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NDP call Canadian troops "terrorists" and say the CF is "Bombing Afghan villiages"!

Although I agree with peaches sentiment, the tone of the e-mail is leaning much on the crude side and could do with a bit more professionalism a la A_Majoor.  Either way you will probably receive the same response as all of us from the party HQ.  Standard forms all around!

I have yet to even receive a response - I guess asking for a public apology was a bit too much for the Video Professor. I want my 10 dollars!

Some advice - leave your rank out of all public postings. While I agree with your letter, you could technically get smacked under some rules in the QR&Os. Awhile back I wrote a letter to the National Post and Liberal Party for the "Soldiers Ad", and was pretty much left alone because I wrote in in my capacity as a private citizen ("Mr"). I was warned off a bit, but I was spared a flogging by a wet noodle by omitting my rank.

The last thing you need is a PAff guy droning on at you from his cubicle that you've been bad - takes away from drink'n and fight'n time.
Yes, you are all right.  Thanks for the good advice.  I normally do not get took spun-up about these things, but I have had enough of this nonsense.  I can't even watch the TV anymore without getting sick.  Every day I work with amazing people here in the CF, and seeing them bashed like this is just too much, enough becomes enough. :) :cdn:
Larry Strong said:
Name a date and time ;D
For me to do that, wouldn't that be inciting to sedition or something?  You know, if I said "Saturday, 9 September at 1300 EDT", that would be, like, SO WRONG, dude!
My message to Jack:

Mr. Layton, having served this country for 21 years I am completely and utterly disgusted by your party's draft resolution which equates Canadian Soldiers to terrorists. 

But my disgust does not stop there.  Your party has long claimed the high ground when it comes to the subject of human rights, but your desire to seek negotiations with the fascist Taliban in Afghanistan is one hundred and eighty degrees out of phase with any semblance of human rights. 

There is no negotiating with fascists and terrorists, they do not want to live in peace, they do not just want to be left alone, they don't believe in democracy, communism, sexual equality, liberalism, human rights or any fundamental freedoms. They want to destroy any and all ways of life, living, government, thought, history, art, play and religion that are not their own.

Terrorism is the Nazism of our time and just as Chamberlain was wrong to try to appease Hitler you, should you pursue this course of appeasement, will go down in history as a fool and traitor, not only to so called Canadian ideals but to Humanities ideals.
big bad john said:
The preamble and the resolution were drafted by a “respected” member of the association before being debated and adopted in April, according to Sue Creba, the riding association's president.

“The word terrorist is not used lightly.
Sue Creba said:
We in no way intended to suggest that our Canadian Forces personnel were in any way associated with terrorism.
Hmm.  What did they hope the word "terrorist" would suggest when being applied to our soldiers and if the choice was not taken lightly, how did they so poorly predict how people would read the statement?
My wish would be to see some of the boys and gals from Valcartier attend this convention in uniform this week-end in Quebec city. Just make an act of presence in the parking lot and try to get some sort of explaination and or apologies.....
MCG said:
Hmm.  What did they hope the word "terrorist" would suggest when being applied to our soldiers and if the choice was not taken lightly, how did they so poorly predict how people would read the statement?

That's just taking a page from the Jean Cretin book of denial.  And all he did was put into real life application Shaggy's song "It wasn't me".  If you say it wasn't so long enough, all of a sudden it isn't so.  Since the media are all too thrilled to kowtow to the left, the issue ends up fading.  Pretty standard stuff.
Amazing how big a response you can get from poor choice of words. 

Unfortunately I live in this riding.  Think I will go by in person next Monday...

Other than that its mind-boggling how the word 'terrorist' continues to get used so inappropriately.  And further, that so many people with such a high level of education in the NDP are unable to conceive of the consequences of what they say.
Reccesoldier said:
There is no negotiating with fascists and terrorists, they do not want to live in peace, they do not just want to be left alone, they don't believe in democracy, communism, sexual equality, liberalism, human rights or any fundamental freedoms. They want to destroy any and all ways of life, living, government, thought, history, art, play and religion that are not their own.

Excellent. I would add that the Taliban is also extremely interested in destroying labour. And business small and large. Unless of course that business is the planting of their poppy fields producing the sale of opium, the proceeds of which the Taliban used to support their regime and arms supply. No doubt the Taliban's 'boondoggle" also included the funneling of these funds to terrorist training camps et al in order to directly support the anilihation of infidels, irregardless of which politcal party those infidels happen to subscribe to.
Caught this while reading the news - courtesy of Canoe via the Calgary Sun.


Oops, sorry 'bout that. Didn't mean it. Just got all caught up in the emotion of it all, you know.

Now, can someone pass the bong and cue up Kumbaya for the communal sing-a-long.

Yes, on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the deadliest terror attack in history, only the New Democrats could be so self-centred and out-of-touch as to call our military "terrorists."

A resolution that was to be put forth at the party's annual convention did just that until one of the sharper butterknives in the party kitchen decided it was in poor taste.

