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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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You're going to incur obligatory service for your education, which is 2 months for every month of education. You can reduce that time by buying the CAF out for the cost of your education, not cheap. If you do get accepted for DOTP, you'll have to serve more time to pay back your education, and will likely be subject to a restricted release period meaning you can't leave your contract early.
Welcome to Army.ca.

Do some more research on this Site.

Almost everything that you have asked has already been answered.

You are also confusing "commission" with "service".

Once a prospective Officer has completed the neccessary training and other requirements, he or she is commissioned. This is his or her formal appointment as an Officer by the Sovereign. Upon commissioning, one receives a scroll, which is worded thus:

"ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith

To ........ .........

hereby appointed an Officer in Her Majesty's Canadian Armed Forces

With Seniority of the .... day of ......... ....

WE reposing especial Trust and Confidence in your Loyalty, Courage and Integrity do by these Presents Constitute and Appoint you to be an Officer in our Canadian Armed Forces. You are therefore carefully and diligently to discharge your Duty as such in the Rank of .............. or in such other Rank as We may from time to time hereafter be pleased to promote or appoint you to, and you are in such manner and on such occasions as may be prescribed by us to exercise and well discipline both the Inferior Officers and Non-Commissioned Members serving under you and use your best endeavour to keep them in good Order and Discipline, and We do hereby Command them to Obey you as their Superior Officer, and you to observe and follow such Orders and Directions as from time to time you shall receive from Us, or any other your Superior Officer according to Law, in pursuance of the Trust hereby Reposed in you.

IN WITNESS Whereof our Governor General of Canada hath hereunto set his hand and Seal at Our Government House in the City of Ottawa this .... day of .......... in the Year of our Lord ................... and in the .... Year of Our Reign.

By Command of His Excellency the Governor General"

Read this carefully, and understand it. It sets out your basic obligations and grants you significant authority.
AmbitiousGuy said:
What exactly is OCTP-NFS, and am I eligible to apply for this position?

Officer Cadet Training Plan (OCTP)
"The OCTP isn't current anymore."

AmbitiousGuy said:
After graduating from a university, I have to work in the army for 5-years commission. Is there any way to reduce this? I heard it is between three to eight years. Please suggest me a way to reduce the commission if possible.

Obligatory service

AmbitiousGuy said:
My career goal is Dentistry. I came to learn about DOTP - Dental Officer Training Program.

Dental Officer Training Plan 

Questions about joining the CFDS 

Dental Officer Training Program DOTP 



AmbitiousGuy said:
What kind of jobs can I have after leaving the army after taking Life Science Program at a civil University?

RMC Life Sciences Minor a Good Move?

AmbitiousGuy said:
Does ROTP have anything like that?


AmbitiousGuy said:
What are reservists for?

Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves 
95 pages.

^ That is one of many discussions about the Reserves. You can also search PRes.

See also, Recruiting

Locked until AmbitiousGuy has done his homework here.
I was at an event over the holidays where it was announced that RMC was looking to be more competitive with other universities, as in the past candidates had not heard until late April, into May and in some cases into June. This becomes very nerve wracking when the university deadlines are fast approaching for acceptances at that time. We were told that RMC did not want to lose out of candidates that had already accepted other universities as they had not heard from RMC. You can't really blame people for not wanting to wait around. Although as RMC was my son's first choice he waited and heard in the beginning of May last year. I think it is great that they are going to try and have those offers out earlier in the future.
I used to think that if you applied earlier (if I was qualified) I would get an acceptance earlier than if I were to apply later.

I had another question I had that I couldn't find the answer to, I started another thread but it was locked (I read through the links mariomike provided me with, most of which I had gone through before).

Does a officer cadet at RMCC require the same level of security clearance as his/her chosen occupation? For example if I were to chose CELE officer which requires a level 3 clearance would I as a officer cadet also require a level 3 clearance or would a lower level do?

I would assume that the officer cadet wouldn't require the level 3 because it isn't like they would be allowed to access sensitive documents but then again they might during on the job training during the summers and whatnot.

Thank You,
:cdn: :salute: :cdn:
DarkPheonix said:
I started another thread but it was locked

Is this the thread you are referring to?

Security Clearance For a Person Living Abroad 

DarkPheonix said:
Does a officer cadet at RMCC require the same level of security clearance as his/her chosen occupation?

Your question has little to do with this thread you started, "What Happens if you are not accepted in a Civilian University". 

