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The WTF News Files

Sorry, mariomike, for a second there you sounded like you expected minimum wage workers who obviously can't tell the difference between a crank call and a real call a fire department would make, to actually use their brains.  ;D
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Sorry, mariomike, for a second there you sounded like you expected minimum wage workers who obviously can't tell the difference between a crank call and a real call a fire department would make, to actually use their brains.  ;D

The story reminded me of this old telephone scam,

Restaurant Shift Turns Into Nightmare
15 April 2016

Child critically injured after being hit by a car.

Crowd wants Emergency Services to move so they can get good photos,

German police shame 'gawpers' who filmed injured child on their phones

My HR / Admin manager sent me this today, with the comment "There are always worse places to work"

You know it can't be good when the response by the columnist is "What the actual F."  :facepalm:

Our boss will fire us if we don’t sign up to be a liver donor for his brother


A reader writes:

I have a situation that is so out there I almost wouldn’t believe it if it wasn’t happening to me. The company I work at has three branches and around 100 employees. The owner of the company has a brother who needs a liver transplant. Two weeks ago, a company-wide memo went out that all employees would be required to undergo testing to see if they were a suitable liver donor for the owners brother. No exceptions.

Last week at the branch the owner works out of most of the time, his assistant went around to schedule days off for everyone so they could go get tested. People who declined were let go. One of these people was born with liver disease and therefore ineligible to donate. She had a doctor’s note. Other people also had medical reasons as well and some were just uncomfortable with the request and didn’t want to do it. One was pregnant. They were still terminated. My employer’s assistant has said that because our employment is at will, he can legally fire us.

I’m in remission from cancer. I’m ineligible to donate and any kind of surgery would put a major strain on my system. Even if I was healthy, I would still object to possibly being forced into donating an organ just to keep my job. Soon they will be scheduling people’s days off for testing at my branch.

I know this situation is nuts, but I don’t know what to do. I know I could just go for the testing and then be declined, but I don’t think I should have to do that. I’ve had enough with hospitals. Other coworkers who don’t have medical conditions are afraid they won’t be declined because they will be a match. I’m looking for another job but in the meantime I don’t know what to do and I and many of my coworkers are really stressed out.

What the actual F.

He’s firing people who don’t want to sign up to donate part of their liver?

Your boss is both an absolute loon and an incredible jerk.

He’s also not very smart, since doctors won’t accept organ donations from people who aren’t willingly and happily volunteering, so all of this ridiculousness will be for nothing.

But let’s talk legality. I showed your letter to employment attorney Bryan Cavanaugh and asked him to weigh in. He says:

This employer is violating the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). The ADA’s purpose is broader than just protecting individuals with disabilities from unlawful discrimination and requiring employers to offer individuals with disabilities reasonable accommodations to perform the essential functions of their jobs. The ADA also prohibits employers from requiring employees to submit to medical examinations and medical inquiries, unless those medical examinations and medical inquiries are job-related and consistent with business necessity.

In this case, the employer’s requirement to undergo a medical examination (and presumably to undergo further medical procedures if the employee is a good match) has nothing to do with the business. It has nothing to do with the operations of the company and the employees’ ability to perform their jobs. Therefore, the employer is violating the federal ADA (and probably other state and local laws) by requiring employees to undergo this testing (which is not job-related and not consistent with business necessity) and by terminating the employment of those who refuse.

So to our ongoing list of your boss’s characteristics, which currently includes loon, jerk, and not smart, you can add law-breaker.

As for what to do, you could have a lawyer explain this to your employer on your behalf, and/or file a complaint with the EEOC, the federal agency that enforces the ADA. (Note that you have to file it within 180 days from the violation.)

But I’d also start job searching. Even if this gets quickly settled, you’re working with someone who has such a skewed idea of the employment relationship that he thinks he has say over your internal organs. Get out get out get out.

Note: This situation is so outrageous that it occurred to me to wonder whether the letter is real or not. At this point, I’ve received so many credible stories of outrageous behavior by employers that I’m willing to believe it and I’m treating it as genuine (and the letter-writer included a note to me outside the letter here that makes me think it’s real), but the reality is that I have no way of knowing. Letter-writer, assuming you are real, take this as a measure of how messed up the situation is. Commenters, I’m requesting that we not get derailed by debates about veracity. Thanks!
I'm surprised no one has filed suit over having too much milk in a latte.  :facepalm:

Half Full: Illinois Woman Sues Starbucks Over Too Much Ice
Starbucks is allegedly tricking customers into paying for less product than they pay for


An Illinois woman is suing Starbucks for $5 million over the amount of ice the coffee giant used in its iced drinks, NBC News reports.

Stacy Pincus filed the class action lawsuit against Starbucks Corp. in Northern Illinois Federal Court Wednesday, according to court documents.

Pincus' suit says customers often end up with half of the amount of drink listed on Starbucks menus because of the amount of ice used in the iced beverages. The suit alleges that Starbucks is purposefully tricking customers into paying for more product than what they are provided with.

Starbucks did not immediately respond to a request for comment made by NBC News on Sunday, but told told TMZ customers expect ice is "an essential component of" iced beverages.
After the settlement Subway made in the US, I agree.
I thought there would be a flood a similar "shortage" lawsuits.

Goat Born With A Human Face Sends Village Into Meltdown

Yahoo News

April 27, 2016

This goat born with the face of a human baby has provoked a bidding war as people desperately tried to buy it from the farmer it belonged to.

The newborn sadly did not live for long after its birth but it didn’t stop some from wanting to buy the carcass of the so-called fawn - the mythical fusion of goat and animal.

Farmer Ibrahim Basir refused all cash offers after the goat was born on his property in Felda, Malaysia, instead choosing to hand it over to the Veterinary Services Department so it could be studied.

Ibrahim told local media he was shocked when he found out that one of his goats had given birth to a kid that had the features of a human baby.

He said: “When I went to check, I was quite shocked but fascinated too as its face, nose, short legs and even the condition of its soft body seemed like that of a human baby, whereas the light brown fur covering its whole body resembles that of a goat.”

He added: "We kept the carcass in a polystyrene box filled with ice cubes before taking it to the district veterinary office at around noon yesterday.”

Ibrahim thinks the animals looks were a result of being trampled by its mother.

Man in panda onesie shot by police outside Baltimore TV station after strapping chocolate bars to chest

By Paul Wright April 29, 2016 14:17 BST

A man wearing a panda onesie with chocolate bars strapped to his chest has been shot by police after he threatened to blow up a US television network in Baltimore. The 25-year-old entered the offices of Fox News affiliate WBFF-TV on Thursday (28 April).

He reportedly threatened to detonate his "suicide vest" unless reporters broadcast a story about a purported government conspiracy likened to the Panama Papers, according to Fox 45. Footage of the incident then showed a stand-off with police outside the building, with the man wearing a surgical mask, sunglasses and a panda onesie.

Baltimore Police said the suspect, described as a white male from Maryland, refused to follow orders and take his hands out of his pockets. He was then shot by three officers.

The man was seen lying injured in the street as a robot operated by the bomb squad inspected the device strapped to his chest. The "suicide vest" was discovered to be chocolate bars wrapped in tinfoil with wires attached. He was then taken to hospital where he remains in a serious but stable condition.

A security guard at WBFF-TV, who said he spoke with the suspect for about an hour, said: "His first words that came out of his mouth were: 'This is not a joke. I have a bomb. I want my message to be heard.'"

Mike Tomko, news director at WBFF-TV, told Fox 45: "He had a flash drive, said he had information he wanted to get on the air. He compared it to the information found in the Panama Papers.

"I told him: 'I can't let you in, you're going to have to leave the flash drive here and slide it through the opening.' He wouldn't do that. Apparently he had made some threats before."

The Panama Papers, released earlier this month, revealed large-scale tax avoidance of world leaders and other high profile individuals.

All employees were said to be safe and unhurt in the incident. The suspect had also set fire to a car outside the station.
My biggest question is...

This guy was shot by 3 officers, and didn't die?  Really guys!?  Really? 

Obviously I wasn't there & I'll never try to armchair quarterback professionals who are at the scene.  Seems like a lot of bullets for a non-kill though...

Loachman said:

Goat Born With A Human Face Sends Village Into Meltdown

Yahoo News

April 27, 2016

This goat born with the face of a human baby has provoked a bidding war as people desperately tried to buy it from the farmer it belonged to.

