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Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

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JTF is not a cowboy unit. You have first pass the selection PT test, then be oked by your CO and then the hard part, fun selection at the Hill. For the test you have to progess not regress. There are posts here that outline the selection process.
Those that fail, have tryed the hardest test in the army, and are not weak but are stronger for to try than those that don‘t .

A Special forces operator within units such as JTF2, SAS, SEALS, DELTA, for example are of an average age of about 27 years of age and have a few years in. Also, it does not matter if your a Reserve or Reg, Airborne soldier, drive a tank, a cook or a clerk you can try out. Your still young so my suggestion is...join up, get lots of experance, and when your ready and meet their prerequisites....go for it.
Ty for the replies guys n gurls. If I join the army from Edmonton (home city) will i be able to join the 3PPCLI which is based here in Edmonton - City Of Champions :) . Cause i really wana join the 3PPCLI
You can request a posting to a certain unit, but particularly in the combat arms, you are at the whim of the system. This is because all pers from a Battle School course will usually go to the same Bn because of manning priorities. If the manning situation is bad enough they will even take a course from another Regts battle school and post them to a different Regt. Not likely to happen if you‘re a Vandoo but last year they took a course of Royals and sent them to the PPCLI as soon as they completed the RCR Battle School...surprise!
Yeah, I was told I would most likely be sent to PPCLI in Edmonton (I live in Ontario) because the RCR was full. So don‘t expect to go where you want to.
The RCR is full???!!! What a load of crap. We have guys getting out, OT‘n, and even re-badging to PPCLI every day. The recruiters always seem to be living in a parallel universe or something...
I was planning on heading to the RCR as well. Same thing was told to me: RCR is absolutely full (an outright lie), and indeed the CF was not hiring any infantry officers until 2004. They then tried to recruit me for MARS officer (navy). I then closed my file at CFRC. A load of crap? Of course. Am I going to play the CF shell game of MOC‘s opening and closing? No.
Friends out West, are in the same boat. More LOTReps than they can do with. I know you boys in Petawawa are thining out too. The ship is sinking and the Capt has left the ship, and the rats are already gone.

Unless things have really changed, if you join as a Reg Force Infantry officer you aren‘t assigned a Regt prior to finishing Phase IV. In fact, last I heard a plan being considered was to combine all Cbt Arms officers until the end of Phase II at which time you‘d be seperated into Inf/Armour/Arty followed by Regt selection at the end of Ph IV, not sure where this is sitting though.

As for who goes where and Regts being full, not sure where they‘re getting the idea that Regts are full from as has previously been pointed out, they are far from it. What the recruiters may be interpreting as "full" is directives as to manning priorities due to Op Tempo. ie. The Army looks out a year or so and says, "Right, 1 CMBG is entering the Op cycle in ATOF next year, their units get priority on recruits for the next "x" months..." and passes that on to the CFRG. As an officer, this "forecast" is even fuzzier due to the longer cycle to churn you out of the system.
Recce41 is correct, all ARMY officers attend the same ph 2 (all MOCs mixed on the same course) which is now taught by the Infantry School, by Inf instructors only. What we used to call ph 1 is now called IAP/BOTP, taught at CFLRS St-Jean. :cdn:
I was just in Gagetown last month, its now called BAP training. There are mixed Combat arm instructors now not just from the Inf.
Canadian Special Forces?
I would have to say the reserves are like specops.
Many have long hair and lead dual lives as "students" or "civilians"
This helps them blend into a foreign country easier.
They‘re SO well trained that they dont have to show up for work on schedule training nights.
because the reserves are so, ahhhh, special, you don‘t even really need to know english or be able to listen to orders without haveing it explained to you 4 or 5 times.
Are we organized into platoons and sections?
Naw,no requirement, we organize on the move because only half of the regiment shows up for week-ends heh
Anyone know what you need to become an officer??
Like I mean what kind of education?? And could someone also *heh* pls post a training schedule or somthing that you would need to do to be accepted into the army eg. 40 pushups, 30 situps.... jus like that =)

In order to become a Regular Force officer, you must possess a degree from university.
As for a PT schedule, all you need to be able to initally pull off is 19 pushups, 19 situps, and grip strength test and not have too high of a heart rate. Basic Officer training will take care of the rest. Walking up nine flights of stairs carrying all of your kit will get you in shape in a hurry.
Nope, there is zero running requirement to enter the CF as an Officer. Apart from an easy Beep-test (see other threads for more info on that) or the ridiculous stair test, there is no other cardio requirements. Besides, when you need to run, you will run with your platoon on BOTC, that is when you are first exposed to running.
I just finished watching this program on the Canadian Airbone and what happend in Samolia.

At the end of the program they told abit of info on the JTF elite Canadian squad, had some good clips..

Anyone know any more info or know of a webpage of good info? thanks..
I assume you‘re referring to JTF2, the Canadian Joint Task Force. They‘re not elite forces, they‘re special forces. Also, you‘ll be pretty hard pressed to find any official, factual info about them. They‘re pretty secretive and the Canadian government has bene pretty diligent about keeping them that way.
its kind of odd, JTF2. Highly secretive, yet they often have recruiting adds in the Maple Leaf. and you can look up the address of JTF2 HQ. also JTF2 is in a video game now, you can pick what you want to be, like US Navy Seals, british sas, us green berets, canadian jtf2. the video game is for Xbox.