The original motion went like this: "No matter how noble our intentions, such as 'bringing democracy' or 'enabling peaceful development,' these goals cannot be achieved by violence when the 'enemy' cannot be distinguished from ordinary citizens. In such a situation Canadian troops end up acting like terrorists, destroying communities, killing and maiming innocent people. In turn our troops become easy targets for others."

The wording was part of a preamble to a resolution calling for Canada to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan.

Now, it's a plank of democracy that we should all be free to question and debate our involvement in Afghanistan or any other matter.

Only ruthless totalitarian regimes like the Taliban would deny the New Democrats that right.

But insulting the men and women of our Armed Forces who literally put their lives on the line to protect our way of life, is just sick.

Even for those who live life within the unrealistic confines of feel-good platitudes such as "war is bad" or "can't we all just get along," this is taking it too far.

Perhaps the good folks at the Nanaimo-Cowichan riding association -- who put the original motion forward -- suffer short or very selective memories.

Maybe it's time for a quick refresher on exactly why we're in Afghanistan.

Nearly five years ago, the free world was sucker-punched by a bunch of organized scumbags who were trained and funded by a chief scumbag with the blessing of Afghanistan's Taliban.

They used that country as the command and training centre from which to disperse hatred on the world.

And, a lot of them would love nothing more than to go back to their cosy little cave and plot destruction to feed their twisted beliefs.

So, Canada, and indeed the world, was left with two options:

a) Leave the Taliban be and hope they'll change their minds about supporting terrorists, or b) go in there and kick the crap out of them before they strike again.

Canada chose the latter and, yes, it's important to debate the merits of our role in this war.

But no matter where we stand on this important issue, equating our troops to terrorists is an insult to the 32 men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure the seeds are not planted for the next Sept. 11.

Sorry, just doesn't cut it.

It'd be like calling New Democrats spineless teat-sucking socialists and then apologizing for it.

The damage is already done.

Writing a nastygram to the NDP office in my city as we speak. Putting up with Jack Layton and his band of merry idiots generally keeps me simmering beneath the surface......

As the terrorists always say, "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter".....If the NDP tried to speak out like this in Afghanistan.......Hmmm

The NDP's stupidity at least shows consistency. I guess for that they should feel ok about themselves. Or maybe they should just hurl themselves off the nearest cliff. Will they NEVER stop?
when it comes election time
will say, Sorry Jack, didn't vote for ya!
Can we nominate Mr Jose Rodriguez for Army.ca Journalist of the Year Award?
It's really rather sad actually.

The NDP have never been a powerhouse on foreign policy issues but this bunch has taken them to nadir.

The point that this resolution was proposed indicates a strong undercurrent of pathological anti-military thinking in the NDP. These thoughts are all across Canada, but held by a pathetic few, IMHO. Yet this attitude finds refuge in the NDP.

I am just waiting for the day, which I think will soon come, when I am in uniform and will be called a "baby killer".

It's too bad. The NDP does serve purpose in Canada, but it seems the party is being hijacked by Vancouver Island tree huggers and Tronna silver spoon socialists. This is not, I think that all NDP are "right out of 'er "

I was just watching CTV NewsNet and they were interviewing Garry Doer, the Premier of Manitoba. He was forthright and honest, to paraphrase he said he did not think the mission was properly balanced. He conceded the need for a combat posture as the Talibs abnd AQ were really nasty people. 

He was quite clearthat any attempt to conjoin the concept of terrorism and the CF was unacceptable. He would have nothing to do with it. He made it quite clear that Shilo and Winnipeg bases were integral parts of Manitoba and he had nothing but praise and respect for the troops of II VP battlegroup and for the efforts of 17 Wing.

NDP are certainly left wing, and I don't know a lot about Garry Doer, but if these comments are indicative of how the guy thinks, it would appear that there is some hope for the NDP and that this pathological anti-CF minority and the silly musings of Smilin' Jack are an aberration.

But then again, maybe I'm suckin canal water through bodily orifices on this one....... ;)
What surprises me is that people are shocked by this.

This kind of cr@p is standard fare for the New Duncecap Party.



The NDP in Saskatchewan and Manitoba tend to be more pragmatic and less dogmatic than the federal party.
The only good thing I think I can say at this moment in time is thank god that there were men and women brave enough in the past, the present, and in the future, that have what it takes to pony up and defend the freedom of speech these folks have and enjoy without actually thinking about what that cost this country and our Armed Forces, their families...over the years.

Oh..and...like they say..."there's one in every crowd".

Lots of back-strokin' going on in the NDP canoe now.  Too little.  Too late.  SUM UP!
Did anyone read that NDP party convention thing that is the biggest waste of internet space ever. Theses guys are frigging nuts. like pulling out of NORAD and recognosing Hamas and giving them money again. They have no sense of realty. I think they want us to be like Switzerland except we have peacekeepers and give all our money to poor nations. I'm not 18 but there not going to get my vote as long as i live