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NDP call Canadian troops "terrorists" and say the CF is "Bombing Afghan villiages"!

Zell_Dietrich said:
Well good for them!   Honestly if they only want to deal with people who think like themselves,  and only 'see' things that support their own opinion...  well they'll just have to learn how quickly things go bad for ignorant elitists.  Personally I find reality better than any self constructed paradigm I could make... but hey we'll see what happens eh?

Unfortunately the "ignorant elitists" rarely if ever learn anything.  They'll spin horseshit into hamburger and tell you its wonderful to eat, or they just blame the problems on someone else. 
Ignorant Elitists have that lovely talent of being able to ignore logic and common sense.
Somehow Darwins theory of evolution seems to have a loophole. ;D
I actually received a response from MS Sue Creba from the BC Riding Assoc.  I sent a rather terse (see pg7) e-mail to her the other day ref this whole thing.  She e-mailled me back next day saying that the whole thing was taken out of context, that they were trying to protect Canadian troops.  She did not say sorry, but she responded.

I have just had enough of these NDP twits.  There were some NDP students showed up at my dads retirnement dinner in Winnipeg last year (39 yrs CF) and caused some greif.  They complianed to the hotel staff about letting us use the dinning hall for his kind, graffit on poster, idiot comments.  Turn's out they came from little sis's university.  Hotel staff put the run on them as did my uncle.
peaches said:
I actually received a response from MS Sue Creba from the BC Riding Assoc.  I sent a rather terse (see pg7) e-mail to her the other day ref this whole thing.  She e-mailled me back next day saying that the whole thing was taken out of context, that they were trying to protect Canadian troops.  She did not say sorry, but she responded.

I have just had enough of these NDP twits.  There were some NDP students showed up at my dads retirnement dinner in Winnipeg last year (39 yrs CF) and caused some greif.  They complianed to the hotel staff about letting us use the dinning hall for his kind, graffit on poster, idiot comments.  Turn's out they came from little sis's university.  Hotel staff put the run on them as did my uncle.

I know this is a very "un-Padre-like" thing to say but I'll say it before paracowboy does......I HOPE HE GOT SOME THROAT PUNCHES IN BEFORE THEY GOT TO THE DOOR!!!!
peaches said:
I actually received a response from MS Sue Creba from the BC Riding Assoc.  I sent a rather terse (see pg7) e-mail to her the other day ref this whole thing.  She e-mailled me back next day saying that the whole thing was taken out of context, that they were trying to protect Canadian troops.  She did not say sorry, but she responded.

I don't suppose her response was the same as she sent several others?

mainerjohnthomas said:
"You should know that our riding association has formally requested that the
pre-amble from the motion on Afghanistan submitted to the 22nd Federal
Convention of the New Democratic Party in Quebec City be removed.

We in no way intended to suggest that our Canadian Forces personnel were in
any way associated with terrorism.

The very intent of the motion was the protection and safety of our Canadian
Forces and we regret that the words chosen in the preamble have changed the
focus away from why the current mission in Afghanistan is the wrong mission
for Canada.

This resolution was proposed out of concern that the combat situation in
Afghanistan puts our soldiers in such a dangerous position and has resulted
in so many deaths and injuries to Canadians and to innocent civilians.

Sue Creba,  President Nanaimo-Cowichan Federal NDP Association"
I have no doubt that I would have injured somebody, unfortunatly (or foutunatly) I was no able to attend as I was on exchange with the USAF at the time and could not get leave.

Here's a relivent quote;

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest thing. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares about more than his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

John Stuart Mill
peaches said:
I have just had enough of these NDP twits.  There were some NDP students showed up at my dads retirnement dinner in Winnipeg last year (39 yrs CF) and caused some greif.  They complianed to the hotel staff about letting us use the dinning hall for his kind, graffit on poster, idiot comments.  Turn's out they came from little sis's university.  Hotel staff put the run on them as did my uncle.
The NDP is like a cancer, poisoning Canada with it's yuppie ideology but this is lower than even I would expect.
I wonder if beating some sense (and most of all some common manners) into these punks would have any effect?
I feel like choking them all too.  Just little brats with no common sense.  Dad did not say anything about it, mom was hurt. 

It's not all bad, I was in uniform in Timmies in North Bay this weekend getting my coffee before my shift, and had a guy buy me a coffee and thank me for my service.  It was a nice jesture.  I was stationed at Tinker AFB in Oklahoma for a while, used to have that sort of think happen alot down there, yes even in a CF uniform.  the American recognized it an said thanks.  There are alot of "support the troops" signs around here.

Here's an open question, does anyone out there think that perhaps this problem is due to the fact we have a very low profile across Canada, and are just not visible.  Simply, people do not see us, therefore do not know anything about us??

In the US everybody know what a military person looks like, recognize uniforms etc, as the have a military base or post (REG or RES NG) in almost every major town or city.  Maybe the answer is to become more visible.  I remember driving down the 401 in convoy with people waving, stopping at gas stationss along the way with all sorts of people talking to use, asking questions.  Look at all the people that come out to Air Shows, we get huge crowds here in North Bay when we open "The Hole" to the public.  Any thoughts....

peaches said:
Here's an open question, does anyone out there think that perhaps this problem is due to the fact we have a very low profile across Canada, and are just not visible.  Simply, people do not see us, therefore do not know anything about us??

