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NDP call Canadian troops "terrorists" and say the CF is "Bombing Afghan villiages"!

career_radio-checker said:
Hey just a side note, I found a striking similarity between Jack and Neville Chamberlain. Remember what happened the last time we had a "peace" deal with the Buggy Man?

I see a little more resemblence to Oswald Mosley.
Here is an interesting story at stevejanke.com

I am not sure I have adjectives to describe these folks, so I'll leave it to those more gifted in the vernacular.

Here is a small portion of the article,

Jack Layton ought to take personal responsibility for the misleading quotes on the party website. To take someone else's words, quote them without context, and then link them in such a way as to cast aspersions on Canadian troops is both underhanded and cowardly. If Jack Layton thinks Canadian troops are bombing villages, he should stand up and say it himself, instead of trying to use Hamid Karzai as his proxy.

here is the link to the piece.
In the same vein, couldn't believe this when I read it. Does the NDP have ANY clue as to what is going on over here??

Full article at http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=2d1586cd-646f-4358-93e5-567e77d87b59&k=31590

"Troops acting 'like terrorists?'
Draft resolution to go before NDP committee

John Ivison, National Post
Published: Wednesday, September 06, 2006
OTTAWA - Canada's troops in Afghanistan have been "acting like terrorists, destroying communities, killing and maiming innocent people", according to a resolution that will be voted on by New Democrats at the party's convention in Quebec City this weekend.

The resolution is one of 104 proposals on international affairs from local riding associations that will be presented at the convention. Others suggest Canada withdraw from the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), the World Trade Organization and the North American Free Trade Agreement, while one riding association proposes a freeze on trade with Israel until the "occupation of Palestinian lands" is ended.

The Afghan mission was the subject of a number of proposed resolutions, all calling for the withdrawal of Canadian troops. "The Canadian occupation is propping up a regime composed of barbarous warlords who are little better than the Taliban," says one riding association.

Trinity said:
Exactly.. beat me to it

That article is Sept 6... and has been debunked
and the NDP already retracted their words.

Not much of a retraction if they've decided to make the same allegation in a round-about way two weeks later.  And when you read the full text of Karzai's comments from which the NDP extracted that statement, you see just what shameless liars they are.

By the way, thanks so much for reading the blog.  Cheers!
Angry in the GWN said:
Not much of a retraction if they've decided to make the same allegation in a round-about way two weeks later.  And when you read the full text of Karzai's comments from which the NDP extracted that statement, you see just what shameless liars they are.

By the way, thanks so much for reading the blog.  Cheers!

We're talking about the second article that was posted. It's got it's own thread already so there's no need to start debating it again here.

Now the NDPs obvious attempt to once again mis-lead the masses via their "selective" quoting mechanisms which again link our soldiers with "uwantedness" or unjust activites in Afghanistan just goes to prove how much they really DO NOT SUPPORT OUR TROOPS and is worth posting here.

Strike one. Strike two...no actually they were out of my vote realm waaaaayy before this.
I don't think I'll be voting for the NDP anymore. In fact, I think I'll be sending them an angry letter.
James said:
I don't think I'll be voting for the NDP anymore.
I will never vote for them.
James said:
In fact, I think I'll be sending them an angry letter.
Already done, not saying that they will respond, that is up to them.

Thanks to Angry in the GWN for the full text of Mr Karzai's comments.

In a recent interview the Afghan Defence Minister, Abdul Rahim Wardak was asked some questions, full text at This Link

Text shared under Fair Dealings Provisions of the Copyright Act RSC.

... I think at the moment, you see, relatively north and west of the country is... safe, peaceful and relatively prosperous than the rest of the country which is east and south. So the deployment of NATO into the South will tremendously affect the security situation. And once the security situation is better, I think there will be more opportunities for reconstruction and development, which will directly affect the life of the normal Afghans who are living in that area

the Afghan people as a whole, they have welcome the coalition and NATO troops. Otherwise, that is a country which is really difficult to control or survive in it. ...And our history is a great witness to all that development. The Afghan, the normal Afghan see NATO and coalition troops as an instrumental stability and peace in our country, and they are welcome by the people as a whole. And I also have a definite information that what have happened in Maimana<note: a protest widely reported to be against the presence of NATO Forces>, it has nothing to do to be against NATO; it was the rivalry between two ex-warlords, which then the mob went out of control.

So we have Mr Karzai and his minister supporting ISAF and noting that the people support ISAF and that with continued effort the security situation, which much of the country has at least a nominally good degree of, will improve.

