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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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Not sure why everyone is ganging up on me with the ad hominem attacks.
Anyways, let's stay focused and on topic.

This is a relevant article to this Israeli genocide (plausible) thread.
Apparently, Canada is still planning to go through with purchasing the Israeli Spike missiles that Israeli terrorists used to kill a Canadian veteran, what a shame:

Of course you don't know why........sigh....

Here's a breaking update, it turns out that Israel was not doing everything it could to increase the flow ad into Gaza. Just a few hours ago and after the US gave Netanyahu an ultimatum via a phone call, Israel has:
  • Opened the Erez crossing in northern Gaza for the first time since October 7.
  • Decided to use the Port of Ashdod for the supply of aid to Gaza.
  • Decided to allow more aid trucks from Jordan to enter Gaza via Israel every day
So do you guys think thag Israel will be found guilty of genocide at the ICJ (given that this is proof it's been using starvation as a weapon)? And what impact will that have on Canada given it's been supporting Israel?

Somehow I feel like Hamas doesn't run investigations when it kills civilians. Israel has just sacked 2 officers, reprimanded 3 more and passed the investigation to military lawyers for criminal charges. Israel dismisses 2 officers over deadly drone strikes on aid workers in Gaza

I find it absolutely amazing that Hamas apologists cry for war crimes investigations but fail to see there are significantly more happening from their side which are celebrated by the government. No side has clean hands here but at least 1 is appearing to ensure warfare is conducted in relation to LoAC.
Because he or she is a Hamas supporter- a terrorist. I do hope the authorities confront this terrorist
Notice how OldSolduer never responds to the substance of the argument and just goes for character assassination.
I really feel pitty for your soul and I pray for your guidance.
Now please let's stay on topic.
Bruce Monkhouse has his hands full moderating other threads too, so let's give him a break.
You would rather our soldiers go without one of the most badass missile systems on the market? Why don't you care about our veterans?
I'd rather have my hard earned tax dollars not help fund the war industry of an apartheid state that's currently on trial for genocide in the world's top court.
Israel has killed over 30,000 ppl in Gaza (over 13,000 are children). All human rights organizations (even Israeli ones like B'Tselem) have been documenting Israeli war crimes for decades.

Canada should sanction Israel the same way apartheid South Africa was sanctioned in the 80's and 90's.
Notice how OldSolduer never responds to the substance of the argument and just goes for character assassination.
You say this…
I really feel pitty for your soul and I pray for your guidance.
Then go full hypocrite and say this ^^^
Now please let's stay on topic.
Take some of your own advice. You keep trying to link this as an attack on a CAF veteran thinking it means some sort of deserved automatic support for your point of view.
Bruce Monkhouse has his hands full moderating other threads too, so let's give him a break.
Bruce can handle it.
I'd rather have my hard earned tax dollars not help fund the war industry of an apartheid state that's currently on trial for genocide in the world's top court.
On trial does not mean convicted of. Let’s say the worlds court decides that it isn’t genocide, will you accept that judgement?
Israel has killed over 30,000 ppl in Gaza (over 13,000 are children). All human rights organizations (even Israeli ones like B'Tselem) have been documenting Israeli war crimes for decades.
What is the source for your numbers? I agree it’s high, but I question where you get your numbers. Also I dispute what is counted as a β€œchild”. But that can be debated elsewhere.
Canada should sanction Israel the same way apartheid South Africa was sanctioned in the 80's and 90's.
Should Hamas be sanctioned the same way we also sanction terrorist groups?
Accident my hairy A**, no real justification- 1 veh- missed ID, all 3 in sequence, hmmmm!
You act like no one else has ever hit a civilian target before.

They used a very specific Hellfire variant in that strike to limit damage to the surround area - so yes I think it’s a clear indication that there was a misidentification.

The convoy was hit like a HVT convoy in civilian areas and munitions used to contain the damage to the vehicles where used.
Somehow I feel like Hamas doesn't run investigations when it kills civilians. Israel has just sacked 2 officers, reprimanded 3 more and passed the investigation to military lawyers for criminal charges. Israel dismisses 2 officers over deadly drone strikes on aid workers in Gaza

I find it absolutely amazing that Hamas apologists cry for war crimes investigations but fail to see there are significantly more happening from their side which are celebrated by the government. No side has clean hands here but at least 1 is appearing to ensure warfare is conducted in relation to LoAC.
Sorry to break it you, but facts don't care about your feelings.
It's not an independent investigation if it was conducted by... Former IDF staff!! It should be a 3rd party independent investigation (get the EU or some consortium).

And these are not my demands. These are the demands of the World Central Kitchen (WCK) charity itself which was targetted in this Israeli terrorist attack. (link to article hot off the press below).

