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Petition: "Buy a Soldier a Coffee Day"

The Bread Guy

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Mods:  I was torn between putting this here or "Home Front, so feel free to switch if you think it's a better fit there.

Just found this (what appears to be new) petition online, asking Timmie's to put out collection boxes at their stores across Canada for a day (why not Canada Day?) so people can drop change in and the money collected can be used to cover a soldier's coffee at Tim's in K'Har.


Feel free to share the link!
Why only one day?
Leave the box there beside the cash register so any time I buy coffee at Timi's I can drop some change in.
I think Tim Hortons childrens charities are a far better cause for Timmies patrons to donate their change to.
I know I'm paid well enough to afford my own coffee. I've been encouraging friends and family to donate money to charity (adopt a minefield) rather than flooding the system with care packages to me in Afghanistan.
CDN Aviator said:
Are we charity cases ?

I'm thinking some people out there are just looking for another way to say "thanks".  I can only speak for myself, but I know when I send gift certificates to the lads & lasses overseas (in hopes they get at least SOME time to use them), I'm not thinking of the troops as "charity cases".
Yes, I understand that you can buy your own coffee and there are far better charity cases that would do better with the money but if civilians can show in some way, in any way their feelings let them. You most likely will only get one cup of coffee out of it but wouldn't it make you smile when someone hands over a cup of coffee to you with a smile saying "From back home"?
I give regularly to charities.
I don't feel this one as a charity but more as a gesture.
Its my first tour over there, but I get the crazy impression from higher that I will have little time for coffee at Kandahar Tims.  I'd like to hear input on this from some of the salty old dogs who've been there and done that. Maybe I'm bitter and jaded, but I will outright tell civies that the best sign of support they can show us is to write their MP to show support for the CF.
Sorry to say but I can write my MP every day and she will still do as is safe for her behind to stay in that chair.

I can't change politician's opinion.
I can change other civilian's opinion by talking to them when the subject arises.
(Not hard to bring it up. Everyone has an opinion.)

If MP's would really listen to the citizens things might be a little bit different.

tkp_mack said:
I don't feel this one as a charity but more as a gesture.

A gesture towards the few soldiers who will have the chance to be in KAF to get one. All i ever wanted on tour was something from family. I'm sure alot of troops already get Timmie's gift certificates from family back home. This petition and that stupid "military families fund" comercial on TV makes us look like charity cases. I make more than enough to get my own coffee, thanks. I also make more than enough to support my family while deployed.

The public wants to do something for the CF, that great, tell them to go tell their MP that we need their support.
CDN Aviator said:
Are we charity cases ?
GDawg said:
I think Tim Hortons childrens charities are a far better cause for Timmies patrons to donate their change to.
I know I'm paid well enough to afford my own coffee.

I know I am paid well enough to buy my own coffee. If Tim Hortons wants to give us free coffee, then thats fine.

CDN Aviator said:
The public wants to do something for the CF, that great, tell them to go tell their MP that we need their support.
GDawg said:
Its my first tour over there, but I get the crazy impression from higher that I will have little time for coffee at Kandahar Tims.  I'd like to hear input on this from some of the salty old dogs who've been there and done that. Maybe I'm bitter and jaded, but I will outright tell civies that the best sign of support they can show us is to write their MP to show support for the CF.

I agree. When I'm there, my change would still goe to the TH Camp Fund for Kids. Holy smokes, we've cajoled them into putting an outlet there, plus all the other things they've done for us like all the free coffee, they gave, previous. I THINK Timmies has probably done more, physically, for the moral of the troops than any other corporate entity in Canada. What else do we force them to do after this? A free cake on everyone's birthday? Plus, not to mention all the guys that live outside the wire while they're there, and never make it to Timmies.

That's just my $00.02.