But why would Taliban Jack want us to know about that?

A convenience we see in many aspects of public life.......Make an inflammatory statement, then retract it like it never happened.

The NDP, led by Taliban-Jack, can't seem to get that even they lose credibility every time they open their yap's on Canadian foreign policy. Have an actual GOVERNMENT before you start yapping about how things should be done.......How long has it been? Can they even SPELL "majority"? Can't the wackos out there see that the only reason our foreign policy is similar to our southern neighbours, is because we live the same decadent, isolated lifestyles? Oh! But wait! It can NEVER happen here! People LOVE Canadians.


Troops time to relax. Just think, everytime Jack opens his mouth to let something stupid fall out, it destroys the NDP's credibility with anyone with more than two brain cells. If we keep letting him yap, and keep debunking his lies and innuendo, hopefully in the next election him and his party are reduced to nothing! No official party status, no seats in the House, no Jack.

I'm seeing it already, people are seeing through the charade that is Jack Layton and the NDP. At least the ones with an IQ higher then the average plant!
Karzai arrives, avoids NDP's Layton

OTTAWA -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai arrived in Canada yesterday to help drum up support for the mission in his troubled country, but a meeting with the country's most prominent anti-war politician did not appear to be on his agenda.

NDP Leader Jack Layton has made several requests for a meeting with the Afghan leader -- and has received no reply.

Layton is the only major federal party leader to have called for a withdrawal of Canadian troops from Afghanistan.

He says he'd like to discuss with Karzai alternatives to the current conflict.

"I certainly would like to have the opportunity to speak with him," Layton said outside the House of Commons.


Layton's staff has made repeated requests through the Department of Foreign Affairs and by appealing directly to the Afghan embassy in Ottawa.

When contacted yesterday afternoon, the embassy confirmed that no meeting with Layton had yet been scheduled.

Karzai strode into Parliament's Centre Block last evening for a meeting with Stephen Harper.

He will also meet with interim Liberal Leader Bill Graham, civil-society groups, soldiers' families, and even the mayor of Montreal over the next two days.

Karzai will address Parliament today, when he is expected to make the case that Canada's continued efforts are a necessary boost to his war-ravaged country. But he also wants to drive home the message that Canada's role in Afghanistan carries a large humanitarian component.

Layton said the current reality suggests otherwise.

He pointed to statistics indicating that Canadian military spending in Afghanistan is outstripping humanitarian spending by nine to one.

"This mission is completely out of whack," Layton said.

Actually I had heard from another news source (uncomfirmed as yet) that Taliban Jack was going to meet Hamid Kharzai on Sunday. If only I had some of that CIA-Magic-Spy-Dust for this meeting!

Blue Max said:
Actually I had heard from another news source (uncomfirmed as yet) that Taliban Jack was going to meet Hamid Kharzai on Sunday. If only I had some of that CIA-Magic-Spy-Dust for this meeting!

If this was true... Taliban Jack would be annoucing it to all the media that he has a meeting
and his plans to offer solutions.... etc.

They may not be advertising it, but according to the news it is slated to happen...watch the rhetoric at 11:00 !!
It's already begun
Layton said he was more convinced than ever that Canada needs to withdraw its troops from southern Afghanistan.


Nothing yet on http://www.ndp.ca
"Layton said he was more convinced than ever that Canada needs to withdraw its troops from southern Afghanistan.
Layton says Karzai told him that drug problems and the infiltration of southern Afghanistan by Taliban fighters from Pakistan are equally as important as providing security to the region."

I wonder how he expects us to stop the drug problem or the infiltration of Taliban from Pakistan without troop's  ::)

Maybe he plans on sitting on the border and talking nicely and "negotiating" with them, course that will be hard to do without his head.....
Not a dialogue of the deaf perhaps, but at least a dialogue with a deaf man.
HitorMiss said:
Maybe he plans on sitting on the border and talking nicelyand "negotiating" with them

Once again, I think you should facilitate this if at all possible. :D
I was in discussion with some acquaintances last night. I generally don't talk politics at social gatherings, simply because it can be a divisive thing. They were in agreement with what Layton was saying. I printed up one of Laytons statements on the computer, and read it to them substituting "German" for "Taliban" and "Europe" for "Afghanistan." Minor silence, and then an admission that it meant something to think about our efforts now in terms of our efforts then, and how the world would be changed if we'd listened to people like Layton in the 1940's.

And, in the same context, I can't resist: