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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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I know, the truth hurts sometimes, so soldier on my son.
It's obvious you don't care about a fellow veteran (Jacob Flickinger) who was slained by another country and you'd rather stand with the Israeli terrorists who killed him than your own brethern.
I'm really questioning your loyalty to Canada.

You can have your opinion and be free to express it here, we encourage proper discussion. HOWEVER, you can man up right now and apologize to OS. He, and his family, have given more to this country then anyone should have too.

Carry on....
I know, the truth hurts sometimes, so soldier on my son.
It's obvious you don't care about a fellow veteran (Jacob Flickinger) who was slained by another country and you'd rather stand with the Israeli terrorists who killed him than your own brethern.
I'm really questioning your loyalty to Canada.
have a nice day supporting Hamas. We here who have also lost family and friends know what its like.

Don't you fucking presume to question my loyalty. Its your loyalty or lack thereof I am questioning.

Go back to Hamas, Hezzbolah, AQ or The Taliban or maybe Iran?

We know your kind and this will be reported. Have a nice day.
Truly sad. But what other comfort does a parent have in cases such as this. My son got blown up because he was in the middle of a war zone and shit happens is pretty bitter medicine to swallow. Much easier to assign blame. My heart goes out to them though. There is no comfort in receiving your son via a ramp ceremony of any nature.
Sorry about your loss.
However this is not a "shit happens" situations. The WCK convoy had:
1- Provided their travel coordinates to the Israeli terrorist forces,

2- Was travelling inside an Israeli designated "deconflicting" zone.

3- Has clearly marked vehicles with the WCK logo.

4- WCK was actually the aid organization that Israel was promoting instead of UNRWA (even though their claims about UNRWA have turned out to be false).

5- The Israeli terrorist air force did not hit the WCK convoy just once, or twice but thrice! The first car was hit, survivors went to the second car, a few minutes later the second car was hit, survivors then went to the this car and few minutes after that, the 3rd car was hit. It was deliberate.

6- After 6 months of carpet bombing and drones flying 24/7, does the IDF really think that HAMAS would be dumb enough to travel in plain view in a 3 car convoy?

The issue now, is that a Canadian veteran has been killed.... And soldiers on this form are afraid to hold Israel accountable!
The issue now, is that a Canadian veteran has been killed.... And soldiers on this form are afraid to hold Israel accountable!
Yes and that is sad however he knew the risk and was prepared to take it - like we all have at one time.

Your risk is sitting behind a keyboard and hoping not to get insulted too badly.

Now kindly go off and get to Gaza if you feel that strongly to fight the Israelis.
Accidents happen.

As the article noted there was a misidentification of the convoy. It happens.
Yup - any system with humans involved'll be less than 100% perfect, for sure.

Meanwhile, is AI helping targeting or not as much as one might hope? As always, dose your grain of salt based on the sources ....
All the media from the Toyota truck that was hit has perfectly placed 'World Food Program' placards that were obviously placed inside the vehicle after the strike. Never let a tragedy go to waste in your losing war against Israel.

All this can stop if hamas surrenders and the hostages are released ALIVE. Until then more incidences like this have a probability of happening again. Hamas and civilians of gaza stormed Israel on October 7th and murdered 1200 people. Don't start something you can't finish.
Yup - any system with humans involved'll be less than 100% perfect, for sure.

Meanwhile, is AI helping targeting or not as much as one might hope? As always, dose your grain of salt based on the sources ....
Something hilarious about the notion of an AI assisted genocide.

If an AI is involved in targeting, it means there is discrimination, thus the killing is not indiscriminate, thus not genocidal...
Interesting article from Haarretz that speculates that the reason the Aid-convoy was targeted is that the local IDF commanders have to much autonomy and can do what they want.

Israeli Army Sources: Gaza Aid Workers Killed Because 'IDF Officers on the Ground Do What They Want'

The IDF and defense ministry claimed that the aid workers' killing resulted from poor coordination. Israeli army sources later refuted their claims, saying the incident has 'no connection to coordination' and was caused by the fact that 'every commander sets the rules for himself'

Yaniv Kubovich Apr 2, 2024

The army's killing of seven aid workers in the Gaza Strip on Monday night stemmed from poor discipline among field commanders, not a lack of coordination between the army and aid organizations, army sources said on Tuesday.

They added that the officers and soldiers involved had violated Israel Defense Forces regulations and orders.

The sources accused the IDF's Southern Command of trying to deflect blame for the incident in Deir al-Balah, in which seven employees of World Central Kitchen were killed. A source in the intelligence branch said the command "knows exactly what the cause of the attack was – in Gaza, everyone does as he pleases."

Army regulations say that final approval for any action against sensitive targets like aid organizations must be given by senior officers – the division commander, the head of the command or even the chief of staff. But in Gaza, the source said, "every commander sets the rules for himself" and gives his own interpretation of the rules of engagement.

In this case, it's not yet clear whether the decision to open fire on the aid convoy was sent to senior commanders for approval.

In their official response, the IDF and the Defense Ministry claimed that the aid workers' deaths stemmed from poor coordination between the troops in the field and officials from the aid organizations.

