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Sacrifice Medal Mega Thread

Which do you prefer

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OK Tess, we're both singing from the same hymn book

Still baffled that they decided to postpone the presentation to those troops who were lined up for a visit to Ottawa
geo said:
OK Tess, we're both singing from the same hymn book

Still baffled that they decided to postpone the presentation to those troops who were lined up for a visit to Ottawa

All Government action, was delayed because of the election.  Then, the issueing of the medal and the criteria is under review.

If the medal is changed, namewise etc etc, you would have a small group of people wearing the "old medal".

This is the Government, people can wait based on their timings, that is their view.  You know this.  Look how long it took to reenact the wounded stripe!  I was one of the first to receive it, and that was 1995, how about all the people since the Korean war?  They were only eligible after it was revived due to the multiple deaths and injuries in the Balkans.


yeah, yeah.... just thought / felt like we had moved on with Gen Hillier.
Almost feels like we're back to purely political decisions again - Sigh!
All Government action, was delayed because of the election.  Then, the issueing of the medal and the criteria is under review.

If the medal is changed, namewise etc etc, you would have a small group of people wearing the "old medal".

Not only that but if they remove the 'died honourably' from the criteria during this review (and I hope they do), and stick to presenting this medal to the wounded, there would be families that would have to give the medal back as this inaugural presentation included several families of fallen soldiers.
The families do have the Memorial Cross and the names of ALL the fallen soldiers are inscribed in the Book of Remembrance, IMHO this is appropriate and all that is needed.
OK I decided to wear my wound stripe on my uniform on remembrance day..Yes I am retired but from what i was told that a wound stripe can ONLY be worn on a Dress Uniform..So I dug my uniform out and I was actually amazed it fit properly. Firstly i was amazed at about how many former or serving people DO NOT KNOW what a wound stripe is..I can understand so i explained..I was amazed just to sit back and watch the veterans and young soldiers how they conducted themselves, I was pleased!! However what happened next I felt insulted, i visited several veterans clubs and also encountered many civilians who were interested in my medals etc. some asked what the stripe was on my sleeve..some were nice but I can count about 4 people who were down right insulting..They said ooh you cut your self shaving to paper clip cut..One is even a city councillor..I'm sorry but call me over sensitive but after I got home i took my uniform off and my medals and decided i will never wear them again..NOW I can understand why some of my friends do not wear them ever..Its because of some flatfaced civi who has had too much to drink and decides its fun to insult a VET..My wound was and is serious and will never leave me..I don't feel that anyone who has never served has the right or even the balls to make light of it!! I did let them know that i was insulted and walked away..I go to remembrance days to remember my friends, or any one who has or is serving the military now!! nor some politician or civi who can only enter the Legion on remembrance and become complete morons..I'm sorry I might have offended anyone..But I WAS offended

Just to get the 'info' part out of the way; You can wear your wound stripe on a civilian dress jacket or service club blazer (same goes for medals), you've earned it.
But, I know... It just doesn't feel right without the uniform.

As for the rest of your post; I know how you feel.  This seems to happen most often to those of us who have been injured, but it's not immediately obvious (not missing limbs, just extra holes).  I have had the same experiences many times. I've been asked if the stripe represented years of service or courses, and even when I explain it just doesn't sink in.  And, I have been insulted by ignorant people, both civilians and fellow soldiers, mostly because when I wear my dress uniform I wear band dress (piper... thus the name). So I get comments like; "what did you do? pass out while playing the pipes?", etc, etc.  To be quite honest, there are days when even the friendly jabs, like "you forget to duck?", get old.  And you're right; this is part of the reason why some of us just want to take it off, and why a medal is just going to exasperate the situation.

Either way; good on you for getting back into the gear ans wearing it proudly... don't let the ignorant dinks deter you from wearing your medals and honours.
To Forgotten;
Hopefully in a couple of days you will feel differently about wearing your earned honours. I would think about the people who were positive and appreciative for your service and pay no attention to those simple few who have no comprehension of what it means to serve with honour and pride be it active or retired. I hope you reconsider and understand that I along with the majority salute you. :salute:

