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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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Hiya. I posted it previously, but I'll bite  ;D.

I'm also going for Military and Strategic Studies and my choices are Artillery, Armour, and Infantry, in that order(though, admittedly, I'll probably end up switching and trying for Infantry).
I'd think the officer would say to most people that they are a good candidate. Unless they did horrible in one of the 3 parts. Just to keep their hopes up. But meh :D Hopefully he/she says that to me. lol

Also, in case no one saw my question: Should you wear your dress cloths right to the CFAT, or wear casual clothing up until the Interview and change?
Doesn't anyone want to be Combat Engineer? Could be my boss someday... ;) ;D


Edit: Grammar :-[
Hey guys,
            I'm another candidate for ROTP 2009-2010. I'm applying from Montreal for MSS and my choices for trade are Infantry, Armour and Artillery. I have to say it's pretty cool being able to talk to others who are in the same boat and if it is God's will we can all meet eachother in the coming fall :)
@ Marshall: I doubt you'd have time nor want to change from casual clothes. For me, it was pretty much go go go.

@ The Beaver: Apparently not. Must just be some sort of gung-ho, roll in the mud, bang bang, grunting group.

@ Immortal: And if everything goes as planned, most of us will be in the same courses :p. But hey, this is why we're coming forward. So mwe can see who's going where and to have some common ground incase we are together.
bms said:
@ Marshall: I doubt you'd have time nor want to change from casual clothes. For me, it was pretty much go go go.

@ The Beaver: Apparently not. Must just be some sort of gung-ho, roll in the mud, bang bang, grunting group.

@ Immortal: And if everything goes as planned, most of us will be in the same courses :p. But hey, this is why we're coming forward. So mwe can see who's going where and to have some common ground incase we are together.

Ok good. Thanks. How long did all your stuff take? And what does the doctor check?

And it be very cool for a bunch of us to be in the same classes etc. I'm also doing Armour ( Armour -> Artillery -> Infantry). Trying for MSS.
Hehe that would be pretty funny, hopefully we'll keep in touch and make sure to hook up over there. Man i just have to say that i can't wait, I've wanted to join for 2 years now but engagements (such as girlfriend (now ex) and the requirements of my parents signature) have held me back. But now i'm 18 and ready to fight for my adoptive country :D
@Marshall: I was there from 0745 till about 1315. During that period, I was only sitting down doing nothing for about 20 minutes at the beginning, 10 minutes after my medical and before my interview(but I was reading a military journal, so it flew).

From what I gathered, it's usually not a doctor. I had a physician assistant, and that is apprently the norm.

Well, if this many of us want MSS and Combat Arms(1/3), there is a decent chance that some of us may end up in the same classes and on the same courses and in the same trades. That begin said, how would you know? We haven't seen each other in person or even know each other's names. Maybe when we find out who's accepted to RMC and such, the people who are accepted can then find out some stuff about the others so that you won't be completely alone when you are on course or at RMC.
bms said:
@ The Beaver: Apparently not. Must just be some sort of gung-ho, roll in the mud, bang bang, grunting group.
True I suppose. One would think that playing with C4 and such would make you more gung-ho though :D

I have a feeling the the boys from St-Jean are going to form a little group of their own but yea for the rest of us going there on our own it would be good to have friends right off the bat. But you never know, i read that there are a few thousand applicants and they only accept maybe 300, and those odds got me nervous, even though i have respectable grades and extra-curricular activities
bms said:
@ The Beaver: Apparently not. Must just be some sort of gung-ho, roll in the mud, bang bang, grunting group.

That would be infantry  ;D

Yes we get muddy but who else would you get to do all your vertical and horizontal construction? Not to mention give you pure clean water.
Immortal said:
I have a feeling the the boys from St-Jean are going to form a little group of their own but yea for the rest of us going there on our own it would be good to have friends right off the bat. But you never know, i read that there are a few thousand applicants and they only accept maybe 300, and those odds got me nervous, even though i have respectable grades and extra-curricular activities

only 300? Jeeze  :-X
Psshh... Thats not that bad. Top 300 applicants is a pretty wide berth. Especially when you take in people who apply with nothing... Not good grades, no extra cirriculars... Stay positive.

Just for inspiration, 2 people from the exact same area(my best friend and I) were chosen to be one of the 72 people in Canada who would attend an advanced(7 week) exchange to the UK. Out of EVERY army cadet in Newfoundland who applied, we were chosen for 2 of the 6 available slots for Newfoundland. A lot of people applied, but the majority stood not real chance at getting it, they just applied for the sake of applying. If they got it great, if not, no big deal.

So yeah. Don't let numbers bother you. Top 300 applicants for RMC is pretty broad. There are about 300 applicants for civi U as well. So your chances just doubled  ;D.
Yea. I just hope my marks and work experience outdo others. lol
If I remember the numbers from last year correctly, there were approximately 5000 applicants and about 500 spots for all of ROTP (including Civi U). Hopefully the number of spots increase as RMC Saint-Jean gets up to capacity.
Does CFRC test Physical Fitness when you apply for RMC? If so, that might be my drawback, even though I am working on it, and have improved significantly, from my P.Reserve file....

There's no PT test at the CFRC when applying to the Regular Force. We did, however, get tested soon after we arrived (at least in St-Jean we did).
yoman said:
There's no PT test at the CFRC when applying to the Regular Forces. We did, however, get tested soon after we arrived (at least in St-Jean we did).

Thanks...that gives me a piece of mind....thanks again

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