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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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riverkayaker3 said:
Sorry to bother you. I thought that this negative point scheme is for bringing in more competition, but there is no use to it. I will try to award your points back.

Not worth the effort. 

Just do more research into the occupations that will offer you what you would like to do.
1) Do you ever work with software at the coding level or is it just for civilians?

Ever?  Sure.  But it's rare.  There are a bare handful of positions at units like the Land Software Engineering Centre (LSEC) where actual coding might be done.  More likely, you would be involved in something more like engineering management in a Project Management office.  But, even those positions would probably be third or fourth postings - after you have already been trained, posted to Army field units and promoted to Capt.  At least, that's the ideal.  The CELE(Air) occupation is slightly more likely to go to projects earlier, but only slightly.

2) I understand that cyber warfare capabilities are listed as one of the job descriptions. What does this mean, is it simply destroying an enemies radar dish with a missile. Or do you actually hack into their systems and ultimately leverage your software engineering education?

Any discussion of Canada's cyber warfare capabilities, policies, strategies or tactics would most certainly be classified and subject to special access controls to boot.  Canada certainly does conduct computer network defence, as we are mandated to protect our networks and government information under the Financial Administration Act (FAA).

3) I understand there are other job descriptions including:

    1) Purpose-designed, computer-based information systems that assist with battlefield command and control, reconnaissance and surveillance, and target acquisition
    2) The full spectrum of radio systems
    3) Electronic warfare capabilities
    4) Cryptographic and communications- security capabilities

Do any of these require skill and expertise in software engineering/programming?

The ideal is to have every Signal officer hold a degree in Computer, Software or Electrical (Comms) Engineering, because you will be establishing, maintaining and fighting command and control systems and need to understand how to best do those tasks.  You will not (except in those very few jobs noted above) be writing or maintaining the code for those systems.  To make it a bit clearer, although the degrees I mentioned are the ideal, almost any engineering or analytical science degree is acceptable.

4) A friend of mine who is from Israel says that the IDF has a unit known as unit 8200 that is a group of a few thousand cyber-warriors. Does Canada have anything like that, I understand there is CSIS/CSEC, but can a person from the army be moved to Canada's equivalent organization?

If you have the skills and aptitudes for defensive cyber operations...but the skills and aptitudes required for cyber operations are not the same skills and aptitudes required for general software engineering.  There's some overlap...but the mindsets and approaches to problems are different.  Sometimes radically different.

On a more general note, the vast majority of ROTP Signal Officers go through RMCC.  If you want to do this Co-op program, you are far better off doing it and then joining as a DEO officer.  Since the obligatory service calculations for officers are also based on the length of the subsidized education program, I'm not sure how the Co-op periods would be calculated...are they subsidized?  Do you normally get paid during the Co-op (usually not permitted on the military side to have other "jobs")?  As others have noted, you likely have more research to do, and not just on what the job of a Signal Officer is exactly.
Good day,

As of August 1st I'm officially a regular force member, I just transferred over from the reserves. I'm looking for any information you can share that would be beneficial to me as a new member. Also is there anything that I should ensure gets done? I'm currently in the ROTP program and so far I haven't received any information. For example, I was just informed that my Provincial health card is no longer valid and that I acquire the Canadian Forces blue cross card. I have no idea how to even get this process started.
Anyways if there is anything else you think I should be informed of, please let me know.

I will only speak to the Health Card, and let others fill you in on Reg Force tips and tricks with their vast knowledge.

As a Reg Force member you are now covered under Blue Cross. So when you go to the ER/hospital you give them your Blue Cross number (which is your service with the first letter replaced by an M). No card required. That being said, some hospitals want to see a card. If you check in with your local MIR, the billing clerk should be able to request one for you.

From this point, you should NOT be going to a civvy doctor/clinic with prior approval from the MIR. There are exceptions, like middle of the night/weekend emergencies. These are fine for you to go to the local ER. But your doctor is now the MO/PA at the MIR. And if you do visit the ER, you need to check in with the MIR the next possible day (at least a phone call to advise them of events).
paleomedic said:
From this point, you should NOT be going to a civvy doctor/clinic without prior approval from the MIR. There are exceptions, like middle of the night/weekend emergencies.

FTFY.  ;)

Also, in addition to the Blue Cross card, make sure you get one for medical care outside of Canada.  Those you can usually pick up at the MIR/CDU/BHosp.
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. I'll head to the MIR ASAP to get this taken care of!
A few heads up to the people who want to apply to RMC for 2015/2016.

