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Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

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I remember seeing a reference to JTF2 a long while back, in a game called "Rainbow Six". One of the characters in the game is Canadian, and a part of his biography includes JTF2. That was the first I had even heard of the group.

They‘re not elite forces, they‘re special forces
Can you clarify what the difference is for me? Thanks.
Cycophant: elite forces are troops that practice warfare above and beyond what a regular foot soldier does. They are people like paratroopers, snipers, pathfinders, and so on. They‘re extremely well trained, but are still practicing "conventional warfare".

Special forces are people like the SAS, Green Berets, JTF2, Navy Seals and so on. They do a lot of black ops, hearts and minds operations, guerilla warfare, anti-terrorism/counter-terrorism, and various assorted "behind enemy lines" coolness. They are (usually) even better trained, and do NOT practice "conventional warfare".

That being said, some elite forces may be tasked to do black ops (special forces stuff), and special forces may be tasked to do green ops (conventional warfare stuff), but that it the loosest definition of the terms.
I found alittle bit of info on JTF2 by typing in google

"canadian JTF2" heh

readin some info as we speak
from CBC "If truth is one of the first casualties of war, secrecy is one of war‘s first exigencies. There is no better instance of this than Canada‘s elite commando unit, which is so secretive Canadian authorities are hesitant even to refer to it as an elite commando unit"


but I think your right Combat.. :)
the game is fairly new. i remember reading the game description. i think it was delta force, or socom for PS2. i dont really play video games, but i remember looking at the screen showing a JTF2 description, and you can play as the Canadian JTF2, and i was really surprised.
Whatever you find on this unit is always a general overview or snapshot. Lots of B.S out there too.
Don‘t waste your time on it. They are not open for inspection.
Join up and apply yourself and listen intently.
Work out hard and don‘t yap and you may find out what you wanted to know eventually.
This goes for any unit really.
The screening, selection and trg process for Cat A and Cat B(mobility) is as fols:
a) phase i - initial application at Unit level
(1) mbr volunteers through his/her chain of comd
(2) mbr undergoes PT test (coopers test) which must be administered by PSP staff at a CF gym. Min std for the PT test is as fols:
i) 1 1/2 mile run - 11 minutes or less
ii) pushups (no rest stops) - min 40
iii) situps (1 minute ) - min 40
iv) overhand, straightarm chinups - min 5
v) bench press(4 inches from chest to full arm extension - 1 press) - min 65kg

Note: the overall test scoring is based on an aggregate point system. Historically nobody with a total score of less than 75 points has ever successfully completed the Cat A selection process. ie. Achieving the bare minimum standard in each exercise as indicated above will not be sufficient to attain those 75 points. The fitness levels required for Cat B(mobility) employment are presently being identified but as a general guideline mbrs should be able to achieve at least 65 points. PSP reps at CF gyms will be able to brief interested mbrs on the Cooper tests scoring system or mbrs may contact the recruiting WO at the number provided below.

from: http://www.specialoperations.com/Foreign/Canada/selection.htm (CANFORGEN 102/98 ADM(HR-MIL) 066 060952Z Oct 98)
I don‘t want to join JTF2 just want to know alittle bit about them :)

I‘m sick of Americans braggin about Delta Force, Seals, Rangers, yadda yadda and when you mention something about the Canadian Army their like, WHAT CANADA HAS AN ARMY??

Little do they know they our sniper team (in the national sniper comp) places usally in the top 3.

Plus everyone loves Canadian engineers.

The American public really doesnt know/care about the Canadian army, I think they should give us a little respect.
since when have they know/cared about anything other than their own. actually wait alot of them dont even know their own states.
Sorry if I am being a party pooper here, but I don‘t like to read posts where people are looking for information about the JTF2. Especially from individuals that are not "in" and when on an openly public forum such as this. If your in and are looking for info on how to join them or want to get some tips on how to achieve their high level of fitness - great. However, if you’re looking for information other than that....go to the library...do some research but refrain from looking for it here.

Just my opinion and we all know what that’s worth.
Originally posted by Digger:
[qb] Sorry if I am being a party pooper here, but I don‘t like to read posts where people are looking for information about the JTF2. Especially from individuals that are not "in" and when on an openly public forum such as this. If your in and are looking for info on how to join them or want to get some tips on how to achieve their high level of fitness - great. However, if you’re looking for information other than that....go to the library...do some research but refrain from looking for it here.

Just my opinion and we all know what that’s worth. [/qb]
I agree. It‘s meant to be like that - for a reason.
problem being, this IS the best place to get info...there is nothing else out there, nothing credible anyway.
No, not really, and here‘s why:

1) The info given here was retrieved from news sites on the web, or from unclas info circulated to mil units before the selection process begins.

2) See OLD SCHOOL‘s post.

Also, we don‘t need to recite classified info to gain respect from Americans... (what Americans are we talking about anyway?) A recommendation for the American Bronze Star Medal for Valor for the 3 CDO snipers isn‘t respect enough? Just my opinion -- no offence intended.
Personally I was just curious.

I‘m preparing for my fitness for basic and was alittle intrested in the JTF2.

I wasnt looking for top secret info but more of an outline of what JTF2 is and do.

Also about the American respect thing.. It‘s not enough that they bash our country I thought it would be self satisfactory to know alittle bit about our elite squad.

Cause we all somewhat know about the British SAS, US Navy Seals, Delta Force ect, ect..
Cause we all somewhat know about the British SAS, US Navy Seals, Delta Force ect, ect..
Unlike other countries, we actually have a force that is less known about - which is the whole point of their existence, so let‘s keep that way.

There are some things we should know, and there are some things we shouldn‘t - for safety reasons.
Tell ya what Dire. I have a simple solution. Stop talking about it....join...then you can go to a JTF2 recruiting seminar once you‘re in. Then you can ask all the questions you want.
I have a question

should we actaully refrain from telling our information about the JTF 2 to our friends outside the army even if its to the extent of "Yeah they wear black and shoot stuff"

I mean this sounds ludicris to me but might have raing to others here
Don‘t worry your lil heads. Except for us who have served with them. No one has any real secrets, they can pass on. They have recuiting drives in the Fall. Canada will not fall. Most people know they do SAS, Delta, Seal stuff.
Talking about them is a good way to get recuits. They first recuited most of us in 92. The first courses were after that. Simple, if you are a Cpl, in good standing, and fit mentally and physically. You can go and do the PT test.