The Security Check/Level Superthread may be a better place to ask your Security Check/Level questions:

Security Check/Level Superthread (incl dual citizenship) - Check Here First 
24 pages.

Yes that was the thread I was referring to. Also what happened to all the links you provided me with? they all vanished after the first day when I came back.

Thanks for the link, Should I delete the question since it is irrelevant to this post?
DarkPheonix said:

Does a officer cadet at RMCC require the same level of security clearance as his/her chosen occupation? For example if I were to chose CELE officer which requires a level 3 clearance would I as a officer cadet also require a level 3 clearance or would a lower level do?

They are not going to give you a level 3 security clearance prior to enrollment. That's a 3 year wait on its own for low priority pers. You will likely need a presecurity clearance, BUT ONLY THE RECRUITING CENTER CAN TELL YOU. I'm not sure what you haven't understood about this yet. You need to fill out an online application, and start the process. At the very least they will pre-screen you, which is a lot more involved than standard Enhanced Reliability that everyone gets. Once you have ERC, then you will be enrolled and your security clearance will be applied for either at RMCC or after BMQ.

You've asked 50 questions about security clearances here. By you asking those questions, I know for a fact you're scared its going to take a long time for you to obtain one, if you can. You need to start the process now, every post on this board is wasting your time. If you're not old enough to apply, STOP WORRYING ABOUT IT. Nothing will change between now and when you can apply, our security clearance rules have been around for years, and very rarely change. Your time abroad WILL add time to your clearance request, especially since its Level 3. You cannot change that fact. If you don't like it, pick a trade that only need ERC or Level 2, or don't apply.
DarkPheonix said:
Also what happened to all the links you provided me with? they all vanished after the first day when I came back.

One of us poor, suffering DS likely merged them all into one. It may even have been me. I generally do that after mariomike posts a bunch, as that's when we discover that people have started new threads instead of posting in existing ones.

Sometimes people start those new threads because they've not bothered to do any research here before posting, and frequently within thirty seconds of registering.

Sometimes people start those new threads because the existing ones are eighty bazillion pages long and they don't feel like reading through them.

Those threads are usually eighty bazillion pages long because people keep starting new ones and we poor, suffering DS merge them after mariomike posts all of the links.
hey all,

After finishing my diploma in accounting last month I applied to the military as infantry. My CFAT for that application is on tuesday but I spoke to a recruiter and told him I wanted to change my application to the ROTP for Logistics Officer. They told me it might be a challenge for me but he'll make the change to my application and to come in for CFAT and tell them that I changed my application.

Are the odds lower of them accepting me into the ROTP because I am so far into my education?

I haven't submitted my transcript or anything but the recruiter told me that I would be contacted back by someone for how to submit that information? The deadline is January 31st for September acceptance.

Thanks in advance for your help
Ruuffiiooooo said:
hey all,

After finishing my diploma in accounting last month I applied to the military as infantry. My CFAT for that application is on tuesday but I spoke to a recruiter and told him I wanted to change my application to the ROTP for Logistics Officer. They told me it might be a challenge for me but he'll make the change to my application and to come in for CFAT and tell them that I changed my application.

Are the odds lower of them accepting me into the ROTP because I am so far into my education?

I haven't submitted my transcript or anything but the recruiter told me that I would be contacted back by someone for how to submit that information? The deadline is January 31st for September acceptance.

Thanks in advance for your help

Welcome to army.ca

We have been in existence for over ten years now, and have had a lot of questions asked.  We have created whole topics to answer those very questions.  We have answered your very questions several times over the years that this site has been up and running.  Here is an aid for your:

Let me Google that for you
So, I'm not sure if I'm doing the whole "forum" thing right.

However, I experienced quite the issue when I applied for RMC.

I applied in September of 2015, as I should have since I am now in Grade 12 and was interested in attending RMC for a long time. I went and spoke to a recruiter, where I was told I'd need to have laser eye surgery to make it past the medical exam (I had terrible eyesight). So I took their word for it and went to get laser eye surgery, at 16 years old, on December 18th, 2015. Come January 6th, 2016, I was told by the man who was doing my medical exam (who saw the blood in my eye from the surgery and inquired as to why I had blood inside of my eye) I was unable to continue with my application process, even though the medical exam was the last stage of my process, as I could not apply for Canadian Forces until 6 months post surgery. I was not informed of this by my recruiting centre and I was very disappointed. The man who did the medical exam told me I wouldn't be able to apply this year and I should try again next year because of timing. Now, I have some questions about this situation, if anyone is able to answer them.

1. How likely is it someone who applies a second time for ROTP/RMC gets accepted? Is my file going to reflect the great amount of interest the Captain who did my interview had for me? I ask this because I am considering doing a 5th year of high school, where I would just wait out the application process AGAIN. The other option for me is to drop the idea and go for a civ. university.

2. What kind of things could I do to make myself more marketable next year, in case the likelihood decreases when you apply a second time?
nicholasmccabe said:
1. How likely is it someone who applies a second time for ROTP/RMC gets accepted? Is my file going to reflect the great amount of interest the Captain who did my interview had for me?

2. What kind of things could I do to make myself more marketable next year, in case the likelihood decreases when you apply a second time?

This may help,

RMC competitive,

Hello all, I have a question that I just can't seem to find an answer (or references) for:

I'm a ROTP candidate (just received my offer) for subsidized education (Pharmacy Officer).  Here's the background: I have been a PRes officer (MARS) for 15.5 years; released last Nov at Lt(N) IPC 9.  Prior to this, I had been trying to get myself in place to OT/CT to Reg Force Pharmacy Officer for some time...there were a lot of things to check off the list, first of which was acceptance to a Pharmacy program.

To summarize, I was accepted to a Pharmacy program last summer, and immediately started a CT/OT to Pharmacy Officer under a subsidized education plan.  However, most of the way through this process was stonewalled - although there were open positions for Reg Force Pharmacy Officers (under the RForce competition route) and it was my case manager's intent at Component Transfers to place me in one of these positions if my file were judged to be competitive, the process was stopped because as a PRes I was not eligible for competing for one of these spots (open only to Reg Force officers 2 years post trade qualification).

I was advised that there was a "policy gap" for ROTP opportunities for PRes officers: although ROTP is open to civilians, Reg Force NCMs and PRes NCMs (and a separate route is avail for subsidized education for Reg Force officers), no route for subsidized education is currently available to PRes officers.  Accordingly, I was advised to release and reapply for ROTP as a civilian, which I did.

I was accepted under ROTP - Pharmacy, with the offer of OCdt.

My question: with 15.5 years of service as an officer (nearly all of which was Class B or C) and a full baccalaureate degree already completed, are there any provisions for me to keep at least the rank of 2Lt after my re-enrollment?  I have been searching for some time through the applicable references, and simply can't find anything that exactly addresses my situation.  Although some references state that ROTP officers will be promoted after graduation, this is ambiguous for me - the assumption in this reference appears to be that the ROTP candidate's current degree is their first one; this situation doesn't apply to me.  Other parts of the DAODs refer to promotion after having completed BOTC; this is already complete for me as well.

I can't seem to find any precedents for my situation on any of these forums; can anyone shed any light on this question?

*apologies for the length of this entry!*
Off the top of my head, I'm thinking "CANFORGEN". 

Basically at the end of the day, if you have prior NCM Svc, you get credit.  But if you have prior Commissioned Service, you're getting bent over.      :salute:

Let me take a closer look in the morning and see if I can come up with something more substantive.
The only requirements to be promoted to the rank of 2Lt is to be completed BMOQ (or equivalent) and be completed a Bachelor's degree, is it not? (besides the obvious medical limitations).

To me, he should be enrolled and immediately promoted to 2Lt (at the very least)?

Look forward to hearing what you come up with on this one DAA!
As long as you hold a Queen's Commission at some point, it is not re-issued. I released in 1994 as a Reg F Captain and re-enlisted in 2009 and was sworn in as an A/SLt (2Lt).
ballz said:
Look forward to hearing what you come up with on this one DAA!

The person "released" from the CF and then subsequently reapplied to an occupation which they were not academically qualified for, hence, the reason their entry plan into the CF is now "ROTP" and they have to be administered accordingly.

There is NO longer any such thing as "Vested Rights to Pay", unless the occupational reassignment is "compulsory" and in this case, it wasn't.  They will therefore be paid based on CBI 204.03(6) and CBI 204.211 based on their new entry plan, which is ROTP.
Good Day MirrorM,

Thank you for posting on here.  I am one of the Specialist Recruiters for the Health Service Occupations.  After reading your query I have gone to the appropriate people within CFRG HQ to have your file looked at again.  I should hopefully have some further information for you in the next few days.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

Sgt Laen
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