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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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DAA said:
For ROTP and your application, the "initial" contract lengths are:

a.  MARS (ROTP) - 12 years
b.  Armd (ROTP)  -  13 years
c.  Inf (ROTP)  -  13 years

And for Pilot (ROTP), it's 12 years.

Thank you for answering. I find strange that someone signing for Infantry has a longer contract than someone signing for Pilot, that is why I ask.

Epelix said:
Hello.  :cdn:

I recently got my Aptitude Test scheduled and I just wanted to ask:
How was it? And how hard was it? Did you prepare for it?
I'm a little nervous cause the recruiter told me it's harder than the sample test.

Thanks so much~  :cdn:

Don't be nervous, it is basic High School questions. You can do some I.Q. test to practice yourself but seriously, the test should be easy for someone good enough at school to applied for ROTP. Good Luck.
Epelix said:
Hello.  :cdn:

I recently got my Aptitude Test scheduled and I just wanted to ask:
How was it? And how hard was it? Did you prepare for it?
I'm a little nervous cause the recruiter told me it's harder than the sample test.

Thanks so much~  :cdn:

The FAQ section has a good discussion on preparing for the aptitude test.


This was quite helpful and found that the extra prep work was well worth the time.

To start I just want to formally apologize if there are any redundancies in this thread. I've spent about 30 minutes looking for (recent) information on this and not seeing it mentioned, or at least not with the details I am looking for. I'd also like to add I have not had a pleasant time speaking to recruiters here in Toronto, who seem to either be too busy or too uninterested to speak to me for more then a few minutes.

I am 28 years old and seriously considering the ROTP application. I have already applied just to meet any potential deadlines (as suggested by the recruiter to apply immediately), but before I was able to get copies of my high school transcript. Upon review, I do not meet the senior or junior academic requirements for the RMC Arts program. For Ontario that is 75% in Grade 11 Functions and Grade 12 English. I'd chalk my shortcomings up to a lack of effort rather then intelligence, and to be honest, 10 years ago I wasn't considering a career as a military officer nor would I have thought Grade 11 Functions would affect an Arts degree application... anywhere. Let this be a lesson to the youngsters here, apply yourself in everything, because you never know where you may end up. Nevertheless I have attended university (dropped out after 1 year) and am now a working professional.

Since I do not meet the RMC academic requirements, but I do meet the requirements for Civilian university (with a guaranteed re-admission chance for a compatible program), can I still apply as a Senior or Junior applicant? Or are you required to meet the RMC's requirements no matter what?

Depending on the answer(s), I may have some follow up questions, thanks.
Seriously man? It took me about 30 seconds on Google:

An applicant for admission to one of the Baccalaureate programmes must be completing or have completed:

    High school (Grade 12) diploma at a pre-university level satisfactory to RMCC with credits acceptable and sufficient for regular admission to a university in the province in which the student is completing secondary education.
    The first year of a two-year pre-university programme at Quebec College of General and Vocational Education (CEGEP) and will normally be expected to offer 14 credit courses.
    The equivalent to grade 12 high school or CEGEP 1;
    Possess academic standards higher than those specified above; or,
    Meet the conditions for admission as a mature student.

    Quebec students who have completed Sec V will complete a five-year undergraduate Programme which includes first year CEGEP (or Preparatory Year) at the Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean in Quebec followed by university studies at the RMC Campus;

Who qualifies as a Mature Student?

You will be considered for admission as a mature student if you:

    will be 21 years or older as of the first day of classes of the session for which you have applied;
    do not meet the minimum academic prerequisites for admission to any of RMCC's academic programmes,
    are a Canadian citizen; and
    wish to be admitted under Mature Student Status.

Source: http://www.rmc.ca/adm/index-eng.php
Based on my own experience (which admittedly is over 30 years old), once you are in university, what you did in high school is of minor importance.  I applied for ROTP twice, once in my last year of high school (did not get accepted) and the second time in my first year of university.  My university marks were a marked improvement over my high school marks and I got in the second time around.  I did not go to RMC though.  The CF simply started paying the bills at my civilian university.

Interesting side note:  when I first went into the Recruiting Centre in Toronto, the folks at the front desk literally laughed at me when I told them I wanted ROTP with an arts degree (History in my case).  Luckily, I didn't pay any attention to them as that is exactly what I ended up with.
Atominthesky said:
Since I do not meet the RMC academic requirements, but I do meet the requirements for Civilian university (with a guaranteed re-admission chance for a compatible program), can I still apply as a Senior or Junior applicant? Or are you required to meet the RMC's requirements no matter what?

Depending on the answer(s), I may have some follow up questions, thanks.

Yes, you would still be required to meet the RMC prerequisites for your preferred degree.

Applicants who have some university credits, are assessed based on a combination of both their highschool and university marks.  So if you don't have 75% in the Math or English, you either need to try and upgrade these marks or take similar courses but at a higher level.
DAA said:
Yes, you would still be required to meet the RMC prerequisites for your preferred degree.

