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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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jnfry said:
How are uniforms distributed? Will we receive them on our first year, or during BMOQ training?

Yup, uniforms will be handed out based on size.  Then after that, you will wish you never asked or it could be the other side of the coin, where you get none.
Hello all, I was offered a position (which I later accepted) for infantry officer last Wed.  However the recruiter said that I would be at Kingston for a "Bachelor of/in Science" or some such phrasing. I asked him if that included engineering (what I applied for) and he said he wasn't sure but he thought so. The branch commander also didn't know for sure and no one has gotten back to me. Does anyone know anything about this, and if it isn't an engineering degree, is there any possible way I can transfer before FYOP starts? Thank you very in advance much for your help.
Well that's it for me. The selection list here in Halifax only had five names on it for ROTP. I wasn't one of them.

Now I need to put some serious thought in to whether I can reasonably take on the student debt that my degree will cost me at Dal. At 20 I could reasonably afford to take on tens of thousands in debt, but at 36 with a family it's not as viable an option anymore.

Finally son is booked for his Air Crew selection on June 2-4! Not sure if any ROTP Pilot openings still left ::)

I do believe that there are no more for this year, but ACSO and AEC are still open. (this info was from my file manager when I asked about PLT openings as well)
Thanks htam_har.

In the mean time just keeping fingers crossed!
htam_har said:

I do believe that there are no more for this year, but ACSO and AEC are still open. (this info was from my file manager when I asked about PLT openings as well)
I got a call today while I was working at the hospital from the CF. The lady told me that the selection is over for nursing officer ROTP. The chances of waiting for someone to drop out is less likely. She told me despite the fact my file was very competitive but this year they just had too many application for that same position. 77 applicants only 6 positions to fill. She tried to offer me to join the reserve for now, then get transferred next year. After consulting her co-workers, she told me that the reserve wouldn't hire me if they knew after training me, I'll get transferred, it would be like a waste of money. So, at the end they said I can try reapply next year.  Is the nursing officer in the CF really that good as a career, I mean what makes it better than a civilian hospital nursing job ? I don't understand, when I've finally decided to join the forces, everyone in Canada wants to join too. It seems like I just can't win.
sky888 said:
I got a call today while I was working at the hospital from the CF. The lady told me that the selection is over for nursing officer ROTP. The chances of waiting for someone to drop out is less likely. She told me despite the fact my file was very competitive but this year they just had too many application for that same position. 77 applicants only 6 positions to fill. She tried to offer me to join the reserve for now, then get transferred next year. After consulting her co-workers, she told me that the reserve wouldn't hire me if they knew after training me, I'll get transferred, it would be like a waste of money. So, at the end they said I can try reapply next year.  Is the nursing officer in the CF really that good as a career, I mean what makes it better than a civilian hospital nursing job ? I don't understand, when I've finally decided to join the forces, everyone in Canada wants to join too. It seems like I just can't win.

From what I understand, Nursing Officers have an administrative rather than a patient-care role (at least in peacetime). Whether that's good or bad, is very subjective. It makes sense that more and more people are applying to be Officers in the CAF when you consider the benefits of doing so (free tuition, guaranteed job, salary, etc.). Keep in mind though that as a nurse in the civilian sector, you would be earning more than a nursing officer due to overtime, specializations, etc. By the time you were to reach the rank of Major in the military, you could be a Nurse Practitioner in the civilian sector earning over $100k/year. Of course if you also want the uniform, you can join the reserves.
Just got a phone call today with an offer to CiviU for a signals officer. I initially applied as an EME officer, but declined my offer to go to RMC. I'll be heading to UBC next year studying electrical engineering, and I'll decide on monday whether I will be doing it through the CF  :) . There are still positions out there guys, just be patient.
I've received a phone call from the officer back in may, and accepted my ROTP offer to civi u route after completing high school. I had a competitive average (high 80's) during May, however my current average lies in low to mid 80's.
Is it possible for your ROTP  offer to be revoked if your final average is lower than the average you received ROTP offer with?
My cousins ROTP acceptance was revoked last year. He applied to RMC as a pilot, was given an acceptance. Once his final marks were submitted they were significantly lower then his earlier marks and the revoked his acceptance.
n.bro199 said:
Hello all, I was offered a position (which I later accepted) for infantry officer last Wed.  However the recruiter said that I would be at Kingston for a "Bachelor of/in Science" or some such phrasing. I asked him if that included engineering (what I applied for) and he said he wasn't sure but he thought so. The branch commander also didn't know for sure and no one has gotten back to me. Does anyone know anything about this, and if it isn't an engineering degree, is there any possible way I can transfer before FYOP starts? Thank you very in advance much for your help.

To the best of my knowledge it doesn't include engineering. I had a similar situation; I applied for a BA with a major in political science but my offer said BEng. Just ask the recruiters to fix it, and if they can't, the academic staff at RMC can without much of a problem. Just make sure you talk to your chain of command and get it sorted as soon as possible when there. Of course, I could be wrong about this - if the recruiters don't give you a definite answer you could ask when you get there and take action based on the answer.
I am in such a pinch.
Got an email saying that I've been offered a position for ROTP for civilian university. However I have yet to hear back from programs that is relevant to my job.  :facepalm:
one thing happens and other things don't. Time to give school calls i guess.
I got my offer back in April with no enrollment date at the time. When I called my RC (Hamilton) the other week they said they were still doing selections for ROTP and no date had be decided yet. Is this normal and should I be worried at all?
If it makes you feel any better I got my enrolment dates just yesterday, so yours shouldn't be far behind! See you in August!  :salute:
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