It’s pretty much a nothing burger for now. The CPC downplayed it a bit and PP was nowhere to be seen.
Losing it by a worse margin than your predecessors though is probably going to illicite some reaction behind the scenes.
I am still of the opinion that PP is going to try and win a general election without Ontario.
I actually believe in the next election, the results for Ontario will stay more or less the same.
The Liberal ridings will stay Liberal because Harper was bad.
The Conservative ridings will stay Conservatives 'cause they ain't no stinkin' commy loving Liberals (I am in one of those ridings)
There may be a few grey area ridings that could go either way.
For now, I support the Conservatives (I have voted Con, NDP, Green and on several occasions Independents). However, IF they form government and blow it hard, I will drop them faster than grade 10 french class. I did it before. Harper lost me when I saw what the new veterans act did to my friends coming back from Afghanistan.
I really wish people in this country would stop with the sports team nonsense when it comes to politics. Vote every election as though your part of a hiring board and 36 million investors depend on you to make the right choice. Not the popular choice, the right choice. Not the "we always vote.." choice but the right choice. Not vote "strategically" but vote for what is right. Not vote out of fear the other person might win but vote for what is right.
One thing that would get on my nerves is if next election PP wins more so by people being fed up with Trudeau than having faith in PP (I am a PP supporter as you all know).
I feel a lot of this country think and act as people who have grown up and lived in "fortress North America" in other words they are oblivious to the realities of how most of the world and its politics works (and the results)