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January 2010 BMQ


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I went into my local CFRC today and was told I start BMQ on January 11 th. at CFB Borden.

I started my application in April 2009 and was merit listed on October 21st, will be sworn in on December 16th.

I am entering as a cook.  Previous service in regular forces was from December 1, 1978 to January 1983 also as a cook.

That pretty sweet, I applied in October and they already started callng all my 5 contacts, hopefully I'll get sent to Borden for my BMQ.

Good luck on your BMQ.
I got the call today...BMQ Jan11....so freaking excited!!!!...
now if I can just get them pushups...lol
Anyone else going??
Are you guys for regular or reserve? I was told yesterday that I'm in the Jan. 11th BMQ, but he said it was in St. Jean. I'm supposed to swear in Dec. 9th
I think we all go the Sat before and then start on the Monday...Navy you are going to Borden for training?
Using the search function on this site brought up the following threads:

http://forums.navy.ca/forums/threads/86231.0.html , reply # 1 and # 4

http://forums.navy.ca/forums/threads/85180/post-830313.html#msg830313 , reply # 6, apr 09




These will answer questions about CFLRS Det Borden / NRTD Borden, as well as the SOP for why they want you to report in on Saturday.

As always confirm your departure dates and travel information with your CFRC in advance.
bigjohnson said:
Are you guys for regular or reserve? I was told yesterday that I'm in the Jan. 11th BMQ, but he said it was in St. Jean. I'm supposed to swear in Dec. 9th

I am entering Reg Force and was told my DEU will be land forces. Cook is a purple trade so I can be posted anywhere.
I'm in, start Jan 11th at St. Jean.  Going for LCIS tech.  ;D
Hi there!  I've been reading these forums for almost a year now... no need to post because everyone asked/answered all the questions I had.

I'm in as well on January 11th, St Jean.  Going for Naval Electronics Technician (Radar).  Anyone here on the west coast?
bjork said:
Hi there!  I've been reading these forums for almost a year now... no need to post because everyone asked/answered all the questions I had.
I'm in as well on January 11th, St Jean.  Going for Naval Electronics Technician (Radar).  Anyone here on the west coast?

bjork, awesome first post!!  Now if we could only get everyone else to read before posting as you obviously did.......  ;)

Congrats and good luck with your career.
I'm going for vehicle tech on the 11th in st. jean. Anyone leaving from Toronto on the 9th?
Hey got the call today! I'm on the Jan 11th BMQ at St. Jean. I'm from Toronto, I'm leaving Pearson on Sunday morning.

Congratulations to all!

See you there and Good luck! =)
Got my call today to confirm my BMQ is in St. Jean Jan. 11th.
The Recruiting Center screwed up on my file. I VR'd due to injury a year and a half ago. Decided to give it another go, got my interview, explained why I VR'd yadda yadda. I got a call saying I can skip BMQ and go right to Kingston(going ATIS Tech) which got me a little excited(was sent to PAT week 11 because of injury). So I quit my job expecting to get sworn in the 17th of November at 1pm and head to Kingston right after. Then they call me saying I have to do Basic(which is fine I don't mind doing it again) It just would have been nice if I wasn't unemployed at the moment with the holiday season coming.
I got the call today

BMQ is Borden Jan 11th, 2010

Swearing on Dec 16, 2009

I'm from Toronto,

:cdn: :salute:
Hello  Zyllon,

Congraduations on joining the Canadian Armed Forces (RMS Clerk).  I am also from Toronto and look forward to meeting you when we are enrolled and sworn in on December 16th.


Congratulation on join the Canadian Forces.

We have the same time line:

Started application in April 2009

Merit listed on October

Sworn in on December 16th - Toronto

BMQ in Borden Jan 2010

What a coincidence

:o :o :o :o
;D  :salute:

I also have Jan 11th Bmq in Borden, Being sworn in dec 17,  Going for Sonar Op, Im from London On
I'm flying out from Edmonton on January 9th to begin at Borden on Jan 11th
Hi all,

I'm on the east coast, going reg forces Navy. My process is in the reference checks etc and am told that BMQ will be soon. My office is telling me it will be St Jean, possibly in January. There must be a certain amount to a troup. Are you guys that are going to Borden going there because you are further west than me? Maybe mine will actually be Borden too.