I got accepted to RMC this year and I voluntarily released 3 days after getting to Kingston.
It wasn't that hard, but I am a very independent person and I've been living on my own since my 16Th birthday, so I really didn't enjoy to be treated like a prisoner. 
Anyway, I also I didn't get the job I wanted, so I didn't  see the point in going through Basic training + FYOP (First year orientation program = hell)  to do something I didn't even want to.

The point is, you must be very motivated to join RMC. Lots of kids in my group were planning on coming here since they started high school. If you have doubts, don't apply. it will be hell and at the beginning of your second year, if you decide to leave, you will have to reimburse a lot of money (I believe it is 53 000$ after the 4 years) 

Also, on my first few days here, some current RMC students told us to f.u.c.k off before it was too late. I've only met a few students who were happy to be there... two out of about 10. (By the way the instructors are using swears as a form of punctuation. You better get used to it)

Plus I was told that education-wise, it is very general. If you are applying for the "free university" it doesn't worth it. You have to go through too much shit for it.

Please, follow your dreams, that's all that really matters. If you are motivated to do military career and that you don't mind the yelling, the short nights, the stress and the physical training, please go ahead and apply, they will be more than happy to recruit you.

However, if you have any doubts and that you are doing it for the free university, please, do not apply, as you won't enjoy yourself here. You don't want to be stuck doing a job you don't like for 10-13 years for the sake of your mental health and happiness.

That being said, to do small description of myself, I got accepted as a Naval Combat Systems Engineering. I got my offer on June 9Th (I submitted my application the VERY last day as the military lost my first application.) I graduated with an overall average of 94.7% and I was working and going to school full time. ( I was living on my own, so I had to pay for everything) French is my first language, and I learned (and I am still learning) English for a year and a half now.
I've browsed the forum and felt that my situation didn't fit in other topics.

The plan: This fall, I'll be attending Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario studying Honours Criminology for 2014-2018. I have my CFAT at the recruiting centre in Hamilton on August 28th for  PRes Infantry. My plan (hopefully) is after a year of being a reservist, become an officer with ROTP and stay at Laurier for the remainder three years. I wouldn't mind going to RMC , I just would prefer Laurier U. The trade I'd apply for for ROTP would Military Police Officer or Infantry Officer.

The predicament: I was never really good at math. I'm not too sure if my math marks will GREATLY hinder my ability to Component transfer or Voluntary release from reserves and enrol in ROTP immediately after. ( I saw the VR and quick enrolment on the forum ) Here are my grades ..

Math what I'm worried about:
Mathematics of Data Management 12U - 66 
Functions 11U - 50 (what I'm worried about)

My other U and M level courses which are decent

World Issues: A Geographic Analysis 12U- 75
Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals 12 M- 84  (Not sure if they count M level courses)
English 12U- 70
Canadian and International Law 12U- 73
Exercise Science 12U - 71
Exploring Health Care 12M- 86 (Not sure if they count M level courses)

My non academic portion:

Qualified Basic Para
Bronze Duke Of Edinburgh's Award  ( going to send in Gold when I'm done)
300 hours of community service
Army Cadets for 4.5 years ( RSM of my unit for 1.5 years)
Had many part time jobs
Arthur Currie Memorial Prize ( fundraised $5000 for the Vimy Ridge Foundation )


1) Is my 12U Data Management (66%) course going to take priority over the Functions 11U (50%)?
2) Is the ROTP acceptance for Civ U and RMC going to combine my marks after half a year at Laurier and my High school? If not, are they going to take the High school or just Laurier? Should I be worried about my Math marks?
3) If my math marks from high school are taken in account after starting at a Civ U, should I try to counteract the low marks by taking classes at Laurier?
4) Just to clarify , If I'm a private switching to ROTP , I will get paid to as the initial Ocdt pay just like everyone else? OR will my time in PRes affect my pay ?
5) Add on to the previous point, I've been told after having a certain amount of time in Cadets, you get a 6 month advancement in pay. Is this true, and can it be applied to my ROTP ?
6) Should I just wait the year and not do reserves and just apply for ROTP?
7) When should I apply for ROTP if I continue with the reserves to allow sufficient time?

Anything and all input is greatly appreciated , thank you for your time!


Minimum of 75% in a Gr 11 pre-University Mathematics Course.  Your Gr 12 Math marks can override this and so can University Level "Advanced" Math courses.