BTW, I got it and deleted it from my inbox, because I don't need my email address added to the other ten thousand that the spam programs are harvesting from this email circulation.
IMHO, there was more "free Coffees and Ice Caps" going around the PRT and KAF than some I could use up.  I ended bringing most of the gift certificates home with me and using them here.  Mind you, I was out at the PRT most of the time.  The point being, Between care packages, corporate donations, gifts from the Legion, and whomever decides to hand them out, there are, or were, more than enough to go around.  Leave the change box for the real charities.  A signed banner would do just as well to show appreciation for what we do.
Agreed Tim Hortons as a franchise has stepped up to the plate more often in support of the CF then most will dream of (including my beloved Starbucks). To tell you the truth it makes me uncomfortable when members of the CF advocate stuff like this.
Ex-Dragoon said:
To tell you the truth it makes me uncomfortable when members of the CF advocate stuff like this.


I dont do what i do for tea, crumpets, medaos, free coffees or or aingle word of thanks. I do it because i love it and it has to be done. I'm getting tired of these "look at me i'm military take pitty on me" campaigns. You dont see cops or firefighters on TV like this do you ?
tkp_mack said:
Yes, I understand that you can buy your own coffee and there are far better charity cases that would do better with the money but if civilians can show in some way, in any way their feelings let them. You most likely will only get one cup of coffee out of it but wouldn't it make you smile when someone hands over a cup of coffee to you with a smile saying "From back home"?
I give regularly to charities.
I don't feel this one as a charity but more as a gesture.

How about they donate their money to charity then, and show up at the Cenotaph on Nov 11th to remember the fallen; and wear red on Fridays as a show of support to the troops?

After all, it's the show of support itself that is most appreciated. Just ask those that continue to show up on the overpasses of the Highway of Heroes ... and those who have witnessed it. Shows of support are awesome.
Ex-Dragoon said:
To tell you the truth it makes me uncomfortable when members of the CF advocate stuff like this.

I can't tell whether this was started by a CF member or not - the petition was fresh up with no indication of who started it, and none of the e-mails I've received about this show CF addresses.

CDN Aviator said:
I dont do what i do for tea, crumpets, medaos, free coffees or or aingle word of thanks. I do it because i love it and it has to be done. I'm getting tired of these "look at me i'm military take pitty on me" campaigns. You dont see cops or firefighters on TV like this do you ?

Agreed that most are like you, but ya can't ding folks too much for tryin', no?  I can't speak for everyone who signed, but I know I didn't sign figuring serving members are "charity cases" needing my pity (none of those I know personally certainly fit into this category).

Now that you and others have let folks know what would make MORE sense, in the bigger picture, people reading can think again about signing, or how they might want to express their appreciation in the future, like this....

"Odious"* nonwoman waiting boob job so I've been told. LMAO. said:
How about they donate their money to charity then, and show up at the Cenotaph on Nov 11th to remember the fallen; and wear red on Fridays as a show of support to the troops?


JSR OP said:
A signed banner would do just as well to show appreciation for what we do.

- edited to fix spelling/grammar -
I agree with the "soldiers aren't charity cases" opinions expressed here.

On the OTHER hand - I can understand that the "average" citizens of the country want to directly show their appreciation for what our soldiers, airmen, and sailors are doing.  But those same citizens may not be aware of the various ways of doing so.  If buying a cup of coffee for a serviceman makes them feel they are somehow "supporting the troops", I don't see the harm.

I'm not familiar with the television spots some here have alluded to - if those spots are being produced and placed by the CF, perhaps the emphasis can be shifted to such things as Red Fridays, Nov 11, support the Legion and alike.
I don't see this as a charity case, I see it as another "We appreciate our soldiers act."  Hockey games, coffee, yellow ribbons.
It's a funny thing
While I will gladly accept a free coffee if it's offered, I don't need someone to offer me something to show that he supports the troops.

Over the last 10 years, I have seen more support for the troops than I did in my 1st 25 years of service PERIOD!

A simple nod, smile, wink is worth a million bucks.  To have someone go to the trouble of walking up to me, offer me their hand and with a firm handshake saying "thank you" is priceless.

I consider myself very fortunate to still be serving today - to have Soldiers looked at with something more than disdain / scorn.

I'll pick up my own coffee, thank you very much - but I appreceate the thought.  CHIMO!