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Quebec and the elections

Hey, at least she isn't saying "better the devil you know..." and mindlessly voting Lieberal.
cryssy22 said:
i did not vote because i found i did not know enough about there campaigns to do so. I will not until i take the time to learn about them next time around....sorry...

There's still time.
Douke said:
Show your pride by straightening yourself up and taking your place in this Canada, not by separating and going in your room like a reprimended child.

Just gotta say: I agree... When you get to live in various parts of this country, you learn to embrace the diversity.  Someday, we will have a political party that will use this as it's structure... I hope!  ::)

"i came across this site and wanted to chat with some decent beings about the CF's and some various oppurtunities...but i can just say, i do not like making a decision before knowing all facts...can't u agree on that?"

- Yup.  But, this election has been announced for weeks and brewing for months.  Also, you have legally been able to vote for three years, according to your profile. 

Go ahead though, take your time. 


Okay, times up.  Go vote.


well.... this is going to be interesting
The Premier of Quebec is Liberal... but he's conservative & while he did not get along with PM the PM, he'll try his damndest to get along with Mr Harper.
Now does Mr Duceppe have an interest to try working with the PC?
Being "friends" with the PQ, he can't verry well associate / side with the PC, cause he'd be giving support to Mr Charest... when he's expected to support Mr Boisclair.

geo said:
well.... this is going to be interesting
The Premier of Quebec is Liberal... but he's conservative & while he did not get along with PM the PM, he'll try his damndest to get along with Mr Harper.
Now does Mr Duceppe have an interest to try working with the PC?
Being "friends" with the PQ, he can't verry well associate / side with the PC, cause he'd be giving support to Mr Charest... when he's expected to support Mr Boisclair.

The biggest reasons for Duceppe to work with Harper, IMHO:

1-Harper is for decentralized government. IE - less fed government involvement in prov affairs. That's right up the Bloc's alley.

2-Harper is for exposing the Grits as a bunch of thieves. I expect the gov to launch investigations into internal dealings during the Grits reign. This can only be good for the Liberal-hating Duceppe.

3-No one wants another election. Any leader who sends up to the polls in the next 1-2 years will certainly be clobbered. He has to work with Harper to avoid that.
but Quebec should be going to the polls by next year and Mr Duceppe has to / should make things as bad as possible for Mr Charest - in order to help Mr Boisclair with "the cause".
and with respect to being clobbered - Duceppe has no illusion or wish to ever become PM so.... what's the down-side?
geo said:
but Quebec should be going to the polls by next year and Mr Duceppe has to / should make things as bad as possible for Mr Charest - in order to help Mr Boisclair with "the cause".

Agreed, but he will be meddling in Provincial affairs, not federal affairs.

geo said:
and with respect to being clobbered - Duceppe has no illusion or wish to ever become PM so.... what's the down-side?

The down-side? The quebec electorate saying 'Non' to Mr. Duceppe for putting them into another election. Sure he doesn't want to govern Canada, but he does want as many seats as possible to push the separtist agenda.
meddling into provincial affairs?.... Uh - so?

as many seats as possible?... true - but if he wants to retain his credibility with the hardliners that support him, he has to do everything he can to ensure that Harper/Charest do not get along - so he & Boisclair can crow that Canada doesn't work.

Hey, it's all conjecture - it's anyone's guess as to what will happen in the end.
Another thing is that the Minister of Defence got re-elected.
Contervative Gov. = good armed forces..... with a Liberal minister of def.....???
Not sure what's your point.
The PC will designate their own Defence Minister.
They have a retired General and a retired Colonel within their ranks.
matter of fact, the Retired Col was with General Hillier to meet the 3 injured troops returning to Edmonton...would imagine that they had a chance for a talk.

Based on what was happening with the Liberals & what the CPC platform for the election, the CF will get some well deserved attention.... time will tell.