Duty With Honour :salute: :cdn:
Thank you for the replies...When they find out it was during peacekeeping they literally laugh and they have an opinion that we were doing nothing and they reply But it was not a war...That completely baffles me as we were in a country where two forces were trying to kill each other..LOL and the sad part was that one side figured that you were their "buddies" until the found out otherwise..Then both started shooting at you..and to make things worse we were not allowed to even fire back and if someone was wounded during a firefight..Our commanders had to check with the UN in New York and wait till the bureaucrat had his beauty sleep(joking) So I ask you and the GOVT that in a lot of cases that UN peacekeeping at time was certainly not a cake walk and they were defiantly not throwing flowers at us..So even if we do get the new medal will that maybe add more respect..I do not care for the money or whatever all I want is respect!!,, I still feel I am not "Home" yet...respect is not a medal or money its a respect of people understanding and listening to our stories with out ridicule..Is that too much to ask??  Thank god i have my humour and dignity..or i wouldn't be here now..
Not to be rude, or take away from your pride of wearing your uniform and newly presented wound stripe on Remembrance Day, but don't retired military members need some sort of authority to wear their uniforms?
Hey, forgotten, don't tell the flat-faced civvies you were "peacekeeping" (even if you were).  Just tell them what happened (in layman's terms) and that it was on Operation X.

Don't hang that uniform up!  If you want EVERYONE to show respect, it won't happen (too many jerks in our human race for that to happen).  Just focus on those who actually showed some respect.
No you can wear your uniform when you retire..check with CFAO's
remembrance day is Classed as a special occasion
forgotten said:
Thx whats the differrance between the two? Milnet.ca Subscriber
Milnet.ca Veteran

Oh you meant these:

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« Last Edit: November 10, 2006, 11:36:03 by Mike Bobbitt » 
forgotten said:
No you can wear your uniform when you retire..check with CFAO's
remembrance day is Classed as a special occasion

I couldn't find it in CFAOs (or DAODs) but I found this (scroll to bottom)

Use of Rank and Uniform After Release

As a former member of the CF (officer or NCM) you may continue to use the rank title you held at the time of release, provided you were honourably released and had served in the CF for at least 10 yrs. In general, you may wear your uniform after release only when authorized by the CDS. You must obtain permission before each occasion. Military appearance must be maintained whenever uniform is worn. In addition, Commanders of Commands may grant limited, revocable authority for former members and civilians to wear CF uniforms and clothing items in public displays and performances and special events, if they are satisfied that no harm to the CF reputation will result.

and this:


Now that I’m retired, can I still wear my uniform at official times like Remembrance Day? What about to my daughter’s cadet corps annual review, or to a family wedding?


The simple answer to every part of this would be “no”.

Things are never that simple.

According to Queen’s Regulations and Orders 15.09(7), if you are a former CF officer or non-commissioned member (NCM) who was honourably released or whose name appeared on the now defunct Retired Lists, you may wear your uniform only when and where the Chief of the Defence Staff allows.

So, the CDS has final authority, except...

QR&O 15.09(7) is expanded upon by QR&O 17.06(3): If you were a member of the Regular Force or the Reserve Force and were released for a reason other than misconduct, you may wear your uniform—as authorized by a Commander of a Command or his/her designated authority, or by other officers designated by the CDS—at military entertainments or ceremonies where the wearing of a uniform is appropriate. Only the CDS may authorize the wearing of uniforms at other kinds of events or on other occasions.

So, by the authority of the CDS and Commanders of Commands and their designated authorities, you may wear your uniform to appropriate events.

As used here, designation is the appointment or selection of a person or office to perform a specific task or duty. Delegation, on the other hand, is the giving over of power or authority to someone else.

and the QR&O

(7) A former officer or non-commissioned member mentioned in paragraph (2) or (3) may wear his uniform only at such times and under such conditions as may be prescribed by the Chief of the Defence Staff.
forgotten, it's a shame you ran into some jerks.  As the old saying goes "opinions are like assholes, everyone has one", some sadly are just asshole opinions.

Mortarman Rockpainter is spot on.  Ignore the idiots and focus on the decent folks out there.  
PMedMoe said:
I couldn't find it in CFAOs (or DAODs) but I found this (scroll to bottom)

and this:

and the QR&O

tends to be ambiguous But I did ask a CWO at NDHQ who then asked a Col and they said it was fine to wear. Also a retired CWO who mentioned I cannot wear the woundstripe on a civi blazer and only on my uniform and he was happy to see me wearing my uniform..he was at my ceremony an informed me because i was a retired member i was permitted to wear on special occasions..Umm not something I would wear regularly
Not trying to give you a hard time or anything.  I was just curious as a friend did the same thing this year and then was told by his former CO that he wasn't allowed to wear his uniform.