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The WTF News Files

Lumber said:
I want to rant but I just can't find the words... I know this stuff happens in that part of the world, but it's still so mind boggling when I read about it.

Dutch woman jailed in Qatar after reporting rape convicted of 'illicit sex'

If there is a better thread for this, please feel free to move it.

My opinion, unless you are part of a military battlegroup, stay out of muslim countries. 
Some home-grown idiocy, as reported by the National Post:

Flat or round? Intense dispute over the shape of the Earth ends in a fire in Brockville, Ont.

A 56-year-old Brockville, Ont., man is being sought by police after a discussion about the shape of the earth got out of hand at a campsite Monday night.

Brockville police and firefighters were called to St. Lawrence Park at about 10:30 p.m. after the suspect began pitching items, including a propane tank, that belonged to his son and the son’s girlfriend into the campfire as the discussion became heated.

Police say the argument centered on the woman insisting the earth was flat while the suspect countered that it is round.

The man had left the area by the time police arrived and firefighters doused the campfire.

Good grief. First the gorilla, now a gator...

Gator drags child into water near Disney's Grand Floridian
mariomike said:
Good grief. First the gorilla, now a gator...

Gator drags child into water near Disney's Grand Floridian
Lawyers insisting Disney movies showing cutesy wild animals have "safety warnings" in  3....2....1....
Journeyman said:
Lawyers insisting Disney movies showing cutesy wild animals have "safety warnings" in  3....2....1....

For once I'll agree with them.  Then there *might* be fewer incidents of people getting mauled by bears, bison, etc while trying to take selfies.
Dimsum said:
For once I'll agree with them.  Then there *might* be fewer incidents of people getting mauled by bears, bison, etc while trying to take selfies.
Or trying to feed them ...
Dimsum said:
For once I'll agree with them.  Then there *might* be fewer incidents of people getting mauled by bears, bison, etc while trying to take selfies.

A)  People don't read/listen to safety warnings as it is; it's just to appease lawyers -- look at cigarette packs and any US pharmaceutical ad (you know, 10 seconds of ad, followed by 50 seconds of contraindications rhymed off too quickly for anyone to track).

B)  You're merely interfering with Darwinism working as it should.  Yes, in a perfect world, it would work its magic before  they breed;  sometimes you have to accept the pain of stopping the 'incredibly stupid gene' before it mutates over another generation.

Edit:  now, if you want to institute a mandatory IQ test before breeding, I'd be all over that -- especially if it lowered my insurance and the cost of health care!
Journeyman said:
A)  People don't read/listen to safety warnings as it is; it's just to appease lawyers -- look at cigarette packs and any US pharmaceutical ad (you know, 10 seconds of ad, followed by 50 seconds of contraindications rhymed off too quickly for anyone to track).

I learned a long time ago - about 95% of people don't look at or read warning posters of any kind and the 5% that do are generally illiterate.

Woman wanted after allegedly assaulting man on TTC bus

I guess that's not much WTF factor, but look at the size of her!

"The woman is six-feet three-inches tall and 250 pounds..."

mariomike said:
Woman wanted after allegedly assaulting man on TTC bus

I guess that's not much WTF factor, but look at the size of her!

"The woman is six-feet three-inches tall and 250 pounds..."

Is that beast even a woman???
mariomike said:
Woman wanted after allegedly assaulting man on TTC bus

I guess that's not much WTF factor, but look at the size of her!

"The woman is six-feet three-inches tall and 250 pounds..."

jollyjacktar said:
Is that beast even a woman???

I want DNA confirmation.  :nod:
Well,  most of the Russian track and field folks have nothing doing this summer...  Maybe Vladimir has them out on seek and destroy missions.  ;D
mariomike said:
Woman wanted after allegedly assaulting man on TTC bus

I guess that's not much WTF factor, but look at the size of her!

"The woman is six-feet three-inches tall and 250 pounds..."
That's not a woman, that's a man, baby
(with apologies to Austin Powers)
jollyjacktar said:
Well,  most of the Russian track and field folks have nothing doing this summer...  Maybe Vladimir has them out on seek and destroy missions.  ;D
Back in the day, it would have been "East German" ...
milnews.ca said:
Back in the day, it would have been "East German" ...

Yes, I was thinking of that when I was posting.  Their weight lifting team..
jollyjacktar said:
Yes, I was thinking of that when I was posting.  Their weight lifting team..
... or swim team, for that matter ...
I remember National Lampoon magazine having "photos"  of them,  with a huge nutsac bulge... "Miss Mann, Miss Mann"  ;D
milnews.ca said:
Or trying to feed them ...

I was driving through Jasper once, about eight years ago, traffic slowed to a crawl in one of those annoying 70 kph zones. Eventually crawl up on one of those rental RVs on the side of the road. There was an arm holding something sticking out of the side door, and a very large, very brown bear well within lunging distance of said offering. Would have loved to stop and watch the Ghost of Darwin exert his influence, but, flow of traffic and all that, I'm all about the team effort.
How men of the "One-Child Policy" generations deal with the lack of Chinese women that made them perpetually single:

Yahoo News

Lonely Men In China Are Having Relationships With Life-Sized Dolls
[Yahoo News]

June 21, 2016

An increasing number of singletons in China are choosing to opt for silicone over flesh as they enter into loving relationships with life-sized dolls.

With over 50 kinds of realistic dolls now on the market, the realistic toys differ depending on what the customer is looking for - different figures, eye and hair colours, and even different skin textures.

Buyers of the dolls are predominately male and some have even fallen in love with their dolls, giving them names, personalities and “souls” to match.
