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Quebec and the elections

I had something much more eloquent to post, but it all boiled down to this...

Listening to Quebec separtists is like listening to a wife threatening to leave for 35 years. After a while, you snap and scream, "Leave! Stay! I don't care anymore, just STFU!"
A separate Quebec could presumably do as it pleased with the St Lawrence.  There are railroads which don't run through Quebec, and one suspects New England and Canadian maritime ports would be happy to expand.
But what exactly happens when members of the House of Representatives, hailing from Michigan and Ohio, begin to appeal to Congress over the economic damage the Quebec taxing has done to their industry, no matter how minor?
The members of the H of R, hailing from New York and other states dependent on hydroelectric power delivered from/through Quebec, tell them to shut up and sit down.
Caesar said:
I had something much more eloquent to post, but it all boiled down to this...

Listening to Quebec separtists is like listening to a wife threatening to leave for 35 years. After a while, you snap and scream, "Leave! Stay! I don't care anymore, just STFU!"
Can I agree more than a +1?

The rail freight idea is physically possible, but it would be at huge shipping cost.  No, what would happen is the ships would sail on through unfettered, and anything that tried to stop them would be obliterated.  Do not underestimate the US's intolerance of screwing with it's economy.  I have every belief that they could pull some rabbit out of a hat and find some old agreement that guarentees open passage on the water.  The east coast states will not side against their fellow states for QUEBEC.  Are you high?  They will take the power, AND they will have the water way.  What are you going to do, not sell them power?  Then what?  Light up PEI like a disco with all the extra juice?  Just the fact that you are under the illusion that you would have some say in this is part and parcel of the snow job Rene and the gang put on you guys. 
Don't you think that if stand alone economies were a viable idea, Europe would not have bothered with all of the EU crap?  It's not like they did it because they like each other.
Put it outta yer mind.  It is not your creek.  Enjoy looking at it, but don't fall in love.  She belongs to another.
I don't have a dog in the fight, since I live in BC.  If they want to have a trade war, I don't care - I am well enough off to find alternatives to nearly anything for which they manage to push up the price.  But I do think none of us should underestimate the willingness of people to suffer a few self-inflicted wounds in an effort to make the other side bend to terms.
I am aware of many proud people from Quebec, Ontario, etc within the CF.  People have a right to be proud of where they come from and what they represent along with their choice of political views.  People here should not focus on the numbers for the BQ/PQ and connect them to separatism.  Many people who vote for them are not separatist, but like their message about more power for the provinces, support for gay marriage etc.  I know that after watching the debates, had a Bloc MP lived in my riding on the East Coast, I would have voted for them, not because of they represent an independence movement, but their ideas, less separatism, make sense.  If they could broaden there base and cut back on the rhetoric, they would be the only party that care about the provinces...Just my two cents.  As for FREDERICK G,  I am sure that after once you start travelling the world and see how people react when they find out you are in the Canadian Military, you might be able to look past your own nose.
birdgunnnersrule said:
As for FREDERICK G,  I am sure that after once you start travelling the world and see how people react when they find out you are in the Canadian Military, you might be able to look past your own nose.

First off, when you call people out, at least have the common courtesy of spelling their names right. IT'S NOT THAT HARD.

Now, why is it ok for all those people to bash Quebec, but when I say the truth, in that the Natives sold us their land and now they're asking for money again, and you start freaking out?
        One thing I have found interesting is the shift away from the BQ and the actual consideration of the conservatives. In my years of following Federal politics this has suprised me the most, even my better half who is from Montreal is confused by this.
OLD F of S said:
        One thing I have found interesting is the shift away from the BQ and the actual consideration of the conservatives.

Why? It sounds normal to me. The conservatives are gaining support in Québec, the BQ wants to stop them.
One thing I did not like is when Gilles Duceppe gave an interview and a speech in Musique Plus Channel. Great, now all french-speaking little Nintendo kiddos who don't know one thing about politics got brainwashed by the Block.
Clément Barbeau Vermet said:
Why? It sounds normal to me. The conservatives are gaining support in Québec, the BQ wants to stop them.
One thing I did not like is when Gilles Duceppe gave an interview and a speech in Musique Plus Channel. Great, now all french-speaking little Nintendo kiddos who don't know one thing about politics got brainwashed by the Block.

Why? Because Quebecers haven't voted Tory since the days of Mulroney. They tend to cast their vote for either the Bloc (no 'k', BTW) or the Lieberals.
Just pointing out that while some amerindians indeed sold their land, it is a minority, other were absorbed by the european colonisation or evinced by the wars (within tribes, between tribes and with european powers) that followed the instability that such a colonisation provoked.