I'm not taking sides and I'm fine with the findings of reputable human rights organizations (for both sides)... But it's Israel that's always ignoring these reports for decades.

Sorry to break it you, but facts don't care about your feelings.
It's not an independent investigation if it was conducted by... Former IDF staff!! It should be a 3rd party independent investigation (get the EU or some consortium).
Why? Why should any Military be forced to open itself up to a foreign investigation. You open Pandora’s Box with that sort of idea.

And these are not my demands. These are the demands of the World Central Kitchen (WCK) charity itself which was targetted in this Israeli terrorist attack. (link to article hot off the press below).
The fact you call it a terrorist attack shows you for what you are.

I'm not taking sides
Uhm sure.
and I'm fine with the findings of reputable human rights organizations (for both sides).
Your idea of. Reputable HRO is probably different than mine.

. But it's Israel that's always ignoring these reports for decades.
Who attacked who on the 7th of October?
So do you guys think thag Israel will be found guilty of genocide at the ICJ (given that this is proof it's been using starvation as a weapon)? And what impact will that have on Canada given it's been supporting Israel?
No. And your insistence on being so provocative is undoubtedly hardening hearts to resolve to allow Israel to do whatever it must. If your aim is to reduce support for Israel, you're failing abysmally and probably will be responsible for some Palestinian deaths.
Dude, you're great.

I haven't been reminded how predictable our adversaries are with information warfare in a while. You're channeling the Russian bots of 2022 quite well.

Maybe try posting badly photoshopped pictures of IDF vehicles burned out next, that is always a hit.
I actually thought that he was a bot before I looked at his profile and it says that he joined the site in 2007.
Somehow I feel like Hamas doesn't run investigations when it kills civilians. Israel has just sacked 2 officers, reprimanded 3 more and passed the investigation to military lawyers for criminal charges. Israel dismisses 2 officers over deadly drone strikes on aid workers in Gaza

I find it absolutely amazing that Hamas apologists cry for war crimes investigations but fail to see there are significantly more happening from their side which are celebrated by the government. No side has clean hands here but at least 1 is appearing to ensure warfare is conducted in relation to LoAC.
You're absolutely correct. I just want to add some points.

The international concept of dealing with war crimes is that each country should have a set of laws defining war crimes and investigating and prosecuting their own people for war crimes committed by them. This is exactly what happens within Western powers and Israel. The ICC only becomes involved in circumstances where a country does not fulfill its obligations. In short the ICC complements and does not replace national judicial systems respecting war crimes.

To put it into specific terms for this conflict, Israel should continue to investigate and prosecute alleged war crimes events. On the other hand, since there is no evidence that Palestinians are investigating or prosecuting the massive war crimes that they have committed, the ICC should conduct an investigation against Palestine.

What makes the issue even more interesting is that Israel has never become a party to the Rome Statute and as such the ICC has no general jurisdiction to prosecute any Israeli citizens. Israel was a signatory but later revoked its standing due to many reasons including the "invention of new war crimes by the court," and the political isolation of Israel in the UN and its exclusion of membership in UN regional groups. OTOH, Palestine is a party to the Statute and there is no impediment to stop the ICC from investigating the myriad of war crimes committed by Hamas and Palestinians.

In effect. however, the office of prosecutor Karim Khan of the ICC (who has visited bit Israel and Palestine) is investigating the circumstances of Oct 7th and the subsequent actions by all parties. It will be interesting to see if this will be an even handed investigation. Whatever reports or actions will come out of this is to be seen in the decades to come.

To get to the incident of the 3 WCK vehicles in question. Were the three vehicles deliberately targeted? The evidence is clear that they were but, on the mistaken belief that they were occupied by Hamas personnel. The issue isn't deliberate targeting of WCK workers but whether there was a breakdown in the coordination and targeting operations within the IDF. It appears there were and Israel will be taking action. It is doubtful whether those actions will satisfy some elements of the Israeli or Palestinian or international communities as all of these parties seem to have already rushed to judgement in the case. Their beliefs are deeply engrained and will not be swayed by facts.

I've been watching this thread now for several days and while I'm a great fan of the open discourse we have here, I'm highly suspicious of the postings by one member who has hardly ever participated in any discussions. There was a quick series of drive-by posts concerning the attempted coup in Turkey in 2016 and then - nothing - until a few days ago with what are, IMHO, highly provocative and trolling posts. Quite frankly, I can't understand why some of the more reasonable and even handed members of this forum are even giving him the satisfaction of calling him out and engaging in arguments with him (or it if its a bot or info ops campaign like I consider it to be). We all have the ability to use the "ignore" function on this site and the moderators will, in time, clean house.
