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I heard from DEO boards!

Casing said:
First off, it turns out that I am being offered both Sigs O and AERE

[*]]Official paperwork is not given until an offer is actually accepted

Unbelievable, Casing!  Now I'm totally confused  :o
The interviewing officer told me earlier that I can receive only one offer (and that's what they supposedly calculate as the best for you  ;)).

And, you will not receive any official papers, till you accept the offer, while, in my case, they have to wait for an official papers to be prepared (this could mean though, that they will call me once more and ask to come down, when they have the papers ready )
BTW, they said it will be a "conditional offer", even though my fail is up to date. Is it the same for everyone? In your case, Casing, you still have to do the PT, and all of us have to pass BOTC, if I understand well?
Well yes, continued employment and promotion is conditional on passing IAP and BOTC.  Also, my current offer is conditional on me successfully passing the PT, which I will try to get an appointment for next week. 

I actually asked the Captain about the paperwork and if I would receive any. He said that I don't receive the actual paperwork until I tell them, "yes, I accept the offer".  However, the paperwork is ready because once I asked him a few more questions he was reading directly from it.

The confusion about the two offers arises in that AERE offers showed up after the Sigs O offers did.  When the Sigs O list came out a different officer at the CFRC phoned me up to tell me that I am being offered it.  But once the AERE list came out, the CFRC "modified" the offer to be AERE.  Only after I asked for clarification about the offer for Sigs O did this extra information come out.  Otherwise the Captain would not have mentioned the Sigs O at all, since AERE was my first choice and they assumed I would accept it.  So the Sigs O offer was there as backup if I said no to AERE.  Since I was slated in for Sigs O, I imagine that once I accept for AERE, the first person on the waitlist for Sigs O will be called and offered the position.  I think that the typical course of events are that only one position is offered at a time--can't expect that there would never be a bit of a mix up though, as in this case.
You said you qualify for the signing bonus, but aren't those qualifications basically met as long as you're accepted?  Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing this for the bonus, its just icing on the cake.  It just happens to be really, really sweet icing.  Are there other factors at play?

Also, assuming you do accept the AERE, this is incredibly good news.  If not, thats fine too, but as you say, it is your first choice, and you mentioned previously about wanting the Air Force. 

Congratulations by the way.  I'm still trying to figure out where I went wrong with AERE.  I know I bombed that portion of the interview  as I was ill prepared in the AERE aspect, as I wasn't terribly sure what AERE did specifically, or where they trained.  I completely underestimated the importance of the choices and assumed that because CELE was my first choice, I would get accepted for it.  The other two choices were basically the "fill in the blanks, because blanks exists".  SIGS O was the obvious one, and the only reason AERE was placed above SIGS O was because I had heard AERE was harder to get into.  I also don't have the best university grades, not terrible by any means, but not 'great'.  Ah well, enough for making excuses... I've said from the start I'd be incredibly happy with any of the three choices, and I was relying on the selection boards to make the determination for me.
hoser said:
You said you qualify for the signing bonus, but aren't those qualifications basically met as long as you're accepted?  

Yes, I imagine so.   The only question was that my recruiting officer wasn't completely certain if the bonus only applied in certain circumstances. For example, my degree is in computer information systems.   Being that this is not the "preferred" degree for AERE he wasn't sure that I would qualify for the bonus. Although he was quite certain that I would qualify for it if I accept Sigs O (since it is a preferred degree, in this case).

I'm still trying to figure out where I went wrong with AERE.   I know I bombed that portion of the interview   as I was ill prepared in the AERE aspect, as I wasn't terribly sure what AERE did specifically, or where they trained.

I would say that you are probably correct in your assumption that not being more knowledgeable about AERE worked against you.   In my interview I was able to discuss all three trades I chose in great detail.   I don't think that, given the choice, the CF would be especially eager to insert an aplapplicantto a trade that they don't know much about.   There would be a very good chance of that person being dissatisfied with that occupation.   You must have done well on your interview, considering your waitlist placement.   I'm sure you'll get an offer soon (I know, easy for me to say that, but I do believe it.)
Well, I got an update from CFRC on Friday...  The Cpt. told me that there was some re-shuffling of peoples positions on the waitlist for a few MOC, including Sigs.  I was number 3 previously, and he told me I had been moved to number 8.  He as much told me that it is not in the cards for me.

I don't know what will happen for next go around -- if I will keep my application on file or not.  Last time, I was put on a waitlist and I received an offer, and I hadd to refuse.  This time, I get put down low enough on the waitlist that it's not even an option.

I really don't know how, or even if I shall proceed after this.  It remains to be seen.

If by some miracle I get an offer... I am sure to take it.  Kinda seems doubtful to me though.

Casing.. Congrats!  That is awesome you got the offers!  Hoser.. hopefully position didn't change and you get in.  I wish you and all of the other O Cdt's the best of luck.

tyrnagog out.
Uh oh, I don't like the sounds of that.  Looks like I'll be making a phone call first thing tomorrow morning. 
I was wondering if any of you have heard about EME yet. I'm assuming you are all electrical engineers. So you probably have applied for EME as well right?


