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Joining a Regular Force Parachute Company

GO!!, would you know if you have previous skydiving / freefall experience, and are a "switched on" fully trained and qualified infantry soldier, if you would have an advantage to get into the jump coy if they had an opening and the timing was right etc.??
Dude, you are making the mistake of applying logic to army manning decisions.

Probably, once you made your qualifications and intentions known - in writing - to your chain of command, you would have a better chance than the average joe Pte. But at the end of the day - if they're full - you're SOL.

The biggest deciding factor is when they (CSMs and up) do their slave trades. Thats where they decide who's in and who's out. Its really up to your superiors - so dont piss them off - but dont be a lick either. Just do your job and ask.

hope this helps
GO!!! said:
Noticing all of the people out there who seem to maintain that it is "luck" that makes a trooper...

Luck will get you to the third Bn

You may even stumble into a Para crse,

but the Para coys are composed of uncommonly aggressive, extremely fit and motivated individuals. It is not just another job. Units like the QOR do mostly administrative DZs and associated activities. For them, and anyone else who has'nt actually done an exercise jump, it's just a course, another pin. They dont get jump pay or wear a maroon beret, and as such, are not qualified to make assumptions and observations about stuff I do every day. They don't do a Coopers test WELL 3-4 times a year, or run in all weather as a welcome break from circuit training.

I don't see too many of those people around when we are doing full kit, double door mass at night on day one of a 2 week Exercise.

We do have paratroopers, it is an MOC (031A) and you can make it there if you work hard and perservere. I did.
I dont wear a maroon beret ........ita a power saw helmut . But I do have a question , what is a Coopers Test?Keep in mind Im not trying to be a smartass ....just curious
GO!!, i hear what you're saying.
thanks, it does help.
Coopers test
Consists of Pushups (max 58) Pull ups (max 14) situps (max 58 in 1min) a bench press (110kg max) and a 1.5mile run (8:00 for max points)
If you did all of the above, you would get 100%
GO!!, would you know if you have previous skydiving / freefall experience, and are a "switched on" fully trained and qualified infantry soldier, if you would have an advantage to get into the jump coy if they had an opening and the timing was right etc.??

Mike - Drive the body, work hard, keep fit, the train as hard as you can and your superiors will notice you and reward you with opportunities.  I have known soldiers that have skydived before but could not make it out of the mock tower.  If you work hard enough and it shows you can skip the Jump Coy and go right Recce.

We do have paratroopers, it is an MOC (031A)

I have never heard this MOC.  Infantry Paratroopers are still 031s.  Jumping is just a mode of transportation, we do the same job as other light coys on the objective.
We do it 3-4 times a year to determine individual and overall fitness levels, and to give everyone an idea of where they stand physically, and where perhaps they should be. Everyone who gets 90% + gets a free t- shirt and their name on the wall for all to admire.
Also, when it comes to putting people on physically demanding courses (Recce, para etc) the guys who scored a solid 52% generally dont go.

In addition to this, it is a requirement for JTF2 selection.
Parasoldier, that is the plan my man. what can you tell me about the mock tower? also, have you seen first hand, soldiers that have been able to skip the Jump Coy and go straight to Recce?
thanks bud.
GO!!, thanks for the info.
Check w/ your BOR, mine told me that it is a sub - trade 031A, as are all other Cbt Sp (Recce,AA,Mortars etc.)

However - it would not be the first time my BOR was right out of it.

Any other KNOWLEDGABLE input on this matter would be appreciated - a clerk perhaps?
GO!!! - There is no difference in MOC.  Your PER will say 031 just like the guy in the next Coy (well this year it will say 0010-00 instead).  The Cbt Sp trades are also 031s.  It may be just in your Bn, not across the board.

Mike - Mock Tower is 32 ft high, the calculated fear of heights.  You will become very familiar with it on your Jump Crse.  It is used to simulate your exit out of the aircraft and first steps of flight procedure.  Here is a link to a pic.... http://www.benning.army.mil/airborne/images/34ft_twr1.JPG

thanks Parasoldier, you've been very helpful. any other advise, comments etc regarding the para coy, jump and recce courses?
As has been stated in this thread it is luck (for the most part) to be posted to a 3rd Bn.  Once you are in the door, courses are earned by hard work and remaining out of trouble (again for the most part).  I know soldiers that have went straight to Recce Pl, who some also wear a maroon beret. 
Keep your mind focused on what you want to accomplish and ensure your chain of command knows your intentions.  Most of all, enjoy what you are doing.
Question for GO!!! and parasoldier and others:

How do you feel about an entire course (funding, instructors time, et al) being given to Cadets?

I was told (this was 3 years ago or so) by my 031 captain that there were 8 courses given a year, and 1 of them was given to the Cadets....

Even if the numbers are a little off, should we not be focussing on our troops in the forces? The argument I got back (mostly from former cadets) was that it is a great tool to interest cadets in joining the forces....  but this sounds a lot less guaranteed than training someone already IN the forces...
Not particularly. Any previous non military service or courses does not give you a leg up.
mike said:
are your chances increased if you have previous skydiving / freefalling experience previous to the military??
I did my basic jump course with a guy who had something like 2000 free-fall jumps in the civilian world.  'Nuff said.
As for the Cadet jump courses - I know that they are run every year, and not much more.

I think that they were a great idea when we had $$$ to throw around on projects of negligible impact on the effective portions of the army, but when we have 120 maroon berets for the coy, and we dont have enough para qualified dudes to fill them, maybe we should cut back on the cooks, sea captains and cadets for awhile....but thats just me.

GO!!! said:
Coopers test
Consists of Pushups (max 58) Pull ups (max 14) situps (max 58 in 1min) a bench press (110kg max) and a 1.5mile run (8:00 for max points)
If you did all of the above, you would get 100%
Anyone happen to have a link for the breakdown of the scoring for the cooper's test?  Looks like a good way to track your progress.
To find the coopers test - there are several variants.

The one the army uses with the detailed breakdown should be available from your BOR, as several units in the Land force use it at Bn and lower levels.