You can do the "math" yourself.  Take your Gr 10-12 highschool marks, add them up and average them out.  If the avg is less than 75%, or you don't have the 75% minimum for the Math and English requirements, you are pretty much done.
To those who are applying. I wouldn't let a person who saw RMC as a prison (after 3 days) get you down. It is hard, it is meant to be hard same as basic training. I remember years ago when I did basic I felt like releasing. A lot of us did, I can't think of anyone who enjoyed it. However after the training curve is over, life in the forces is not like basic (at least it wasn't for me) and ended up as a fun and rewarding career.

The point here is when you go, hope for the best, prepare for the worst and take what you get. It always gets better after the training side is over.

One important reminder, it will be easier if you can get yourself in the best physical condition that you can.
I got rejected for this year and I'm going to apply again, what are the requirements for first year University students trying to get in? Is it even possible?
curious22 said:
To those who are applying. I wouldn't let a person who saw RMC as a prison (after 3 days) get you down. It is hard, it is meant to be hard same as basic training. I remember years ago when I did basic I felt like releasing. A lot of us did, I can't think of anyone who enjoyed it. However after the training curve is over, life in the forces is not like basic (at least it wasn't for me) and ended up as a fun and rewarding career.

The point here is when you go, hope for the best, prepare for the worst and take what you get. It always gets better after the training side is over.

One important reminder, it will be easier if you can get yourself in the best physical condition that you can.

I'd like to second that. I've completed my first year at RMC (In full disclosure I spent my first year at CMR but will be spending the rest of my time at RMCC) and can honestly say that it's all been worth it. The program isn't meant to be easy, and everyone struggles at some point. Many a day on FYOP or Basic you'll wake up and wonder how you got there and you could well consider quitting, some do.

In my opinion however the rewards have been many. Completing the obstacle course; receiving your college coin; and graduating from your basic training are all memories that will last a lifetime. Not to mention the friends that I've made already have been many, and we'll always share a special bond having done so much together.

Don't let one individual's bad experience put you down. If you're hardworking and up for a challenge then I can think of no better place than RMC.

Good luck to you all.
My son is right now doing orientation at St Jean with 2 more weeks to go before obstacle and badging ceremony.  He is in touch with us every alternate day/few times daily when ever his phone was given to him. He always sounded confident in spite of short nights, intense drills and practices, lots of personal chores. He expected them tough and was well prepared to face the challenges. Classes are starting today and everyone got their wifi and laptops/phones given back to them for good since yesterday. He said although the commands and instructions sound tough, he can see a lot of respect underneath them.  In nutshell, he is enjoying his independence and freedom away from home.(lol) and when I asked him whether he feel it is like prison, he asked back what is wrong with me and how did I get that notion.  So folks, if you want to go to RMC, do your home work, be prepared for the challenges and you will not find it harsh.
Like vaprisk my son too is at St-Jean; when we've spoken to him he's sounded upbeat and doesn't regret his choice at all. Even being thrown in the deep end on day 1 as course senior didn't faze him, he seems to be adopting an "adapt and overcome" attitude and sounds ever more confident each time we speak. Good luck to all at St-Jean and I look forward to seeing you overcome the Obstacle Course!
I applied.
I'm 28 and have been a Police Officer with the RCMP for 5 years. A reservist for 12 years (infantry MCpl) and I deployed to Afghanistan in 2007 with 2RCR. I feel I'm still young and want to try something new so maybe this is it.

I will also be applying, for my trades I am applying for INT, MPO, and sigs officer. I have wanted to attend rmc since the beginning of highschool and graduated June 2013. Since I have been working I decided this is what I really want to do so I'm going to go for it!
I was in sea cadets when I was younger and attending the gunnery summer training program, I have attained my silver duke of Edinburgh award, took IB English, worked full time through highschool, have been very involved in music/band in highschool and have ridden horses competitively for 5 years. I also have done various positions involving voluteering and have had leadership roles within the workplace. I graduated with an 89% average.
Is there anything else I should do in this following year other than continuing to work full time and ride that would greatly increase my chances of being accepted?
Also would a degree in military psych at rmc lead to those trades?
Thankyou! :)
Hi guys, I've been selected for 2014-2015 ROTP Program back in June and came back from the orientation program at CFLRS few days ago. I revisited this forum to help you guys out (especially Civvi U applicants) with your application process and questions regarding ROTP program. With no background in cadets or relationship with CF members, I found this forum very helpful. Of course, not everything posted here are true and some infos are outdated, but use this site as an aid and visit recruitment centre at your own convenience. Anyways, I graduated from high school this year, and will be attending Civvi U in a week or two. Feel free to ask:) Good luck!
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