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Sacrifice Medal Mega Thread

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forgotten said:
tends to be ambiguous But I did ask a CWO at NDHQ who then asked a Col and they said it was fine to wear. Also a retired CWO who mentioned I cannot wear the woundstripe on a civi blazer and only on my uniform and he was happy to see me wearing my uniform..he was at my ceremony an informed me because i was a retired member i was permitted to wear on special occasions..Umm not something I would wear regularly

Display: Wound stripes will be worn on CF uniforms in accordance
with A-AD-265-000/AG-001 'Canadian Forces Dress Instructions'.
Personnel, who by reason of their service have become entitled to
wear a wound stripe, may, at their own option, continue to wear
them on civilian clothes after cessation of military service.

Whether you want to wear it on your uniform or on a blazer, you earned it and you have the right to display it.
PMedMoe said:
Not trying to give you a hard time or anything.  I was just curious as a friend did the same thing this year and then was told by his former CO that he wasn't allowed to wear his uniform.
ahhh ok but Did he RETIRE from the regular forces or only did under 20 years or less or a reservist? As well what was the occasion ya some COs can be a little odd at times.
RHFC_piper said:
Whether you want to wear it on your uniform or on a blazer, you earned it and you have the right to display it.

Thank you!! I wish i could have had that with i didn't want or care to argue with that Old ppcli CWO, with out actual paperwork ya know the old "CYA" specially with a chief. BTW the letter i received from the Col  at the casualty management or "The Centre" I had it reduced in size and coated so it fits in my wallet if ever i was challenged by anyone..just to be safe

Just remind the said rude people, that you do not need a plastic flower, and one day in November to remember.

Rememberance day lasts 365 per year, for you, and your scars are your reminder.

It usually shuts them up right quick.


the 48th regulator said:

Just remind the said rude people, that you do not need a plastic flower, and one day in November to remember.

Remembrance day lasts 365 per year, for you, andyou scars are your reminder.

It usually shuts them up right quick.


Roger that Tess..I do volunteer work to help any vet from any period to get the help they deserve..I just got elected to an executive postion at my ANAF UNIT recently to carry on my work as sick and visiting..I concur that being a vet is 365 days as I never will or can forget..its my duty!!

      Do not take everything to heart that people say about the W/S or anything.  It is what you think/feel as an individual that really matters.  The fact that some folks are that rude, will never change.  However, what "we" as Soldiers (regardless of trade or tour) have had to endure to "earn" that wound stripe...  No one will ever know!!  So, to sit and debate with people who don't get it.... Will only end up with hurt feelings all around, regardless of the fact the people are civi's, Vets, and or still serving!

      After we got back from Afghanistan, we had all types of people who were awarded a W/S (I think 109 people), the fights that came out of that!!!  "oh you weren't really injured by the enemy, it was an A-10!!!!!", or "it was just a Land Mine"  imagine the up roar, and the nerve of people!!  This was from people off our same tour, some of them fought together on Op's!!.  So, sadly.... it is everywhere... 

      I hate the statement "It was just"... as it shows how much someone really knows about something (WRT Honours & Awards), or the person is trying to make them seem bigger, better than you... To many fights have happen over other Medals/Tours, it is just not worth the effort (IMHO)

      Chin up Brother... it's all good.. Karma has a funny way of working, but it always seems to come through!! I bet you the City Coun.  is worried you might say something, after you informed them of your displeasure!!


forgotten said:
ahhh ok but Did he RETIRE from the regular forces or only did under 20 years or less or a reservist? As well what was the occasion ya some COs can be a little odd at times.

Retired from the RegF with well over 20 years service and it was a Remembrance Day parade.
My ( civilian ) opinion is to call it what it is. The Killed ( or Wounded ) in Action Medal.
If I may say so, the Wound Stripe and Memorial Cross have served Canada well since World War One, and still do.
If the new medal is to be introduced, I would like to see it suspended by a purple ribbon, identical to the Memorial Cross.
OK I decided to start a new facebook acct  I hope no one objects..http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=118738630166 its in reference to people who have received the Wound Stripe and certificate
forgotten said:
OK I decided to start a new facebook acct  I hope no one objects..http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=118738630166 its in reference to people who have received the Wound Stripe and certificate

How does someone go about obaining a certificate?  I was awarded the wounded stripe, does that mean that there is a ceertificate, indicate my award for it?


There's an instruction on the Wound Stripe online at:


dapaterson said:
There's an instruction on the Wound Stripe online at:



I just whipped off an e-mail to my old unit to look into mine.

This is a PDF verson of it too.



