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Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

Large projects take time, time that frequently spans multiple governments. We are disingenuous when we credit the government on the day something is completed and do not recognize prior government(s) that started things off.
Pure nonsense from ignorance. Quebec has their own pension plan because they set it up the same time as CPP. They never joined and withdrew from CPP. Alberta politicians didn't just talk about leaving CPP. To try and dupe their own voters, they came up with some insane lies about how Alberta would be entitled to something like a quarter of the CPP fund.
Quebec opted out of the CPP program at the time. There are rules written if a province wants to opt out of the federal pension fund. Those are the rules the Ab gov were using in their calculations. The feds have yet to come back with anything credible to counter it. They are definitely scared if Ab is to pull out of the program

That is, of course, not how any of this works. And of course, when the federal government pushed back on these lies and threatened to offer up actual accounting that determined Alberta's share, this was deemed bullying by Alberta politicians who didn't want their BS exposed for what it was.
that number has not been actually shown by the federal government. They so far have refused to release the actual dollar values. Just rough estimates. Which were nothing more them scare tactics.
You know where we've seen all these tactics with a worse outcome? Brexit. Same nonsense.
People seem to really hate when I point out the oil and gas industry actually did better under the NDP then it did under the UCP. Guess who has more money though?
Like when they lobbied agaisnt pipelines, hired a minister who was an anti oil lobbyists. They told the world they were agaiant oil and gas extraction.
But they based their budget on $150bbl revenues.

Oil price was low when the ndp took over. Production was lower due to demand and the market was trying to get Cdn oil for cheaper then embargo oil.
As demand went up so did the revenues. That did not stop the ndp from letting the world know they were hostile agaisnt the industry. Between them and JT's group drove more investment out of Canada then anyone else has.

That privately owned TMX pipeline both the provincial ndp and federal libs tried to shut down. Only to swoop in and save they day while spending almost 5 times the cost by taking it over to assist after they realized who makes the over time spending money in the country.
We should look into who owns the first tanker of Cdn crude that went through from the west coast to east coast after they took the reigns.
Large projects take time, time that frequently spans multiple governments. We are disingenuous when we credit the government on the day something is completed and do not recognize prior government(s) that started things off.

Perhaps. But I think if a project has basically failed and parties are bailing, you generally give credit to the party that comes in, pours in capital and gets it done.

Sure, there's debates over cost-effectiveness and value and all kinds of other factors. That shouldn't take away from the actual accomplishment.

If the Poilievre Conservatives get High Speed Rail built in Canada, nobody would or should credit the Trudeau Liberals for having a project office open for 6 years.
Perhaps. But I think if a project has basically failed and parties are bailing, you generally give credit to the party that comes in, pours in capital and gets it done.
TMC shut down the project and walked away only after the government caused so much uncertainty that it was not financially feasible. Only for the gov to swoop in and save the project once they figured out how to line their on pockets.
Sure, there's debates over cost-effectiveness and value and all kinds of other factors. That shouldn't take away from the actual accomplishment.

If the Poilievre Conservatives get High Speed Rail built in Canada, nobody would or should credit the Trudeau Liberals for having a project office open for 6 years.
The feds publicly cancelled three major pipelines and multiple facilities in Western Canada. Only to turn around and slowly start to over fund a few of these projects. (Trans mountain, northern gateway the other connector to the gateway, energy east along with northern oil connectors . The LNG at Kitimat, Prince Rupert etc,
The Trans Mountain was final approval stages. The fed shut it down with provincial ndp support. Horgan told the international community he feels provincial gov should be able to on a whim shut down any project they feel is not right for the gov of the day. (he tried to shit down the coal industry only to get job at Teck) Then they swooped in and saved the day with approvals and lots of tax payer money.

The XL had no support from the feds or ndp then the US jumped in and put the nail in the coffin for it.

No one government should take full credit for any multi year/decade project. (they can take credit getting the ball rolling and or finalizing the project) { should only take credit if they were not the ones to cause cancellations and major delays/ cost overruns only to turn around and approve once lining their pockets} They should take responsibility for causing purposeful delays and cancellations of large projects that cause extreme damage to industries.