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Joining a Regular Force Parachute Company

Most of the 3 RCR Jump Coy are or will be qualified to wear the maroon beret soon. As attrition is a dialy event due to postings, injuries and releases. The coy is usually manned as close to 100% if possible. However it is closer to 85-90% full. On operations manning is usually increased above the normal coy manning, hence the sight of "dirty legs" within the coy lines. For Roto 0 1 RCR and 3 RCR pers manned the coy to bring it up to strength. Not all if any of the 1 RCR guys were jump qualified and I pretty much know them all. Chances are good of getting into the coy as now there is steady movement of guys out and fresh blood in. You don't always have to be the best troop as some coy's use this as an excuse to unload their junk. Do the memo thing and watch and shoot. Good luck.

does 2 ppcli have a jump coy? if so, do the coy's rotate this role?
so the 3rd battalion, 2 PPCLI is a jump company? correct? sorry i am not quite familiar with the structure as of yet....still learning!
A battalion is made up of several companies of approx 120 troops.  Para coys in the 3rd battalions are just one company among several, who each have different taskings.  I'll stop there since my previous life as an infantry type predates the light inf battlions & para coys and I don't want to start feeding you out of date stuff.
thanks, anyone one else with direct knowledge regarding this would be a big hellp!!
No 2PPCLI doesn't have a jump coy.  1 PPCLI, 2 PPCLI, and 3 PPCLI make up the PPCLI Regiment.  The first 2 battalions (1PPCLI and 2PPCLI) are mechanized while the 3rd is light.  Within the 3rd Battalion 1 rifle coy of the 3 is the jump coy.
that is the answer i thought and was looking for. thanks.
how do you get a posting to 1 rifle coy, 3rd light? do you request when applying or is it the luck of the draw??
i guess if you were to join, you would request 031, 3rd Btln, and hope for jump coy? it would work something like that?
If you qualify for 031, you may express a preference for a particular battalion, but there's no guarantee you'll get it. It will depend a lot on where the most troops are needed. You seem quite fixated on being a paratrooper, when you should be worried about becoming a soldier. Don't join with the intention of being in a jump company, or you will invariably be disppointed if and when you don't make it in. There are a LOT of interesting and exciting jobs in the infantry that don't involve jumping out of an aircraft, and that are just as competitive to get into, and as challenging to do. Keep your options open, and you won't be disappointed.
Don't forget, bieng a jumper is just a means of getting you to your objective.  The real job begins when the boots hit the ground.  And at that point it becomes a  light infantry tasking.  There are no operational jumps that end at the DZ, you still have to close with and destroy the enemy, and keep in mind its your job to be surrounded until the "leg" infantry breaks through to relieve you.

hopefully noones pissed about the "leg" bit.

Cheerz and good luck.
just to answer combat_medics statement....it's not that i am fixated about becoming a paratrooper, just trying to gather all information with regards to this matter, along with any other information i can gather. enough information to make an intellectual decision on which trade within the army that i would enjoy the most as i am looking to make a career out of it......not just a job.

mike... combat_medic was giving you (IMHO) sound advice as to how to "intellectually" approach a possible application and career in the forces.

Ive known/met many highly fit, dedicated and skilled soldiers who were made it to a jump course only to twist their ankles on a night jump and not be able to complete the course.  My point here is to say that you can (again IMHO) be an excellent soldier and not have your jump wings, and that it would be sad to see such an excellent soldier quit/vr/be pissed forever over not getting their wings.

If its just a side interest youd like to get info about, then cool, nevermind these comments. If its your ultimate goal, I think what combat_medic is trying to say is: find a new goal.
yes, you are correct, it is a side interest that I'm trying to find out as much info as i can about........i definitely realize there are other great/challenging jobs other than receiving your jump wings. thanks.
are your chances increased if you have previous skydiving / freefalling experience previous to the military??
Noticing all of the people out there who seem to maintain that it is "luck" that makes a trooper...

Luck will get you to the third Bn

You may even stumble into a Para crse,

but the Para coys are composed of uncommonly aggressive, extremely fit and motivated individuals. It is not just another job. Units like the QOR do mostly administrative DZs and associated activities. For them, and anyone else who has'nt actually done an exercise jump, it's just a course, another pin. They dont get jump pay or wear a maroon beret, and as such, are not qualified to make assumptions and observations about stuff I do every day. They don't do a Coopers test WELL 3-4 times a year, or run in all weather as a welcome break from circuit training.

I don't see too many of those people around when we are doing full kit, double door mass at night on day one of a 2 week Exercise.

We do have paratroopers, it is an MOC (031A) and you can make it there if you work hard and perservere. I did.

GO!!! said:
Units like the QOR do mostly administrative DZs and associated activities. For them, and anyone else who has'nt actually done an exercise jump, it's just a course, another pin. They dont get jump pay or wear a maroon beret,

I think you're mistaken on that, I have a few buddies in the QOR jump coy, they do wear the maroon beret, and from what I've heard they jump fairly often. I'm sure someone on here can give some first-hand knowledge on this...
My bad, you are right, the QOR wear their maroon berets on Tues.? nights.

Also - define "fairly often"