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Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

So what did they leave in their platform?

This is their latest policy statement.

Of note is number 3. I’m surprised that is placed that high and may support a previous an analysis that they may be planning to quietly increase defense. I’ll believe it when I see it though.

Number 9 is an interesting one.

I also bet that UCB becomes a center of their next election platform. So committing to balanced budgets would conflict with a lot of their platform. In particular UCB, 4weeks vacation, primary healthcare, affordable housing etc.

Of course, some of this may not translate into campaign promises.

But it will keep or get NDP votes to head their way if it looks like a CPC win becomes a more solidified thing.

This is their latest policy statement.

Of note is number 3. I’m surprised that is placed that high and may support a previous an analysis that they may be planning to quietly increase defense. I’ll believe it when I see it though.

Number 9 is an interesting one.

I also bet that UCB becomes a center of their next election platform. So committing to balanced budgets would conflict with a lot of their platform. In particular UCB, 4weeks vacation, primary healthcare, affordable housing etc.

Of course, some of this may not translate into campaign promises.

But it will keep or get NDP votes to head their way if it looks like a CPC win becomes a more solidified thing.
I'm surprised climate change and food security are so low on their priority list, and I'm surprised that itmen 23 is a dedicated liberal platform policy all together.
Reading this article in its entirety, it feels more and more like this was just a giant fuck up between CSIS, Public Safety and the PMO instead of a purposeful effort to keep safety/security important information from an MP for political reasons.

That's not the gist of what I picked up. It sounds similar to Butts "not speaking to" Trudeau about the very important conversation Trudeau wanted him to have with Wilson-Raybould when they crossed paths. Trudeau is having a difficult time as usual explaining the discrepancies.

His staff really have a habit of not informing him about things.

Also, from what little they've revealed about the report, it appears that 'targeting Canadians" meant simply that they were assembling information on Chinese-Canadian MPs, not that they had an active program to try and exploit that information. Like, do you not think CSIS is collecting information on politicians from adversary countries as well?

It doesn't come across as just information gathering to me. China was pissed off he supported the genocide vote, the same vote Han Dong skipped out on twice. I think Michael Chong was on their radar well before that and so was their info gathering.
My Take
2A Windsor-Quebec City High Speed Rail Link
Who was asking for this?
3Investing in Canadian Defence and Security
Yeah sure, sounds like cheap talk. Or does investing in D and S mean more social awareness training?
4Primary Health Care Availability
A little vague isn't it?
6Climate Crisis
So more carbon taxes? More clean energy fees? More sucking money from people and to what end? Not a single ecosystem will be restored
7Installing Guaranteed Liveable Basic Income (GLBI)
Very cheap promise and the first to be ditched. Also no plan how they will pay for it
10Combatting Disinformation in Canada
More censorship! Gotta stop slagging the Liberal party (which is what they consider Disinformation)
More avoiding Accountability and Transparency
12Creating Livable, Walkable Cities to Fight Climate Change
What? Sidewalks and more public transit? Yet many of us need to be rural.
14Truth in Politics
So, what the Liberals say will be the "truth"?
15Food Security and Agriculture Support
More vague and cheap talk. Farmers are not Trudeau's voter base.
18Lifting Canadians Seniors Out of Poverty
Finally going to respect the senior citizens? Yeah sure, this promise will be there until 1 day after election
19Modernizing the Canadian Justice System
So ditch the stupid bail reform?
20Helping Farmers Transition to More Sustainable Farming Practices
In Liberal views, means encourage way more crop production which is extremely environmentally taxing.
21Improved Community Climate Resiliency
What? Was someone so hammered they forgot to finish this sentence?

Really, lots of talk, fluff and cheap talk. Very vague and non specific. Easy promises to toss aside.

This is the LPC formula to keep that crazy 5% of the population that cult worships them and chase away the fringe majority of Canadians.
I'm sure the actual resolutions were closer to a (perhaps short) page each, and those are just the summarized names.

You can open the file document on the same web page and see the full text for each resolution.

One of the bullet points under #3 is "Inspire young people to view the army as an innovative, inclusive workplace where they can pursue a specialized, multidisciplinary career." @ArmyRick you hit the bullseye, bud.

#3 makes no mention of China or NATO (only alluding to non-kinetic support to our allies since '45), and focuses implicitly on Fortress America.
Its stated financial goal is actually regressive, as it would reduce Defence spending from the planned 39B$ for '26-'27 down to 32B$ for an indeterminate period.

In short, nothing serious or clear-eyed about the challenges we face. This is just business as usual humdrum.

This is their latest policy statement.

Of note is number 3. I’m surprised that is placed that high and may support a previous an analysis that they may be planning to quietly increase defense. I’ll believe it when I see it though.

Number 9 is an interesting one.

I also bet that UCB becomes a center of their next election platform. So committing to balanced budgets would conflict with a lot of their platform. In particular UCB, 4weeks vacation, primary healthcare, affordable housing etc.

Of course, some of this may not translate into campaign promises.

But it will keep or get NDP votes to head their way if it looks like a CPC win becomes a more solidified thing.

11 interests me.
No dog in this fight, just wanted to make a small correction.
Trudeau government. He is governing at moment. If Pierre wins next election, CBC will have to earn their $$$.

And a quote from Dr Nili Kaplan-Myrth on your profile? Seriously? She is woke bat shit crazy

This is their latest policy statement.

Of note is number 3. I’m surprised that is placed that high and may support a previous an analysis that they may be planning to quietly increase defense. I’ll believe it when I see it though.

Number 9 is an interesting one.

I also bet that UCB becomes a center of their next election platform. So committing to balanced budgets would conflict with a lot of their platform. In particular UCB, 4weeks vacation, primary healthcare, affordable housing etc.

Of course, some of this may not translate into campaign promises.

But it will keep or get NDP votes to head their way if it looks like a CPC win becomes a more solidified thing.
#14 is laughable for this crew.

As for the citizens assembly on electoral reform, BC went down that road and the result was defeated twice in referenda. People outside the big cities don’t want to lose local representation, and they don’t like systems that involves too much maths to figure out.
So what did they leave in their platform?

Also, regarding proportional representation, given than:
1. It was assumed the Libs dropped it because it would favour the Cons; and
2. Their dropping it pissed off a lot of people;
I'm surprised the CPC hasn't made it part of their platform.
That's not accurate. At all. This comes off as cynical projection, actually.

The electoral system the Liberals wanted to implement (ranked-choice) would favour the Liberals, as the NDP's electors would most likely have the Liberals as their 2nd choice, guaranteeing Liberal majorities. France has a 2-round ranked choice voting system for its legislature and the results are often disastrous for democracy. It's only a decent system for unique positions, like President.

The NDP wanted MMP, which is a decent choice and generally the modern standard for new systems, but its element of proportionality would further concentrate power in the cities, an unacceptable outcome in my view for a country that is already excessively centralized in spite of its geography. (it would probably guarantee red/orange coalition governments)

FPTP, our current system, allows local representation and a healthy alternating government, from left to right and back. It's the best bad system we've got (to avoid sounding too much like Churchill...).

Despite electoral reform having been one of the reasons I voted Liberal in 2015, I am glad they reneged on that promise. Enforcing their system would've been terribly undemocratic.
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Canada should proudly display the 2SLGBTQIA+ flag prominently on our passport to showcase our dedication to diversity and inclusivity.

That's just a fad the woke have latched onto and just a sign that we need more mental health support in Canada and US.
That's just a fad the woke have latched onto and just a sign that we need more mental health support in Canada and US.
Ah yes. Supporting marginalized group = a mental health problem.