Originally posted by Q.Y. RANG, 2799:
[qb] Yeah that sucks, stupid kid....I got into trouble with the police a couple months ago...but I have really great friends and they told the cops that I didn‘t do anything. (we stole 2 vans and a boat) We weren‘t the brightest kids back then...the younger one of my firends was 15 (Jack) and he got a whole whack of a lot of CS and a big fine, and the otehr guy 18, (Ryan) got his license taken, and he had to move far away from me
. Also he has a criminal record now...it sucks really, what one stupid stunt can do to your life..what really sucks is the 3 of us were inseperable, and now, Jack and I don‘t talk, but Ryan calls from time to time... [/qb]