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Gaining British Citizenship

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Yes, the Royal Marines "are not" elite.  Because of their status as just ordinary soldiers, they were at the tip of the coalition thrust into Iraq, and they were kicking down doors in the Iraqi Port of Umm Qasr, and doing weapons cache raids and fighting head to head with insurgents to clear the Port for Coalition use and occupation.  Because of their ordinary status, 99.9% need not apply, because they aren't elite.  They are just normal soldiers. 

I may be in the same boat with you as I have no military experience, but I sure don't argue with those who do have the experience, and do know what they're talking about. Especially those who've worked with such units.  Read history, understand how the Royal Marines were utilized, and why they are a very professional, well trained establishment.  They've been around since the 1755 when they were raised for full service.  Are ~250 years of service not long enough to master their craft?

As for your comment on the CAR, i'll leave it to those who've been there to discuss that with you.  I'm behind them 100%.

my father served with the SSF, and he will be quick to correct you that, yes the CAR WERE an elite unit, as he trained with them extensively. Marines arent ordinary soldiers, do Reg training, than go over and try your hand at RM training, and see how long you can last. the RM , and USMC are considered the "tip of the spear", and not everyone has the gusto to undertake such a demanding role. Marines undertake it, and excel at it. This CAR/SSF/RM/ not being elite is total nonesense, and until you do some more research on the subject, make sure to point out that your opinions are, in fact opinion and not fact.
You'll notice theusage of the term ELITE. Not "special forces". Not secret commandos. We are merely giving proper respect to the members of services who volunteer to go a bit further and hone their craft. Im not tlaking secret clandestine missions we're talking about over and above. Just like an infanteer who does the ranger course or becomesa pathfinder.

Elite as defined by the dictionary is "the most skilled member of the group". Saying It doesnt take away from the rest of the group. It merely gives credit to certain members who go through hell. I mean look at the SBS. that unit is known as the best. Im not part of it and Ill never be part of it. That doesnt mean I have to be all sour grapes. I find what I do satisfying right now. Does it mean my job is less important? NO. Its different. A good friggin lot a 250 man total strength unit that SBS is going to without the proper back up. They are elite.

Anyways your just getting silly when you start digging at the pride of the CAR members. After that long speech about how great Canada is, you establish one of our beloved military units.

read this assbite
If all special forces are elite and all elite soldiers are commandos are all commandos JTF?
I'm glad that there are people like MilitaryBrat around. They make me look intelligent (almost  :P)

I don't know what it is about the youth of today (and people in general I suppose) and the ability to post unintelligible garbage on forums and the like, without the slightest chance of having to justify or be held accountable for anything that they post. If I've ever seen somebody "trolling" for a fight, MilitaryBrat has to take the prize.

Once MB gets to be a Reserve Sig Op, I'm sure that he/she will consider themself to be elite, above and beyond the CAR or the RM. Good luck. He'll probably wash out in BMQ, with foot-in-mouth disease. Then it's off to be an elite fry-guy at McD's. "Super size that sir?"


To quote myself from a different topic:
Why is it all these teen-agers are so fucking smart, worldly and know the soution for EVERYTHING but they can't get my 'no pickles or onions' order right when i go to mcdonalds.
Why is it all these teen-agers are so ******* smart, worldly and know the soution for EVERYTHING but they can't get my 'no pickles or onions' order right when i go to mcdonalds.

It's probably because they were too busy spitting in your Big Mac  :-X. Fries Up!!!!

Holy crap.   I look away for one hour and this one goes to pot.

Military Brat.   You're a troll kid who knows shit.   Put your radio to recieve because your clouding up these means with useless posts.   We've seen so many threads go to waste because you insist on being an ass.   Consider yourself warned.

As for this abortion of a thread, if there are no more questions pertaining to gaining British citizenship, then I'll close it.
Ex-Dragoon said:
No worries I am sure the former members of the CAR and present day jump companies will point out how wrong Military Brat is.

Uhhhhhh............hhhmmmmmmmm.........Nahhhhhh, not worth the effort.

That dawg don't hunt ;)
SHortbus, if your age is 17, consider getting some post secondary education while you're still young and able to do it with the least disruption to ordinary life. A RM serves a lifetime commitment of 20 something years (Queen's contract, something like that....?) after which you'll be at the age where some sort of formal education will be a necessity.

While we're on the commando topic,  ::), would a member of a para coy be considered "elite"?
Ghost778 said:
To quote myself from a different topic:
Why is it all these teen-agers are so ******* smart, worldly and know the soution for EVERYTHING but they can't get my 'no pickles or onions' order right when i go to mcdonalds.

Holy crap.. What' your problem man? I mean... You don't like onions on your cheeseburger?
Ghost778 said:
If all special forces are elite and all elite soldiers are commandos are all commandos JTF?

A spec ops JTF space ninja leaves the base travelling east at a 7min/ mile pace and 2 insurgents leave the hillside travelling west at an 8min/ mile at what point...... ;D
OK folks locking this down as its completely off topic and looks like its not getting back to its original intent.
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