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The Sgt. Paisley Merged Thread

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Who know's.  No one has any idea what has gone on here and until more facts are released there is no sense in doling out penalties.
He's not facing any penalties unless/until he's charged, tried, and found guilty... There are a zillion and one things he could be charged with, depends on the investigation... speculation at this point is a waste of time...

I know what happened!

He went on a nice solo vacation to Phuket, hit the tables, ran out of money and waited for the DND to supply him with a free return ticket!

He's not a traitor - he just spent his last $ at the craps table! ;D
I 'm curious to find out what happened, maybe he is ill some how and requires treatment. Or maybe we will never find out.
I sure hope he didn't try to desert deliberately. It would be a shame to see someone with his experience be thrown into irons and locked up.
I sure dont know they guy but Im still confident all will work out and that he will tell us what happened.
Maybe a little too invovled in the hunt for OBL?  ???

Someone with 6yrs at DHTC does not typically just up and vanish
Unless Monty has changed RADICALLY in the years since I knew him, I can't see him "splitting from the whole f***ing program".  I don't think it's in him.....

Kat Stevens said:
Unless Monty has changed RADICALLY in the years since I knew him, I can't see him "splitting from the whole f***ing program".   I don't think it's in him.....

CHIMO,   Kat


I did my first tour with Monty and i agree with you.
Since he is AWOL for 21 months that would be the minimum charge against him. If his status was changed to deserter then that would up the anty a bit. The NIS would want to know why Paisley was in Thailand. Who he worked with/for. Why he left his unit.
I think, perhaps, that as entertaining as this "mess conversation" about his status may be, that it would be better for us to shut our pie-holes and stop speculating. I'll remind you all that the press has been known to read this forum, and we should let them make up their own stories rather than provide them with a "Speculation in the Ranks Is..." story.

Just a suggestion.

Fri, April 15, 2005

Missing soldier returns


A FUGITIVE Canadian Forces explosives expert returned to Canada under military police escort Wednesday after turning himself in at Canada's embassy in Thailand. Sgt. Montgomery Paisley, a former member of the elite Joint Task Force 2 commando unit, surfaced 21 months after he cleared out his bank accounts, hopped a commercial flight to Thailand and disappeared.

Sun Media reported in February that Paisley had been kicked out of the military and his secretive anti-terrorism unit following a fruitless search that took the military's National Investigation Service to Asia.

The Canadian government advised Bangkok of the AWOL soldier shortly before the fall 2003 APEC summit in Thailand.

At the time Thai officials dismissed concerns that Paisley, a 16-year veteran, posed a threat to the summit attended by 22 world leaders.

Investigators have kept in close contact with Paisley's family in New Brunswick and girlfriend, all of whom claim not to have heard from Paisley since he left for Thailand in July 2003.

National Investigation Service spokesman Capt. Mark Giles said Paisley walked into Canada's Bangkok embassy April 7 and was taken into custody until military investigators could escort him on a flight back to Canada.

"On his return from Thailand to Canada we was calm and co-operative," Giles said. He is being held in custody at an undisclosed location.


I thought he died on the December 26th Tsunamis
Now what could be the biggest sentence for this.....he was a high profile soldier, was he not?
Also, do you think he could've hooked up with terrorist or just wanted a vacation from it all?
wow I can't believe he turned himself in after all of this!  I can't wait to see what they do with him.
Sundborg said:
wow I can't believe he turned himself in after all of this!    I can't wait to see what they do with him.

Rather then see what they "do to him" id rather find out what the reason was as to why he just up and left.
If he needs help, I hope he can get it now. His family will be relieved. At least he's safe.
Last Updated Fri, 15 Apr 2005 14:54:38 EDT
CBC News

OTTAWA - An explosives expert with Canada's elite commando unit who disappeared after a two-week leave in August 2003 is now in military custody in Canada after showing up in Thailand

Questions remain about what Special Forces Sergeant Montgomery Paisley of Joint Task Force 2 did while he was missing, officials said.

Paisley served a 2002 tour of duty in Afghanistan, fighting Taliban and al-Qaeda groups, before cleaning out his bank account, taking a commercial flight to Bangkok and vanishing.

The native of Brown's Flat, N.B., had been in the Canadian military for 16 years.

The case was a particular concern to Canadian authorities because Paisley specialized in explosives, mines and booby traps. Authorities believed he had a laptop computer containing bomb-making information when he disappeared.

A total of 13 military investigators turned up no clues to his whereabouts for almost two years, said Capt. Mark Giles of the National Investigation Service (NIS).

"Last week, Sgt. Montgomery Paisley approached the Canadian Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand, indicating he would like to return to Canada," Giles said Thursday. "After consultation with Thai authorities, members of the NIS travelled to Thailand and returned him safely home."

The fact that Paisley emptied out his bank account indicates some premeditation, said military analyst David Rudd of the Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies.

"Given the fact that he went to Southeast Asia, given the fact that his whereabouts and activities were unknown for the better part of two years ... this [is] a national security issue. You just can't avoid it," Rudd told CBC News.

He said it's worrisome that highly trained military investigators could not track down the soldier.

The military won't disclose Paisley's current location, citing national security. They will only say that he is safe and in custody at a "defence establishment in Canada."

Members of Paisley's family in New Brunswick say they're glad he's safe but know nothing more about where he is.

Whats up with this is it a liability risk factor?
Well, looks like there's definitely gonna be some penance for his actions...
Although I suppose the true penalties and extent of offense will become apparent after court martial.

OTTAWA (CP) - Charges have been laid against a former Special Forces soldier who disappeared while on leave in Thailand 21 months ago, the military announced Monday.

Sgt. Montgomery Paisley, an explosives expert who turned up at the Canadian Embassy in Bangkok on April 7, faces three charges - desertion, absence without leave and theft of a laptop computer containing bomb-making information.

All charges have been laid under the Code of Service Discipline, meaning Paisley will face court martial even though he was officially discharged from the service in December 2004.

"Sgt. Paisley is being held in custody and has been examined by a medical doctor," said a Defence Department statement. "He is entitled to legal counsel and contact with his family."

In late July 2003, the New Brunswick native cleaned out his bank account, sorted out his affairs, and vanished after taking a commercial flight to Thailand.

A 16-year veteran of the military, he had an exemplary record and no signs of personal problems when he disappeared after landing in the southeast Asian country on Aug. 1, 2003.

During an extensive probe, Canadian and Thai investigators found no trace of Paisley before he turned up at the embassy, apparently with document problems.

Thai police detained Paisley before turning him over to members of the Canadian military's National Investigation Service, who travelled to Thailand to fetch him. He arrived back in Canada last Wednesday.

Investigators executed search warrants and interviewed family and friends after Paisley did not return from what was supposed to have been a two-week vacation. They acknowledged at the time they had found "red flags."

Paisley had been a member of the commando unit Joint Task Force 2 for six years. He had spent a 2002 tour in Afghanistan with a Canadian battle group fighting Taliban and al-Qaida holdouts, based in Kandahar.

The Canadian Forces became particularly concerned about Paisley because his expertise was in explosives and defusing mines and booby traps.

Ottawa informed Thai police about his disappearance before the high-security Asia-Pacific economic summit in Bangkok in the fall of 2003.

While not believed to be a threat, he was thought to be carrying a laptop computer or notebook with bomb-making information. Interpol, the FBI and other international agencies were later alerted to his disappearance.

His trail went cold until he approached Canadian officials in Thailand.

Citing his role in the highly secretive JTF-2 commando status, the military has declined to release Paisley's age, his marital status, his picture or his physical description.

Anyone in here know what kind of punishment can be handed down for desertion or the AWOL and theft charges?
Start here...


Think of it as professional development  >:D
Ouch...think I will just remain professional and avoid that kind of development.  :salute:
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