation then. I figured people would've learned their lesson the last few time the democrats falsely called foul about Russia, Russia, Russia.

You mean twitter propogating FBI and DOJ misinformation, literally acting as their propoganda machine and following their direction, about the laptop and censoring republican opinion from the platform and calling it russian disinfomation.

X is not the same company. It was X that outed the illegal activity of the governments three letter agencies and their subversion of the rule of law against the American people.

Keep digging. I want to learn more.
"Decided" can be a ... multi-layered term in some situations :)
It's his newspaper. He can decide to take it wherever he wants. As for the detractors, they can also do what they want. Like not purchase the paper or find new jobs, if they feel aggrieved with their boss' decision.
It's his newspaper. He can decide to take it wherever he wants. As for the detractors, they can also do what they want. Like not purchase the paper or find new jobs, if they feel aggrieved with their boss' decision.

But, if said owners decide not to support a candidate over their employees’ protestations, then it’s not so much that said employees’ previous works on the subject were wrong. It’s that the owners disagree with it or want to appear politically neutral in that sense.

As I said - a better indicator would be if those papers retract their pieces supporting Harris.
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Not sure why anyone is offended that Trump is compared to Hitler. It's not like it stops Democrats from talking to him at public events, or touting past productive political engagements. The obvious explanation is that those people don't take the rhetoric seriously. If some prominent Democrats don't take it seriously, why would their peers think voters would take it seriously?
On another subject, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has put out a statement accusing Russia of disseminating a false video purporting to portray Trump mail-in ballots being destroyed in Pennsylvania.

Not sure why anyone is offended that Trump is compared to Hitler. It's not like it stops Democrats from talking to him at public events, or touting past productive political engagements. The obvious explanation is that those people don't take the rhetoric seriously. If some prominent Democrats don't take it seriously, why would their peers think voters would take it seriously?
It shouldn't surprise anyone, it's the democrat default position when they're getting their asses waxed.

But, if said owners decide not to support a candidate over their employees’ protestations, then it’s not so much that said employees’ previous works on the subject were wrong. It’s that the owners disagree with it or want to appear politically neutral in that sense.

As I said - a better indicator would be if those papers retract their pieces supporting Harris.
True, but in the end " It's my newspaper, I'll decide what we publish." Ham fisted or not, that's the bottom line
Oh come on, yes you do.

From Obama's DNC Convention Speech (Right at the beginning):

The dems only wish Harris could pull 20% of his crowds. They bitch because it drives them crazy that so many people would turn out to listen to him.

And truthfully, if he's able to draw crowds like he does, I can't blame him for crowing about it.
On another subject, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has put out a statement accusing Russia of disseminating a false video purporting to portray Trump mail-in ballots being destroyed in Pennsylvania.

Following up on this...

Are sure this is Russia disseminating a false video of bail-in ballots being destroyed?

Or is it an authentic video that somehow was made public, and now the Dems are scrambling to distance themselves from it hy accusing Russia?

Russia is an easy boogeyman to blame all kinds of things on, same goes for China...

(I haven't clicked the link yet, rushing ticket ready for work. I'll check it out once home!)
Following up on this...

Are sure this is Russia disseminating a false video of bail-in ballots being destroyed?

Or is it an authentic video that somehow was made public, and now the Dems are scrambling to distance themselves from it hy accusing Russia?

Russia is an easy boogeyman to blame all kinds of things on, same goes for China...

(I haven't clicked the link yet, rushing ticket ready for work. I'll check it out once home!)

The statement is 150 words. Your post is 76. Surely we should be able to at least read the source material as a reasonable price of admission for intelligent discussion on this website before posting our favourite conspiracy theories?