Also, remember that the Nouvelle-France was given to England by our supposed cousins from France in a treaty, wich legally states that said Nouvelle-France is part of the English empire, later became part of the Dominion of Canada and finally Canada.

We Quebeckers have no more rights over these lands than Amerindians do, wich means, none. English Canada has not always been fair toward our people, but today conditions are totally equal. Show your pride by straightening yourself up and taking your place in this Canada, not by separating and going in your room like a reprimended child.

Finally, my father was until last year (he is now retreated) one of the top accountants in Quebec's provincial government, and I can tell you that

1- We receive more money from the federal government than we give back to Canada.
2- Quebec in it's current form could NOT stay viable by itself, thanks to our socialist money abysses.
3- If you think United States would annex us if we became a 3rd world country, you are wrong. They don't need one more burden. They would rather see to their interest and take advantage of our situation to get our ressources at a cheap price, like any other country would do.

Must remember that the block members WERE PC members under Mulroney and until he packed it in and Bouchard struck out on his own.

why is it that everyone keeps insisting that Quebec wants to separate.
Isn't it more a case that it's representatives have taken a stand that they want to go Quebec 1st.............. That does not mean that Quebec is or must be separate.
sorry about misspelling your name. 

It is interesting that the BQ are losing support to the conservatives.  I don't think that Buzz Hargrove's rant helped the Liberals much in Quebec, maybe he was secretly planted by Jack Layton hahaha.  Hopefully the BQ nor Liberals get smoked too much to keep Stephen Harper in line so that he can some through on the promises that he made to Quebec and rest of the country.  I cannot trust George Bush III, I bit he's eating steak at the ranch in Texas by May.
geo said:
Must remember that the block members WERE PC members under Mulroney and until he packed it in and Bouchard struck out on his own.

I haven't forgotten, and I bet neither has Mr. Mulroney.

geo said:
why is it that everyone keeps insisting that Quebec wants to separate.

I don't actually think they DO want to seperate. They have a federalist sympathetic provincial government right now, with a former PC leader as Premier, IIRC.

geo said:
Isn't it more a case that it's representatives have taken a stand that they want to go Quebec 1st.............. That does not mean that Quebec is or must be separate.
Although that attitude cannot be labelled as outright separtist, it is pretty close. Of course you always think of your own riding, dity, province, etc. first. But to vote for a party who's sole goal is sovereignty is by definition, separtist. A large number of Quebecers vote that way via the PQ/Bloc.
i did not vote because i found i did not know enough about there campaigns to do so. I will not until i take the time to learn about them next time around....sorry...
I am not aiming this at cryssy22, because she has made a statement to legitimize her actions, but at the many who have made the statement that they did not know what the Candidates or Parties were standing for.  I find it hard that anyone could not have been informed of what some of the issues were after being constantly bombarded by the Media for the last eight weeks.  The issues have been on TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Posters, Flyers, Pins, Billboards,....every medium conceivable.  We have seen or heard the Leaders debate several times; live and on CPAC.  Editorials have been written.  Comics have made fun of it.  It is on the internet.  It is being discused on this site.  How can anyone in this country say that they are not informed on some of the main issues.  I know someone is going to come back and say that they don't know the whole platform for each and every Party, but how many of us do?  There has been so much info put out that there must be some info that could aid one in making an informed choice.  What does your gut say?  Like everything else in life, follow it.
ok just to reply to the remark but i am a busy person...I work allday and study allnight i do not read much but for text books, i do not watch tv unless it is treehouse network for my son and i do not listen to the radio as i get distracted from studying easily....there are actual people like me who are just too busy with our lives then too worry about a political leader(s)
As I said in my post, it was not aimed at you, but at the general population as a whole who use that as an excuse.

In your post, above, you give the excuse that you have to work all day and study all night.  You have to read text books, and only watch programs that your son watches.  You don't listen to the Radio as it distracts you.  You state that there are people who are just too busy with their lives that they have no time to worry about political leaders.

OK.  Where there not Commercials during those programs that your son was watching?  Don't you discuss with any of your peers at school or work about current events?  If you are soooo busy, what are you posting on the internet for?.......  AND in an internet forum discussing the ELECTION.  Should I also ask why you would have time for Chat Rooms? (You posted that in another topic on this site.)

Don't kid a kidder......
i came across this site and wanted to chat with some decent beings about the CF's and some various oppurtunities...but i can just say, i do not like making a decision before knowing all facts...can't u agree on that?