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Reuters: Somali Pirates Form Investment Cooperative

Whose side are you on, Stukov?
Stukov said:
Your shortsightedness, lack of intuition and narrow-mindedness is a ghostly reminiscent of those who have tried to hold back the progress of society by whatever means fancied them; be it fear or ignorance. Ideas which value no higher then petty barbarianism are the reason society and individuals alike are held back from achieving not only the full, unilateral potential available but also utilizing potential in the most effective manner.

Wow.  Sweet quote.  That would look awesome on the back jacket cover of a sociology text book. 
Personal attack aside (easily brushed off by your lack of completed profile) on what personal experience do you challenge my comment?  I see every day the effects of our "liberal democracy" and where it is going.  Seems to me the lefties have had a free run since the 70's.  Are we better off now than we were back then? 
And it seems to me that the good people of Singapore thrive and survive just fine.  Being barbarians and such, you know. 

mariomike said:
Whose side are you on, Stukov?

He is likely on the side of the illusion of what Canada is supposed to be.  One of the sheeple I risk my life for. 
zipperhead_cop said:
He is likely on the side of the illusion of what Canada is supposed to be.  One of the sheeple I risk my life for.

I don't recall ever asking you to, you're a police officer correct? You earn a salary to uphold the laws of this land, not to "protect me".

I also mentioned nothing of the Liberal government, or of democracy for that matter.
Stukov said:
You earn a salary to uphold the laws of this land, not to "protect me".

I wish I had a nickel for every time a 911 caller said, "I pay your salary".
Stukov said:
I don't recall ever asking you to, you're a police officer correct? You earn a salary to uphold the laws of this land, not to "protect me".

:rofl:  Thank you for that.  Awesome. 

Okay, go for it Stukov.  What is your big plan for Somalia?  Or did you just come on this thread to wax leftist?
ZC, don't bother.

Once Mommy stops changing his diapers he may understand....
Can you develop back pains from sitting on the moral high horse for too long?
Stukov said:
Can you develop back pains from sitting on the moral high horse for too long?

Or if you're going to contribute nothing to this thread you can always go into the warning system.

Army.ca Staff
Stukov said:
I don't recall ever asking you to, you're a police officer correct? You earn a salary to uphold the laws of this land, not to "protect me".

I also mentioned nothing of the Liberal government, or of democracy for that matter.

Ok I think we, pro and anti "blow somalia up" people alike, can agree to just leave this guy out of our pissing contest.

zipperhead_cop said:
I take that is a request, not a screen name?  You may find out that doing nothing is often worse that doing something.

Don't worry about my jewels, if you've got nothing better to try and attack me on besides my screen name I suggest you save yourself the embarrassment. I don't care whether you're an MP, Infanteer, or JTF2, avert your eyes from my zipper, zipperhead_cop.

I never said do nothing. I would support doing something. I would support troops on the ground. I would support building and stabilizing the country to take the legs out from underneath whatever it is that is driving piracy. I would support going after the heads of the piracy in a slightly more sophisticated operation than 500 lb bombs. And if there is a decision to put troops on the ground in Somalia, in all likelihood given the time frame, my feet would be there. If that happens, then you can worry about my nuts.

I'm done with this one, played itself out. I can watch monkeys on YouTube throw their own s**t at each other. ZC, if you had any of your own feces left to throw, direct it towards my inbox.
ballz said:
Don't worry about my jewels, if you've got nothing better to try and attack me on besides my screen name I suggest you save yourself the embarrassment. I don't care whether you're an MP, Infanteer, or JTF2, avert your eyes from my zipper, zipperhead_cop.

Come on.  You pick a screen name like that and don't thing anyone is going to make a play on words with it ever?  Lighten up, Francis. 

ballz said:
I never said do nothing. I would support doing something. I would support troops on the ground. I would support building and stabilizing the country to take the legs out from underneath whatever it is that is driving piracy. I would support going after the heads of the piracy in a slightly more sophisticated operation than 500 lb bombs. And if there is a decision to put troops on the ground in Somalia, in all likelihood given the time frame, my feet would be there. If that happens, then you can worry about my nuts.

I'm sure the command appreciates you volunteering us for another highly involved mission and stepping up to lead Roto Zero.  And I'm sure your men will appreciate that you don't see air support as "sophisticated" and won't be utilizing it.  I'm with you.  Bayonet charges are sweet! 

ballz said:
I'm done with this one, played itself out. I can watch monkeys on YouTube throw their own s**t at each other. ZC, if you had any of your own feces left to throw, direct it towards my inbox.

PM inbound. 
zipperhead_cop said:
I would suggest that our Western arrogance and shortsightedness has gotten us into the mess we are in today.  When one society consistently demonstrates that they are weak, over-forgiving, soft on crime, have no national cohesiveness and have ridiculous entrenched laws (such as the Multiculturalism Act for starters) that only serve to split our country and create mini islands of individuals, then we deserve to be treated like the bitches that we act like.

I agree with you there; but is that our problem, or that of pirates somewhere half way around the world?  We do have a serious problem with our own society, but it is not the sole result of pirates in Somalia.  Why deflect the discussion from Somali pirates to our own problems at home?

Stukov said:
Your shortsightedness, lack of intuition and narrow-mindedness is a ghostly reminiscent of those who have tried to hold back the progress of society by whatever means fancied them; be it fear or ignorance. Ideas which value no higher then petty barbarianism are the reason society and individuals alike are held back from achieving not only the full, unilateral potential available but also utilizing potential in the most effective manner.


That is right out to lunch.  I can't make any sense of what you are rambling on about.
George Wallace said:
I agree with you there; but is that our problem, or that of pirates somewhere half way around the world?  We do have a serious problem with our own society, but it is not the sole result of pirates in Somalia.  Why deflect the discussion from Somali pirates to our own problems at home?

I was directly responding you your decidedly non-pirate oriented comment here:
George Wallace said:
So?  You now advocate we lower ourselves to their standards?

But yes, a refocusing of the topic was needed. 