P.S. Hope to see you all in the fall.
I'm an electrical engineer, yes, but I didn't apply for EME.  I almost went with 1) CELE, 2) SIG O, 3) EME (In fact, it was that way... until I went in a week after my interview to change it), but I decided that 1) CELE, 2) AERE, 3) SIG O was more to my liking.  EME sounded good, but according to the recruiting page electrical power engineering was the preferred degree.  First off, my specialization is digital (mostly DSP stuff, with some analog electronics to round it out), and secondly, I've worked for power consulting engineers for summer employments, and I'm more partial to the electronics as opposed to the electrical side of things. 
Hi all,

This question is for all the people who applied for DEO and got selected (or in waiting list)......  First of all... congratulations !!!  :salute:

I have applied for DEO and going through Security Check (applied last week). I filled Security Clearance form and signed a one-page consent form (that CFRC can check my records). My file manager told me today that they will do a initial security check to find any criminal record and check my credit.

Then they will send me a form by mail and I will sign it and send them back.

Was your Enhanced Security Check the same way ????  ???
Ok, I'm not sure what to think. 

I just got off the phone with the recruiting centre, and I recieved the same bad news as Tyrnagog.  I've been moved from 1st to 6th on 'the waiting list'.  But the corporal (while checking with the Lt. (N), who I assume was standing right next to him)  I reached was certain that the people who were moved ahead of me were likely going for different trades, and this likely didn't affect my standing for 84U.  He might've simply had false information in regards to what these waiting lists meant, or he might've had the right idea.  I'm more confused now than when I dialed the CFRC's number, and thats the opposite to what I expected and hoped. 

Although, just to offer some evidence of this guy's "know-it-all" attitude, when I first phoned, I explained the situation... ("I was told about a week ago that I was first on the waiting list for Signal Officer, but I understand that some of the waitlist placements has shifted)" and he replied with: "Well, I don't mean to call you a liar, but we didn't tell you you were first on any list".  I started explaining that I talked to a female civilian clerk, and she had checked with the Lt. (N) who was busy, for permission to tell me of my position.  But he interrupted me partway through that and said "There's three clerk's here, and not one of us would have told you that".  Therefore his level of "certainty" of this not affecting my Signal Officer waitlist position isn't all that high with me right now. 

I guess all I can do is wait and see.

All these recent posts are disappointing, CF are not hiring aggressively....I hope Conservatives will win boost defense spending.
All I can say is forget about talking to the clerks and phone your interviewing officer directly.  At least that person should have the proper scoop about what is going on.  I just phoned mine about 2 minutes ago and accepted the offer for AERE.  I didn't want to risk getting re-shuffled right out of an offer!

Good luck guys.  I really hope it works out.  Don't give up hope!
Actually, I tried that.  Somehow in the last couple of weeks I got shifted to another interviewing officer (I had originally spoke with a Captain, and the Lt. (N) wanted to talk with me when I went in there).  Today, while trying to call her, this Corporal was handling the call, for whatever reason.  Also, my attempts to contact the Captain directly have resulted in failure, as he's not listed in the touchtone directory that they have, and as I've said, the clerk handled the call.  I've got to wait until I go back to Saskatoon (I'm out of town), and I'll go in and ask to talk to him directly.
Sounds like the CFRC is on the ball as usual....
Well, it looks like I'm going to be a Signal Officer after all.

They phoned today, told me I had an offer, and obviously I accepted immediately.  The lady I talked to (a civilian clerk of some sort, but I've long since given up on trying to understand what goes on at the CFRC) told me I'd be good to go for the 13 Sept Basic, and I'd likely be sworn in on 3 Sept.  Very good news, and I'm extremely happy at this point.

I guess the Corporal I talked to had the right idea.  I know of one person (Casing) who rejected their SIGS O offer on Monday, and it seems reasonable (if not uncharacterically fast) that it would take a couple days to propagate through and get back to me.  I find it doubtful that 5 people would've already rejected, although its not wholly unreasonable.

hoser said:
Well, it looks like I'm going to be a Signal Officer after all.
Awesome news, hoser!   Congrats!

good to go for the 13 Sept Basic
Same course date as me... as long as I pass my PT, scheduled for this evening.   Up, up, down, down!

Tyrnagog, keep the faith... it'll happen!

I've got called back thursday of last week. The civil of my recruitment center told me that my file development was going fine and that she would prolly receive my medical next week ( june 21- june 25 ) and that i would get an offer conditionnal that i pass the flying personnal test at Trenton.  She was seeming very happy and it was really a booster for me. So today (friday 25 ) i call them, that same person who called me was having a totally different speechs : ' You know, right now we cant really know when your medical will come back... bla bla bla bla' It's damn very frustrating, its the damn same person who called me last week to told me that i would get news this week that today told me something totally different.  Its a non-sense, they ask us to on time and never be a minute late even if we have a good reason but hey they cant respect their own timing!  What is really strange is for the 4 months and will be soon 5 months in 4 days,  that i'm waiting my medical file from Borden the only week i'm not calling to have an update of my file, is the week that she call me...  I would have prefered that i get no call and have a nice surprise instead of having false hope. Anyway, that little story leave an another bad taste about my transfer and my nice recruitment center!  I try to keep the focus because i know that the wait will worth it at the end! On that have an ice day!  :salute:
Got the call this morning. Sea logistic. (my choice) Leaving for St-Jean on September 11.
I dropped by the recruiting office today to check up on my application. Since all you guys are getting offers I wanted to see what is going on with my status. Apparently there is still a board to sit. Do any of you have an idea which board this may be? EME perhaps?