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The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

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The.Navigator said:
Good Day,
Could anyone verify that the BMQ for Reserves is the same now as it was back in 2003?


Even if the TP's are damned close, you may be told to take the course again if you took it that long ago, if that's what you're getting at.

The.Navigator said:
Full 13-weeks?
Thank in advance.

A reservist isn't going to get a 13 week BMQ. It's a four week summer course, usually followed by a four week SQ. The weekend courses are an adaptation of this.

As an aside, I don't get how you can do a "weekend SQ", but apparently it's out there. I've got a couple of BMQ guys in my unit that swear to me that their SQ isn't just partially on the weekend, they're going to finish the field ex on weekends. Is this new this year, or do other units have experience with this? They've got a four month 3's course, so I guess if they're going to jive with CFSCE's schedule they'd need this.
Actually the comment about 2003 was based the the first posts in this thread.
I wondered if they were still the same?
I've heard you can do all qualifications on weekends, for reserves depending on the unit.
I'm hoping so, because as a reservist it's part-time. I have a full time job that I'm still required to work at. 4-weeks in a row is not doable for me at all.
Thanks for your input!
BMQ schedules depend on the unit/school running them.  Usually there is a weekend option available, some units are only running co-ops though.

You will need to arrange for a leave of absence from your employer to do your trade training as all of those courses are conducted on a full time basis, normally during the summer.  There are a lot of resources available to help you make the appropriate arrangements with employers but it takes planning.  You should ensure you discuss this with your recruiter who can then help you prepare for the discussions with your employer.

The.Navigator said:
Actually the comment about 2003 was based the the first posts in this thread.
I wondered if they were still the same?
I've heard you can do all qualifications on weekends, for reserves depending on the unit.
I'm hoping so, because as a reservist it's part-time. I have a full time job that I'm still required to work at. 4-weeks in a row is not doable for me at all.
Thanks for your input!
Thanks...not the answer I was hoping for... haven't been at my job for a year yet, no way they'd let me go for 4 weeks. Would be hard enough to get two weeks in a row.
The.Navigator said:
Thanks...not the answer I was hoping for...

What were you expecting ? To learn your trade over 2 years worth of weekends ?
The.Navigator said:
Thanks...not the answer I was hoping for... haven't been at my job for a year yet, no way they'd let me go for 4 weeks. Would be hard enough to get two weeks in a row.

Check your PMs.

You referenced Toronto's service battalion.  Which trade were you looking at?

Training time varies in length depending on the trade you select.  Maintainers, for instance, have longer trades courses than RMS clerks.  Since you're choosing to do basic on the weekends anyway, you're not going on course this summer.  If you plan on sticking with your employer in the long term and think you could take leave without pay next summer, take a look at how the QL3's are scheduled.

I know people who take up to five years to complete their trades training (basic one summer, two summers to do QL3, one summer for QL5, and another summer when they couldn't take the time off in between), who are nonetheless an asset to their unit.
When the time comes, your unit can assist you in obtaining your employer's permission for a leave of absence.
The "trick" is to let the employer know the benefits HE will get from your taking this additional training.  If you are relatively junior and not saddled with an essential function that is limited to a section of one, then the concept of your getting free (for him) training which he'll ultimately benefit from, then this could be an easy sell.
Now that would be interesting...the military vs my director...she's a tough one.
My job could be spread out...maybe... it's a tough call.
Interesting though...thanks for posting...
CDN Aviator said:
What were you expecting ? To learn your trade over 2 years worth of weekends ?

Questions are for asking when you don't know what to expect.
I've heard everything from two months straight training, to maybe I won't have to do much, to yes I can train on weekends plus one night a week and 6 months training.
So...again, I'm asking. I realize the unit I choose will be the only ones who will tell me exactly, but I still want to know other thoughts & what others have been through.
Ok back the truck up.....

Reserve BMQ is 20 training days + 1 extra day for SHARP (or whatever the new flavour of the day is).

Based on the average of 2.5 day every other weekend, it takes about 4 months (if my math is right)

Trades courses are not avail to be done on weekends, they are usually done during the summer full time.
When you get the Liaison Council involved they can be very, very good at showing the benefits of granting you the time off you need.  It's a matter of positioning the training value you'll get and what you're bringing back to the organization.  In most cases, depending on the nature of your employer, they can find ways to accommodate your needs.

The.Navigator said:
Now that would be interesting...the military vs my director...she's a tough one.
My job could be spread out...maybe... it's a tough call.
Interesting though...thanks for posting...
The NFLD Grinch said:
Ok back the truck up.....

Reserve BMQ is 20 training days + 1 extra day for SHARP (or whatever the new flavour of the day is).

Based on the average of 2.5 day every other weekend, it takes about 4 months (if my math is right)

Trades courses are not avail to be done on weekends, they are usually done during the summer full time.

I know there's training done at the base in Toronto. We're usually moved to a different room every month we are there (I play with the Pipes & Drums) as they have courses going on. Possible some of it can be done Thursday nights? Not sure. Most definitely questions for a recruiter once they are back to work in the New Year.

Thanks for everyone's input! More is welcome!
Initial trades training ( QL3 course) are not done one weeknight at a time and not done on weekeds.
That's just regular ongoing unit training, not initial training.  There is not, to my knowledge, a single trade in the Reserve that does weekend training for its DP1/initial classification training.  There really isn't the scope to develop the kind of cohesion, skills, and stress levels required in a weekend-only environment that trades courses ought to have.

The.Navigator said:
I know there's training done at the base in Toronto. We're usually moved to a different room every month we are there (I play with the Pipes & Drums) as they have courses going on. Possible some of it can be done Thursday nights? Not sure. Most definitely questions for a recruiter once they are back to work in the New Year.

Thanks for everyone's input! More is welcome!
Redeye said:
That's just regular ongoing unit training, not initial training.  There is not, to my knowledge, a single trade in the Reserve that does weekend training for its DP1/initial classification training.  There really isn't the scope to develop the kind of cohesion, skills, and stress levels required in a weekend-only environment that trades courses ought to have.

I remember reading in the Maple Leaf a few years ago about an Armoured DP1 (I think it was still called QL3 at the time) being run on weekends out East. I'll try and find it.
There was a rumour of a weekend DP1 Infantry being considered - though not purely a weekend course, there would be a week long FTX, but I don't think it's going anywhere, and I don't really want to propogate rumours.

Piper said:
I remember reading in the Maple Leaf a few years ago about an Armoured DP1 (I think it was still called QL3 at the time) being run on weekends out East. I'll try and find it.
Redeye said:
There was a rumour of a weekend DP1 Infantry being considered - though not purely a weekend course, there would be a week long FTX, but I don't think it's going anywhere, and I don't really want to propogate rumours.

It's an interesting concept, I wonder if it would encourage more mature reserve candidates to join (people who aren't able to take 5-8 weeks off in the summer). I could see it working for some of the support trades (RMS clerk, supply tech and the like) and maybe even some of the moe technical trades. Not sure how it would work for the cbt arms and trades like MSE Op, etc.
I wanna try out the army, sO I've come to think I'll join the reserves for now. I'll be going to school Mon-Fri. during the day, and I box, so I'd be going to the gym after school 4 PM - 6:30 PM. Four to five days a week. Would the reserves interfere with this is any way?
In short, maybe.  Most reserve units parade one night a week and one or two weekends per month.  For instance my unit parades Thursday nights starting at about 1900.  So if you can get from the gym, into your uniform and to the armory in time you should be ok.   
Some units even have their own weight room, and mabye you can go there for free instead of the gym  :o