The Canadian Army Journal update on the sacrifice medal:
There have been changes made to the new medal..in regards to criteria..what is in that journal has or will be changed..The new criteria has been approved by the CDS and at present is with the Governor general to be signed off on....Source from David Pugglase(spelling)..Defence watch Ottawa Citizen
forgotten said:
There have been changes made to the new medal..in regards to criteria..what is in that journal has or will be changed..The new criteria has been approved by the CDS and at present is with the Governor general to be signed off on....Source from David Pugglase(spelling)..Defence watch Ottawa Citizen

The CDS cannot approve a medal.  He can review recommendations and endorse them, but he has no authority to approve them.
Just posted on forces.gc.ca

Sacrifice Medal to recognize all service-related deaths

Here is the CP story based on the above.

Sacrifice Medal to honour slain soldiers: MacKay
19 Oct 2009
OTTAWA — Every Canadian soldier who has died in Afghanistan will be recognized with a Sacrifice Medal under newly revised criteria released today by Defence Minister Peter MacKay.

When first announced last year, the award recognized only soldiers killed or wounded by hostile fire.

An outcry from veterans groups and the families of soldiers killed in accidents forced the Defence Department to reconsider the eligibility rules.

MacKay says the revisions mean that all service-related deaths will be recognized.

Veterans of peacekeeping missions were also upset by the medal, which has an eligibility date of Oct. 7, 2001 — when Canada became formally involved in the Afghan war.

MacKay says the design and eligibility date will not be changed, and the first awards ceremony for the new medal will take place sometime later this year at Rideau Hall.
I was always interested in Nazi Germany's idea of decorating their soldiers with a 'Wound Badge' in three different classes, Black(1-2 wounds), Silver(3-4), and Gold (5 or more). With our modern army this would not be suitable as an all encompassing medal which is what I believe the 'Sacrifice Medal' is to convey. I am not suggesting a direct corallation to handing out medals based on the old Nazi system by the way. It would also be difficult to give this medal to those who are receiving the Sacrifice Medal or wound badges based on psychological wounds(I don't know if this even occurs). However, if a "Medal" is what they're looking for, a 'Wound Badge' is a step between a medal and a stripe but is still very visible to those who are looking(placed under the main rack of medals) and to me was an interesting concept to honouring those who were wounded serving their country.

Link: http://www.angelfire.com/nj/ww2/woundbadge.html
News Release
Sacrifice Medal to recognize all service-related deaths
NR–09.092 - October 19, 2009

OTTAWA - The Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence and Minister for the Atlantic Gateway, today announced new criteria for the Sacrifice Medal. First announced in August 2008 by the Governor General as a formal recognition to those who are killed or wounded by hostile action, the eligibility criteria have been expanded to recognize all service-related deaths. This change will ensure that all service-related deaths after October 7, 2001, are recognized and treated equitably.

“The Government of Canada is committed to honouring and recognizing the valued contribution of our Canadian Forces members,” said Minister MacKay. “We hope this announcement will be warmly received by the families of those who sacrificed their lives while serving Canada.”

The criteria remain unchanged for those wounded as a direct result of hostile action requiring recorded treatment by a medical officer. Members of an allied force working as an integral part of the Canadian Forces (CF), such as exchange personnel, and civilian employees working under the authority of the CF will continue to receive the medal as per the previous criteria. This aspect of the Medal therefore remains linked with the old Wound Stripe which it replaced. The eligibility date and the design of the medal remain unchanged.

Her Majesty The Queen approved the creation of the Sacrifice Medal to provide formal recognition to those who are killed or wounded by hostile action. Following the original announcement in August 2008, the Minister of National Defence asked the Chief of the Defence Staff to conduct a review of the existing criteria and make recommendations to the appropriate government committee. Details regarding the new eligibility criteria of the Sacrifice Medal can be found at the following site: http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhr-ddhr/chc-tdh/chart-tableau-eng.asp?ref=SM
The inaugural presentation of the Sacrifice Medal is planned at Rideau Hall later this year.


Note to Editor: Media representatives are invited to a technical briefing via teleconference on Monday, October 19, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. (EST). A subject matter expert from the Directorate of Honours and Recognition will discuss the changes made to the Sacrifice Medal criteria. To register for the briefing please call the DND/CF Media Liaison Office at 996-2353 before 3:00 p.m. (EST).

For more information on the ceremony and Canadian Honours, please visit the Governor General’s website at: http://www.gg.ca/document.aspx?id=5&lan=eng

For more information on military honours, please visit the Department of National Defence Web site for CF Honours and Awards: http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhr-ddhr/index-eng.asp