Applicants who have some university credits, are assessed based on a combination of both their highschool and university marks.  So if you don't have 75% in the Math or English, you either need to try and upgrade these marks or take similar courses but at a higher level.

Yes, thank you for the confirmation. Speaking about the University marks, I did attend 1 year of Uni and about 2 years of college. Neither program was working for me and I dropped out. BUT, in the application I will be required to provide any and all transcripts for universities/college I attended. Having dropped out, many of my marks are fails, low 50's, maybe some occassional 70's-80's from the earlier semesters I was actually trying in. Point is, I don't want them to consider these marks at all, and want the same level of consideration as any high school student. Can I choose to not declare attending any university/college and avoid providing those transcripts?
Pusser said:
Based on my own experience (which admittedly is over 30 years old), once you are in university, what you did in high school is of minor importance.  I applied for ROTP twice, once in my last year of high school (did not get accepted) and the second time in my first year of university.  My university marks were a marked improvement over my high school marks and I got in the second time around.  I did not go to RMC though.  The CF simply started paying the bills at my civilian university.

Interesting side note:  when I first went into the Recruiting Centre in Toronto, the folks at the front desk literally laughed at me when I told them I wanted ROTP with an arts degree (History in my case).  Luckily, I didn't pay any attention to them as that is exactly what I ended up with.

I feel you, the recruiters at Shep/Yonge are the worst. If you want to go NCM, they're all game and practically SELL the job to you, but if you want to go ROTP you get this deep skepticism and alot of "most people don't make the cut". Not helpful, or motivating.
Atominthesky said:
Yes, thank you for the confirmation. Speaking about the University marks, I did attend 1 year of Uni and about 2 years of college. Neither program was working for me and I dropped out. BUT, in the application I will be required to provide any and all transcripts for universities/college I attended. Having dropped out, many of my marks are fails, low 50's, maybe some occassional 70's-80's from the earlier semesters I was actually trying in. Point is, I don't want them to consider these marks at all, and want the same level of consideration as any high school student. Can I choose to not declare attending any university/college and avoid providing those transcripts?

I think they will only look at the courses "completed".  You would have to declare all previous education.  If you didn't and it was discovered during the background checks, it could raise questions.
Atominthesky said:
I feel you, the recruiters at Shep/Yonge are the worst. If you want to go NCM, they're all game and practically SELL the job to you, but if you want to go ROTP you get this deep skepticism and alot of "most people don't make the cut". Not helpful, or motivating.

So.  What you are saying is: "The Truth Hurts."

It is not in the best interests of the CAF for anyone, especially the Recruiters, to BS people.
George Wallace said:
So.  What you are saying is: "The Truth Hurts."

It is not in the best interests of the CAF for anyone, especially the Recruiters, to BS people.

Nobody is asking to get BS'ed. It's called being helpful, and encouragement helps. It's okay to say "It's challenging, competitive, but rewarding - did you check the requirements? You meet them? Okay, what would you like to know?" not "It's really competitive, most people don't make the cut, why are you even bothering? You want to apply with an Arts degree? Good luck with that. Sorry no time for questions, we're short staffed"

I'm done, thanks.
so next year I have to make a choice between RMC or a civi uni, can someone from RMC describe the life of an engineering student and if they recommend RMC?
Well this is embarassing. I failed my CFAt. I thought I didn't need to study cause I'm getting 94% average in my high school with heavey math/science like physics, chemistry, pre-calculus, and calculus. It seems doing well in school and being intellectually smart is different.
Ugh... Have to try again next year.
I hope RMC is ok with this year's essay for next year cause my reason for attending didn't change.

Anyways, good luck y'all~

Hello, I sent my application form a few days ago, I am trying to enroll to the ROTP program in computer engineering.I am so stupid i thought that the trade choices were actually the universit ty degrees that we study in the RMC, and not the job. So i chose the trade that looked the most like computer engineering as my first choice and i left the second and third choices empty.
I want to know if there is any way to correct that stupid error. If I can't, I am planning to tell them in the interview about that error and talk about my real trade choices, and not about the one i submitted in the form.

What do you guys suggest me to do?

Force said:
Hello, I sent my application form a few days ago, I am trying to enroll to the ROTP program in computer engineering.I am so stupid i thought that the trade choices were actually the universit ty degrees that we study in the RMC, and not the job. So i chose the trade that looked the most like computer engineering as my first choice and i left the second and third choices empty.
I want to know if there is any way to correct that stupid error. If I can't, I am planning to tell them in the interview about that error and talk about my real trade choices, and not about the one i submitted in the form.

What do you guys suggest me to do?

Which form are you referring to?  Your online application to the CF or your RMC Questionnaire upload?
Could someone explain to me exactly what what is ROTP... I really want to become successful in the army, I'm looking into being a infantry officer and I was told by my recruiter that I should apply for the ROTP in September 2015, I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me out on this one, thank you!! :)
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