It is illegal to have sex with a sentient military-owned tank in Japan. According to obscenity lawyer Myles Jackman, fraternization, mechanophilia and property laws make it illegal. A private tank is fair, but a military tank can’t consent and it’s considered defamation of military property.
Even if she’s super flirty and very much interested in you.
Panzermadels is a video game about dating tanks. As revenge for America nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II, Japan developed the technology to fit the era’s tanks into teenage anime girl bodies. The plan is for the tank-girls to seduce U.S. Army students into compromising situations.
Yes, it really is as bizarre a premise as it sounds.
So, here’s the deal with Panzermadels — you play a military recruit named Erwin Lemmor who has, for some reason, ended up at a Japanese school where all the other students are tanks. He thought he was there to learn about tanks, but no, it’s a school for educating sentient tanks.
They look like Japanese teenagers, but fire projectiles, visit mechanics for repairs, have brakes that can lock up and have personalities tied to the cultural attitudes of their respective countries during World War II ...