Both Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and IDF Chief of Staff Herzl Halevi publicly promised a comprehensive investigation of the incident. They also decided to open a war room jointly manned by personnel from Southern Command and international aid organizations that will be in charge of liaising with troops in the field.

But coordination between the IDF and the organizations already exists, and liaison officers inform the troops about areas they can't attack because aid workers or a large concentration of civilians are present.

The sources therefore criticized Gallant and Halevi for depicting the incident as stemming from poor coordination, terming this "puzzling."

"It has no connection to coordination," the intelligence branch source said. "You can set up another 20 administrations or war rooms, but if someone doesn't decide to put an end to the conduct of some of the troops inside Gaza, we'll see more incidents like this."

From the moment the war began, the IDF realized the importance of bringing in and distributing aid in Gaza, and this was taken into account when plans for the war were drawn up before the ground operation began. From the earliest days of the fighting, officers were stationed in the field whose job was to liaise between the troops and aid organizations, and also to coordinate the evacuation of civilians from places where fighting was taking place.

These officers, who are with the troops in the field 24 hours a day, were stationed at the command, division and brigade levels, as well as with the teams responsible for missile launches and other attacks. The IDF even publicly showed off the war rooms in charge of this activity more than once.

All the media from the Toyota truck that was hit has perfectly placed 'World Food Program' placards that were obviously placed inside the vehicle after the strike. Never let a tragedy go to waste in your losing war against Israel.

All this can stop if hamas surrenders and the hostages are released ALIVE. Until then more incidences like this have a probability of happening again. Hamas and civilians of gaza stormed Israel on October 7th and murdered 1200 people. Don't start something you can't finish.
The Israeli terrorist government including Netanyahu have come out, admitted the air strike and apologized for killing a fellow Canadian veteran.... And you still promote conspiracy theories that the convoy truck wasn't labelled??

Do you condemn Israeli targeting and killing a fellow Canadian veteran?
The Israeli terrorist government including Netanyahu have come out, admitted the air strike and apologized for killing a fellow Canadian veteran.... And you still promote conspiracy theories that the convoy truck wasn't labelled??

Do you condemn Israeli targeting and killing a fellow Canadian veteran?
Going to interject here,......your continuing mention of a "Canadian veteran' is just a red herring to try and garner outrage, it has nothing to do with the actual conversation.
The Israeli terrorist government including Netanyahu have come out, admitted the air strike and apologized for killing a fellow Canadian veteran.... And you still promote conspiracy theories that the convoy truck wasn't labelled??

Do you condemn Israeli targeting and killing a fellow Canadian veteran?

The fact he was a veteran is irrelevant and doesn’t put him above the others killed. Hamas continues this war and more people, mainly gazans, will die. It’s on them.
Tuned you out at that point.
That's ok, it's hard to swallow the truth at first, but it will come with time, trust me.

Our "ally" Israel is becoming the pariah state it should be and it's on trial for genocide!

For context, here are the perpetrator regimes put on trial by the international community for genocide since 1945:
- Nazi Germany, 1945
-Yugoslavia, 1993
-Rwanda, 1994
-Cambodia, 2001
-Myanmar, 2019
-Israel, 2024
The fact he was a veteran is irrelevant and doesn’t put him above the others killed. Hamas continues this war and more people, mainly gazans, will die. It’s on them.
You have a point that him being a veteran shouldn't put him him above others killed.... Like the 13,000 children that Israel has massacred. But unfortunately, the reality is that the world has only started to wake up on Monday night when 6 foreigners (from western countries) were deliberately killed by Israel.
That's ok, it's hard to swallow the truth at first, but it will come with time, trust me.

Our "ally" Israel is becoming the pariah state it should be and it's on trial for genocide!

For context, here are the perpetrator regimes put on trial by the international community for genocide since 1945:
- Nazi Germany, 1945
-Yugoslavia, 1993
-Rwanda, 1994
-Cambodia, 2001
-Myanmar, 2019
-Israel, 2024
You have a point that him being a veteran shouldn't put him him above others killed.... Like the 13,000 children that Israel has massacred. But unfortunately, the reality is that the world has only started to wake up on Monday night when 6 foreigners (from western countries) were deliberately killed by Israel.
I bet you're a lot of fun at parties, eh?
That's ok, it's hard to swallow the truth at first, but it will come with time, trust me.

Our "ally" Israel is becoming the pariah state it should be and it's on trial for genocide!

For context, here are the perpetrator regimes put on trial by the international community for genocide since 1945:
- Nazi Germany, 1945
-Yugoslavia, 1993
-Rwanda, 1994
-Cambodia, 2001
-Myanmar, 2019
-Israel, 2024
Dude, you're great.

I haven't been reminded how predictable our adversaries are with information warfare in a while. You're channeling the Russian bots of 2022 quite well.

Maybe try posting badly photoshopped pictures of IDF vehicles burned out next, that is always a hit.
Not sure why everyone is ganging up on me with the ad hominem attacks.
Anyways, let's stay focused and on topic.

This is a relevant article to this Israeli genocide (plausible) thread.
Apparently, Canada is still planning to go through with purchasing the Israeli Spike missiles that Israeli terrorists used to kill a Canadian veteran, what a shame:
