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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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Last week I got my acceptance via Phone call, I accepted the offer there and then but since then, I haven`t gotten anything. Some people have told me they`ve gotten emails as well as their contract. Is there a problem here or is this normal and there`s no point in worrying. I was told that I would get a phone call about my enrollment date being in late June or early July.
The successful applicants of the past years have made Facebook groups to compile everyone up so I made one for this year's successful applicants!
Please join the group! It's nice to try to get to know each other before hand and we are all helping one another out with questions and such.


Congratulations to the ones who recieved an offer! And good luck to the ones still waiting!  :)

Alex Smith
I am currently attending university as a first year student. and i applied this year as an intelligence officer.
So I was not qualified for RMC but qualified for ROTP.
Am I not accepted, because it seems like everyone is getting their offers, and the forces only picking 4 Int officer this year..I am
guessing they would have already make their pick..

Applied: Jan 4th
CFAT wrote: Jan 28th
Interview: Mar 3rd
Medical: Mar 3rd
Merit listed: Mar 21st
I'm surprised they even take INT O's from outside the Forces to be honest, I thought it was all internal transfers. But yeah, it's a very competitive trade, but you never know, some offers come very late. Did you have any other occupation choices on your application?
t.robichaud said:
Last week I got my acceptance via Phone call, I accepted the offer there and then but since then, I haven`t gotten anything. Some people have told me they`ve gotten emails as well as their contract. Is there a problem here or is this normal and there`s no point in worrying. I was told that I would get a phone call about my enrollment date being in late June or early July.

I'm almost opposite of you, I got the offer through email last week, accepted it via email and I haven't received a phone call at all yet.

I see, well that could be good news for us!


Thank you :) I'm not entirely holding my breath, but who knows?
I'm still waiting for my offer too for nursing officer (finger crossed), I'm going in my 3rd year of nursing in September. Best of  luck everyone.

I have my LPN and am starting at university this fall. I have no idea what our chances are since it appears a lot of us have post secondary education started, but I hope it works out for everyone.

It was hard enough to get in to Dal this fall. With the amount of applications this year I only had a 10 percent chance of getting my seat.  I thought the stress of getting that seat was going to undo me.  My high school average was only an 80, but my LPN marks ranged from 93-97%. I'm hoping they are looking at my highest level of education marks when they are making their decisions. I'm a bit stressed because with a family to support paying the 10,000 tuition fee out of pocket this year is making my husband look a little green at the idea of a four year debt load on our family.

In the meantime, just hitting the gym, running with a personal trainer, the usual stuff waiting for a response. Trying not to drive everyone around me crazy. I'm a military spouse for 10 years now, multiple postings,  multiple deployments gone through as a family, so I'm more than aware of the hurry up and wait philosophy of not knowing your future until someone decides it for you.
t.robichaud said:
Last week I got my acceptance via Phone call, I accepted the offer there and then but since then, I haven`t gotten anything. Some people have told me they`ve gotten emails as well as their contract. Is there a problem here or is this normal and there`s no point in worrying. I was told that I would get a phone call about my enrollment date being in late June or early July.

I talked to my file manager today and she said that they're sending letters out by FedEx on monday which should arrive by mid-week with all the details and the next steps included. I look forward to seeing you in August! And what degree will you be pursuing at RMC?
I just spoke to my recruiter today, thought the info I got should be helpful for everyone who's also applying for ROTP nursing officer. She told me on the national level, we have 81 applicants for that same position. They have only 7 spots left. She said it's very competitive. Nothing is guaranteed. One way or another they will for sure give us an answer.

Best of luck everyone
Hope that helps

sky888 said:
I just spoke to my recruiter today, thought the info I got should be helpful for everyone who's also applying for ROTP nursing officer. She told me on the national level, we have 81 applicants for that same position. They have only 7 1 spot left. She said it's very competitive. Nothing is guaranteed. One way or another they will for sure give us an answer.

Best of luck everyone
Hope that helps

I fixed your "typo" above.
StudentPilot23 said:
I talked to my file manager today and she said that they're sending letters out by FedEx on monday which should arrive by mid-week with all the details and the next steps included. I look forward to seeing you in August! And what degree will you be pursuing at RMC?

Hopefully aerospace engineering and yourself?
I sent a request to join the group  :). And congratulations on your offer!

[Edit to remove personal information on request of StudentPilot23]
I just got off the phone with my file manager. I'm to call back next week and check in as second round selections are made then. ROTP Nursing offers haven't gone out yet according to the information she gave me.
Well I was given a job offer for EME officer to study at RMC. I gave it a lot of thought and decided to decline the offer last week. Good news for any EME officers out there still waiting for an offer, there is one more opening for you  :)
carefree said:
I just got off the phone with my file manager. I'm to call back next week and check in as second round selections are made then. ROTP Nursing offers haven't gone out yet according to the information she gave me.

Do you know if offers for INT officers were out by any chance?
alina2270 said:
Do you know if offers for INT officers were out by any chance?

There might be a couple lurking out there somewhere.
DAA said:
There might be a couple lurking out there somewhere.

Oh really? as far as I know they are only picking 4 this year, so I'm assuming I won't get an offer this year..
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