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Official: British troops freed in jailbreak (????)

The operation to rescue their soldiers was well done. Why the incident occured in the first place is my big question

Agreed.   This may give you a clue. This is how the politicos operate in their own backyard.


Edit: Come to think of it that's probably what you get when you hire a lawyer.

No offense whiskey ;)
tomahawk6 said:
The operation to rescue their soldiers was well done. Why the incident occured in the first place is my big question.

You are right tomahawk6 its obviously a special operation  so you will never get the full story !!!! or maybe in a book .....
I suspect that pressure will cause details to come forth. Blair doesnt hesitate to bring squaddies up on war crimes trials with very little evidence so it wouldnt surprise me to see alot of details and maybe a sacrifice.

This may also explain rising activity in the south.  (Mind you a few disgruntled police in a police force with tribal loyalties is not quite yet a crisis - the Badr Police hate the SCIRI Police and the just plain venial police hate them both, meanwhile the local civilians fear them all and are upset with the Brits for NOT acting against the police sooner - digression)

Anyway to the alternate explanation.  It seems that Tomahawks mates haven't been making life easy in the west recently. Al Qaeda and Syria have had a bad month.
A bit more detail, from a UK Times reporter who used to be Mil Int...



On Monday two SAS men in Arab clothes and an unmarked car clashed with local Iraqi police in Basra sparking a riot and political crisis. This is how they came to be there

In July three British soldiers were killed when a bomb struck their patrol vehicle at Amarah close to the Iranian border

Forensic examination of the device revealed it was a sophisticated bomb designed to penetrate the armoured Land Rover from below. Experts identified it as similar to bombs supplied by Iran to Hezbollah, the militant Islamic group

Intelligence from MI6 and GCHQ also revealed that Iranian Revolutionary Guards were on the ground in Basra posing as pilgrims on the way to Iraq's holy shrines and liaising with the militias

Military commanders decided to send the SAS into Basra to track the routes along which insurgents and bombs were being smuggled in from Iran. Two dozen SAS soldiers were dispatched from "the Station House" in Baghdad to Basra

The SAS teams conducted an overall review of the area to decide where to focus covert observation posts and close recce patrols. All SAS troopers in the field were in civilian dress, operating undercover

Each patrol was briefed in detail. At a remote part of their base they rehearsed "actions on", the precise responses to take in any likely circumstance, including contact with civilian police. They double-checked all equipment, including communications gear and weapons

SAS patrols both in car and on foot then began a bid to track down and trap the suspected arms smugglers

On Monday last week, one of these two-man teams left their base by car - a battered Nissan - disguised as locals to gather intelligence and resupply another team

The car was stopped by a police officer who was shot in leg as the SAS team tried to avoid capture

The two SAS men sped off but were pursued by Iraqi police. After a chase in which a passerby was killed by a stray bullet, they were captured

Thank you for the update
Corrupted element in Iraqi police were able to create a crisis in Basrsa. As the story goes the SAS had no choice to act like this ...