No, its because "we"[ the supporters and the majority of Canadians] are more than likely the strong silent type and that doesn't play out well on polls and 30 second TV sound bites as the squeaky high-pitched pathetic whining chicken little types do.

See Zipperhead_Cops post on what happens when you don't answer the first question "their way" on a poll about Afghanistan.      'click'

Found it...http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/49857.0.html
peaches said:
I feel like choking them all too.  Just little brats with no common sense.  Dad did not say anything about it, mom was hurt.   

It's not all bad, I was in uniform in Timmies in North Bay this weekend getting my coffee before my shift, and had a guy buy me a coffee and thank me for my service.  It was a nice jesture.  I was stationed at Tinker AFB in Oklahoma for a while, used to have that sort of think happen alot down there, yes even in a CF uniform.  the American recognized it an said thanks.  There are alot of "support the troops" signs around here.

Here's an open question, does anyone out there think that perhaps this problem is due to the fact we have a very low profile across Canada, and are just not visible.  Simply, people do not see us, therefore do not know anything about us??

In the US everybody know what a military person looks like, recognize uniforms etc, as the have a military base or post (REG or RES NG) in almost every major town or city.  Maybe the answer is to become more visible.  I remember driving down the 401 in convoy with people waving, stopping at gas stationss along the way with all sorts of people talking to use, asking questions.  Look at all the people that come out to Air Shows, we get huge crowds here in North Bay when we open "The Hole" to the public.  Any thoughts....

There was a thread not to long ago about this very sort of thing.  It was mostly concerned with the use of wearing the uniform out in public when going to events and such (like going to a hockey game, or going to a bar/club). But I don't really want to derail this thread and debate the pros and cons of doing such a thing, because as I remember that thread was pretty lengthy.

edited to add this link Uniforms in Public http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/26650.0.html
Well, I haven't gotten the form letter reply. I haven't gotten any kind of reply. And I was polite.

Maybe they just don't like me.

Or the fact that I told them I had already read their form letter and wasn't interested. I only wanted a true reply to some of the points that I raised.

I said that I knew it would be a lot of work to answer everyone, but after they had insulted a few thousand of us, what did they honestly expect was going to happen?
A pair of links about some kindred spirits in San Fransisco. Is this really the true face of the NDP as well? You decide.


a_majoor said:
A pair of links about some kindred spirits in San Fransisco. Is this really the true face of the NDP as well? You decide.



a picture in the first lik says "bush = Hitler......"

look at this : http://www.comedycentral.com/motherload/index.jhtml?ml_video=61402
Well, here's the reply I got this morning.


Thank you for being so honest about your response to the preamble of our resolution. I have received many similar emails.

I have admitted publicly on behalf of our riding association that it was wrong to use the word terrorist in the same sentence as Canadian soldiers. I deeply regret the hurt and anger it has caused to armed forces personnel.

The language failed to express what our resolution wanted to convey - that if our troops are sent to an area where combatants cannot be distinguished  from ordinary civilians, there will inevitably be deaths and injuries  - both to our troops and ordinary Afghan citizens.  Innocent Afghans who get shot or killed in “collateral damage” won't be able to distinguish Canadian troops from those on the other side. And that will generate more suicide bombers who'll attack our men and women in uniform.

The cost of Canadian lives has been too high, and that was the premise the resolution was based on. The resolution was one of many calling for the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. You and I (and our riding association) have different opinions on whether Canada needs to be fighting a war in Afghanistan, as is often the case in a democracy.

Sue Creba

"If the international community wants to deny the Taliban and their allies an important recruiting tool, it must withdraw Western troops from Afghanistan as soon as possible." 
-- Najibullah Lafraie, the pre-Taliban foreign affairs minister of Afghanistan, Spiegel On-Line, September 6, 2006."

I do appreciate the fact that she counter-pointed a few of the things I mentioned, but I am still not convinced that the wording used in the original preamble was "wrong." It was too carefully worded to be a mistake.

The biggest issue I have is Sue's statement that "'collateral damage'...will generate more suicide bombers." Any info that has been released, including propaganda from the Tally tubbies, has not mentioned anything like that, in a credible manner, at least.

The biggest point that was not answered, that I asked about, was regarding the current strain of thought that the Tally should be negotiated with. I asked how they were planning on negotiating with a group that executed teachers for teaching girls and blew up ancient statues of Buddha?

I would like to see the webcast of that meeting.

But, she did answer me back. I have respect for that, at least. Is this the new form letter, or did I get an actual, personal response?
I too sent letters to my local NDP guy, the NDP main website, and Jack himself. However, I may have offended said party with some steaming comments which may have diluted the effect of said letters. I cannot repeat the contents here, but let's just say that perhaps in the future I will decompress before putting my fingers to the keyboard.

The NDP have dug themselves a hole with their rantings, and the next election will tell the tale. We need not fear them, they are small fish in a big ocean, and will never amount to anything.  The NDP cannot even keep up to the low standard they set for themselves  ;D

Gnplummer421 :cdn:
Hey just a side note, I found a striking similarity between Jack and Neville Chamberlain. Remember what happened the last time we had a "peace" deal with the Buggy Man?

Maybe the NDP are correct and we should bring the troops home.... To be replaced by the NDP, especially the riding association of Nanaimo/Cowichan....
career_radio-checker said:
Hey just a side note, I found a striking similarity between Jack and Neville Chamberlain. Remember what happened the last time we had a "peace" deal with the Buggy Man?

Bit of a slur there on old Neville. His hands were a bit tied.