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I hate my vision

Not bullshit, I had heard the same thing, and a recruiter in the ADF confirmed it to me. The corneal flap in LASIK is the issue; there is concern that it weakens the cornea, and that during a physically traumatizing event, could come apart....rendering you blind.  8)

Dog said:
As far as pilots having laser-eye surgery, they do not, generally speaking, get LASIK. Instead they get PRK.

No...they get neither...*if* they want to keep flying...

(Following applies to US pilots only. I haven't heard if the CF will follow suit...but I doubt it. My personal experience shows that the med rules in the States can get waived *if* you're good enough, but up here, they are mostly inflexible. But...as with all things in life...YMMV, especially if the Board is in a good mood...)

All corrective procedures damage the eye, whether by the 'cheese slicer' of LASIK or the 'chunk remover' of PRK. Long term effects are not known on how the eye will stand up to high G manoeuvres when it has been so effected. For that matter, *long* term effects for the general public, non-flying use, are not known, as in the 50 year plus range.

On the other hand, RK makes incisions in the cornea that do *not* go all the way through, as in LASIK.  Think of a layer of 10 wet tissues; RK surgeons cut through 9 of them while leaving the last intact. While this weakens the eye temporarily, once healed...3-4 months...the eye is as strong as it was. The theory behind this is because there was never a complete cut through. And no material was removed, as per PRK. It comes down to the fact that in LASIK and PRK, the integrity of the eye has been violated, while in RK, the 'damage' is limited to some deep scratches.

Also, RK has a 30 year plus long term effect database from actual procedures. (Databases come into effect once the 'mass production' type of surgery is done.  I don't know the 'real' name for this type of database...but this one works...) Prototype procedures are tracked but not included; if so, then RK has a 60 year long term effect database.

Best bet with *any* type of surgery; research *all* methods, find their pros & cons, sit back, read them, get some questions, research those, then get a second opinion. For vision correction, seek out a third, and ensure all of them perform different or multiple surgery types. Costly...but it's your eyes you're talking about!
Just to let interested persons know, after talking with a staff member at the recruiting center, I was told that they are looking into laser eye surgery for pilots right now, and possibly might allow it for people without 20/20 vision to become pilots.
j_budz said:
Just to let interested persons know, after talking with a staff member at the recruiting center, I was told that they are looking into laser eye surgery for pilots right now, and possibly might allow it for people without 20/20 vision to become pilots.

I heard this and what are the vision requirements for JTF? Anymore eye opening statements?
I asked about that too, but supposedly the unit doesn't tell them much information about it, and they said that since I passed for Combat Arms I should be fine.
j_budz said:
I asked about that too, but supposedly the unit doesn't tell them much information about it, and they said that since I passed for Combat Arms I should be fine.


sorry, that's a good one !

j_budz said:
Just to let interested persons know, after talking with a staff member at the recruiting center, I was told that they are looking into laser eye surgery for pilots right now, and possibly might allow it for people without 20/20 vision to become pilots.

The rumour about possible refractive surgery for pilots has been floating for a couple years now.

If the standards change, So will both the official reference and the various threads here.
Until then, speculation and rumours are pointless.

Regarding JTF vision, your leg was being yanked. A vision category is tied to a
job, not a unit.

Regarding JTF vision, your leg was being yanked. A vision category is tied to a
job, not a unit.

Ok, I know that it applies to the specific job (that's why I couldn't get in as a PID :() but I asked specifically about the assaulter position, but again, it's just speculation, as they do not know for sure.  I'll find out in 3 years.

Thanks for the clarification! :-[
j_budz said:
Ok, I know that it applies to the specific job (that's why I couldn't get in as a PID :() but I asked specifically about the assaulter position, but again, it's just speculation, as they do not know for sure.  I'll find out in 3 years.

Thanks for the clarification! :-[

As stated here, http://www.jtf2.forces.gc.ca/documents/jtf2Application_e.pdf the medical category for JTF2 Assaulters is 322225 which means V3 for vision.
Hello, My Name is Matthew. I am 17 (18 on June 26th) and am planning on Joining on July 1st. But my eyes Suck. I have seen people in the infantry (Which is what i want to do) so i didn't think much of my eyes. Last night my sister told me that a friend of hers with better eyes then mine has to get aser eye Surgery before he can join the infantry. Well i have no problems with getting that surgery. But there is no way i could afford it right now. After reading all of these posts i am assuming that the Army won't pay for it and i doubt my health care would either which sucks lol. I am going to ask my Optomitrist what my Vision is rated and then find out what i would be classed as. But without my glasses i cant see far at all. I always thought if i needed to i could just toss in my contacts while over there fighting. Basicly what i would like to know is. If my eyes suck but they are great with glasses, would i still need to have the surgery? I am assuming yes but i would like to know for sure. Thank you.
My advice to you would be to apply ASAP if you want to be working in July, because it takes a while to get everything done before you are actually 'in'. 

As for your eyesight, when you apply you will have to undergo a vision test, and then you will know for sure what category you are in.  If you decide to get laser eye surgery, the government will not pay for it, unless you are applying to the regular forces (I think?).

Your best bet would be to go to the recruiting office ASAP and fill out an application/complete the CFAT (correct?) and you will undergo a medical on that same day, and that way, if you don't have good enough eyesight, you will have time to look into other occupations or look into laser eye surgery.

Good Luck!

-And please correct me if I am wrong on anything!
the government will not pay for it, unless you are applying to the regular forces (I think?).

Wrong. Find a lane and stay in it.  In other words only comment on what you know and not what you think you know.
Alright well i hope my eyes are good enough then. And thanks for the Advice on getting to a Recruitment center ASAP. Thank you.
Glad I am not the only V4 kicking around here. But it is nice to know that they will accept Laser eye surgery.

Kind of sucked because all my other choices that I wanted were all V3s.
It says this post has not been replied to for at least 100 days, but I do hate my vision so I am going to post anyways.

Right now I have NO idea what my eye vision is. All I know is that my left eye is good (clear) and my right eye is fuzzy (unclear).

Does this completely eliminate me from the application process?

CFEdward said:
It says this post has not been replied to for at least 100 days, but I do hate my vision so I am going to post anyways.

Right now I have NO idea what my eye vision is. All I know is that my left eye is good (clear) and my right eye is fuzzy (unclear).

Does this completely eliminate me from the application process?
You visit a CFRC to find out for sure. My eyes aren't the best, but I didn't think that my vision would be V4 until they told me when I was there.

Best bet is to get you're eyes checked before hand as well.
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Only a Doctor can tell you after you have had your eyes examined.

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