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Reuters: Somali Pirates Form Investment Cooperative

ballz said:
I think his point was that he agrees with you, that sending a few good-morning bombs is stupid, hence the "killing for the sake of killing" and "making a difference and making a statement" comments.

Ya, not even close.  ::)

Killing for the sake of psycological deterence, regardless as to how minimal it might be.  As mentioned, these are criminals, not terrorists.  Their basic motivation is greed and self preservation.  Even if it makes them flinchy, a little scared to go out, or even just shuts them up so they don't run their mouths on TV, then it's worth it IMO.  They need to have their safe haven feeling taken away. 
Yes, but the region is a thugocracy.  It would do no harm, and possibly a pile of good, to show the thugs that they can be "got to" at any time.
zipperhead_cop said:
Ya, not even close.  ::)

Killing for the sake of psycological deterence, regardless as to how minimal it might be.  As mentioned, these are criminals, not terrorists.  Their basic motivation is greed and self preservation.  Even if it makes them flinchy, a little scared to go out, or even just shuts them up so they don't run their mouths on TV, then it's worth it IMO.  They need to have their safe haven feeling taken away.

OK well I'm with Mellian that's just dumb. Let's just go piss on everybody's front door step that'll won't just piss them off. I wonder how many hostages they'd kill before this vs after this. It would make a difference, it would make things worse.

zipperhead_cop said:
Ya, not even close.  ::)
Killing for the sake of psycological deterence, regardless as to how minimal it might be.  As mentioned, these are criminals, not terrorists.  Their basic motivation is greed and self preservation.  Even if it makes them flinchy, a little scared to go out, or even just shuts them up so they don't run their mouths on TV, then it's worth it IMO.  They need to have their safe haven feeling taken away.

What Zipperhead-cop said goes double for me.
Many years ago Libya was a thorn in the side of the West....US!! An attack directed by then US President Ronald Reagan told Muamar Ghaddafi that  would not be tolerated. Libyan antics stopped after that, at least while Reagan was in office.
I think an armed attack by some boys in black might be more effective, you know.,.face to face....but cruise missiles would be fine, or a JDAM,....
What we are doing now is Bob Izumi fishing: Catch and release.

I'm with zipperhead cop on this.
...and people wonder why some of those countries and people hates the west.
mellian said:
...and people wonder why some of those countries and people hates the west.

Kind of makes you wonder why they want to come here?
Only certain things they hate, like law and order, freedom,  you know, the useless stuff.  They seem to love our money and consumer goods just fine.
mellian said:
...and people wonder why some of those countries and people hates the west.
yeah we are a hateful lot aren't we? We allow refugees of all natures in, take in the poor and destitute of those nations, then when they commit crimes against my fellow citizens we allow the criminals to stay in Canada.
Yeah we are a hateful lot aren't we?
They get sick in this country, and we provide FREE health care. Yeah we are a hateful lot aren't we?
I'm shaking my head over your statement, mellian.
We do more than most other nations to help these people then they kick us in the teeth.
mellian said:
...and people wonder why some of those countries and people hates the west.


And their actions do not deserve the ire of the west without criticism....

How arrogant of them, and those that disparage those in the west who vocalize our opinion.


Big Silverback said:
We do more than most other nations to help these people then they kick us in the teeth.

This reminds me a little bit of a broadcast made in Toronto in 1973:

"World political powers focus on Afghanistan as Somalia time bomb ticks:  For the military experts meeting here, Somalia is a time bomb that the world is not giving much attention. Somalia, like Afghanistan, has al Qaida cells, which according to Nathan Mugisha, the commander of the African Union peacekeeping force in Somalia, are getting stronger.":
Big Silverback said:
I'm shaking my head over your statement, mellian.
We do more than most other nations to help these people then they kick us in the teeth.

How does this give us an excuse to bomb (at least wanting to opinion wise) folks of a third world country simply out of spite or to give some kind of statement, not caring whether it would resolve the piracy problem there?
Not out of spite or any kind of message, other than to get them to think twice before rubbing the worlds nose in their flagrant disregard for international law.  Think of it in terms of your local mugger:  I can't make him stop mugging people, but if he got a red hot poker up his arse every time he mugged someone, he may come to the Pavlovian conclusion that mugging people makes his arse hurt, and he'll perhaps stop doing that.
mellian said:
How does this give us an excuse to bomb (at least wanting to opinion wise) folks of a third world country simply out of spite or to give some kind of statement, not caring whether it would resolve the piracy problem there?

What are the opinions and efforts, of the local Government, to stop these brigands?


Yet, it not as simple as that. In the case of Somali piracy, the options the metaphor mugger has is starving and homeless due to lack of funds or not enough from farming or some such, or mug someone and getting enough funds survive and live on, a long with their family. Getting hot poker, or beat up by fellow starving/homeless or by thugs, makes no difference in motivation.

mellian said:
Yet, it not as simple as that. In the case of Somali piracy, the options the metaphor mugger has is starving and homeless due to lack of funds or not enough from farming or some such, or mug someone and getting enough funds survive and live on, a long with their family. Getting hot poker, or beat up by fellow starving/homeless or by thugs, makes no difference in motivation.


I am a bit confused.  Please rephrase....


the 48th regulator said:
What are the opinions and efforts, of the local Government, to stop these brigands?

That it would cost to much political and financially to do what is actually needed, especially seeing how much in the hole US is and some NATO countries are with Iraq and Afghanistan a long with the reminder of what happened last time anything was attempted in Somalia?
the 48th regulator said:
I am a bit confused.  Please rephrase....

From the article... 

"In a drought-ravaged country that provides almost no employment opportunities for fit young men, many are been drawn to the allure of the riches they see being earned at sea.

Abdirahman Ali was a secondary school student in Mogadishu until three months ago when his family fled the fighting there.

Given the choice of moving with his parents to Lego, their ancestral home in Middle Shabelle where strict Islamist rebels have banned most entertainment including watching sport, or joining the pirates, he opted to head for Haradheere.

Now he guards a Thai fishing boat held just offshore. "

Sure, some of those pirates are doing it for greed, but not all of them.
mellian said:
That it would cost to much political and financially to do what is actually needed, especially seeing how much in the hole US is and some NATO countries are with Iraq and Afghanistan a long with the reminder of what happened last time anything was attempted in Somalia?


What you are saying is that due US is and some NATO countries actions with Iraq, Financially and Politically , the Government of Somalia would rather have the Villains continue to raid and Pirate the area where "Western" ships roam.

And that sits well with you.....



mellian said:
...and people wonder why some of those countries and people hates the west.

I don't wonder at all. I know the people you're referring to hate us because we tend to keep their oppression in check. If they take offence to that, I'm not losing sleep over it.