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The Sgt. Paisley Merged Thread

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i remember this happening. Caused quite a spinning. I never seen so many people in beards in my life.  Glad to hear that he is alive, but I would love to know why.

- edited for potential PERSEC issue
Any speculation on anyones part not involved in the process is just that speculation. If a board has decided that all charges are dropped that's good enough for me. I hope he gets the help he needs and deserves.  :salute:
Noone is made of stone or bullet proof. Cut the guy some slack......Maybe, just maybe the military justice system worked this time, recognized a mental health issue for once and this soldiers whole life won't be ruined by some issues over which he had little to no control. I don't know him from Adam, but good luck to him and I wish him a full recovery.

My .02
Wow, I spent 10 days in Thailand and it almost killed me. Two YEARS !?  Atta boy!    ;D

OK, OK...... My info is based only upon the media, but I feel the system worked. Hopefully there will still be some support net for him as he continues working through his demons.
Desertion... Not a black and white subject. Since no other members safety was compromised and if he wasn't a security risk, then what purpose would it serve to incarcerate him?

This is a topic that requires individual attention. So in this case, the only question is what is necessary for him to get better and maybe some questions should be posed on how to maintain vigilance in order to prevent further losses to mental health, etc...
Security risk.  With the knowledge he possessed what makes you think he couldn't (not saying he did) be reveling secrets to some kind of guerrilla group?
Im not a conspiracy theorist or anything but I wonder if the CF had somehow neglected their duties to ensure the mental health of their soldiers and this had something to do with the charges being dropped against Sgt. Paisley. For any who answer this, yes I have kept in mind that maybe they were trained to be able to cape with tough situations and not "lose it".
As I said Quag, "if" he wasn't a risk. If he was (not saying that he was either, just hypothesizing) then NIS should do their thing.

Besides, on that note, what's to stop anyone from doing something that they shouldn't? Isn't that sorted by the security clearances?  :-X
Quagmire said:
Security risk.  With the knowledge he possessed what makes you think he couldn't (not saying he did) be reveling secrets to some kind of guerrilla group?

That's a bit of a stretch.  We learn what we know about bomb making by autopsying their bombs, they don't learn it from us.  We're playing catchup hockey with the baddies out there.
If you don't think JTF SOP's are something the baddies would like to know then we will have to agree to disagree.
I think this discussion, like the charges where, should be dropped!

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