The newborn sadly did not live for long after its birth but it didn’t stop some from wanting to buy the carcass of the so-called fawn - the mythical fusion of goat and animal.

Farmer Ibrahim Basir refused all cash offers after the goat was born on his property in Felda, Malaysia, instead choosing to hand it over to the Veterinary Services Department so it could be studied.

Ibrahim told local media he was shocked when he found out that one of his goats had given birth to a kid that had the features of a human baby.

He said: “When I went to check, I was quite shocked but fascinated too as its face, nose, short legs and even the condition of its soft body seemed like that of a human baby, whereas the light brown fur covering its whole body resembles that of a goat.”

He added: "We kept the carcass in a polystyrene box filled with ice cubes before taking it to the district veterinary office at around noon yesterday.”

Ibrahim thinks the animals looks were a result of being trampled by its mother.

Trampled by its mother?  Perhaps it was a goatherd who got a little up close and personal with the best looking nanny...
I knew that somebody was going to counter Ibrahim's theory.

I just did not know who would be the first.
The insinuation is baaa-aaa-aaad!
Nobody's asked if the mother was hot, yet.

Perhaps Journeyman has yet to see this.
Loachman said:
Perhaps Journeyman has yet to see this.
Thanks, but I'll leave any bestiality to The RCR and/or 1 RCHA...depending on the species.
CBH99 said:
My biggest question is...

This guy was shot by 3 officers, and didn't die?  Really guys!?  Really? 

Obviously I wasn't there & I'll never try to armchair quarterback professionals who are at the scene.  Seems like a lot of bullets for a non-kill though...

The Washington Post had better detail in it's report Friday. The suicide vest was a life preserver with the chocolate "explosives" and wires mounted on it. From other reports on I saw on TV that day it was clear the guy was a nutcase, and they were trying to minimize the potential for death, while still considering that there was the potential that the vest was real.

Man in ‘panda outfit’ who stormed Baltimore Fox station shot by police


At a news conference, T.J. Smith, communications director for Baltimore police, said officers responded to calls about the man’s threat and also about a car on fire in the station’s parking lot that either belonged to the man or was “associated” with him.

“It appeared to be arson-related,” Smith said. “There was a rag inside of the gas tank area of the vehicle. [There] was no type of explosion; no type of bomb detonated at any time.”

The man was struck at least three times when police fired a total of seven shots as he emerged from the building and began advancing toward them, refusing to remove his hands from his pockets as officers commanded, Smith said.

The man fell to the ground outside the station and a robot was brought in to search him for explosives.

“I wish we were in a position to render first aid to him immediately,” Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis told reporters. But Davis said the man still posed a threat and could have been attempting to trigger an explosive device.

“When you have a noncompliant individual, unfortunately you have to do what you have to do,” Smith said.

Apostolides said he was concerned about two other people present when the man allegedly made his threat in the station lobby.

“My first thought was to get them out of there,” he said. “Then I tried to calm him down.” Apostolides said he offered the man food, water and a seat. Apostolides added: “Everyone needs someone to talk to.”

Police said Thursday evening they were investigating the contents of the flash drive.

“Why did he do this?” Smith said. “We don’t know the answer to that.”
May 3, 2016

First baby drop-off boxes for unwanted infants installed in firehouses in Indiana.

Presumably, the babies placed in the safe haven box will be tended to much quicker than if new parents discard of them in a different manner.

mariomike said:
May 3, 2016

First baby drop-off boxes for unwanted infants installed in firehouses in Indiana.

Presumably, the babies placed in the safe haven box will be tended to much quicker than if new parents discard of them in a different manner.

Sadly, last July I was visiting my cousins in LA and I noticed those there.
mariomike said:
May 3, 2016

First baby drop-off boxes for unwanted infants installed in firehouses in Indiana.

Presumably, the babies placed in the safe haven box will be tended to much quicker than if new parents discard of them in a different manner.

Sort of like an amnesty box outside the range...
Pusser said:
Sort of like an amnesty box outside the range...

oh come on now !!!!

I have to clean my screen from all the water I spilled trying to not choke my self to death laughing !