Problem with this is that you now create another problem that we see; the Full-time Reservist. There are many cases now of Full-time Reservists who have never served as Regular Force. Their experience is not the same as that gained by an Annuitant. A recent action taken was to lay them off and offer them Component Transfers. These are the 'kids' who really need to CT and get on with their lives.
Personnally, I see the Annuitant as being a more useful solution than any ideas of doing away with them. These are former Service Members with a wealth of knowledge and experience, who are, for the most part, near the end of their "military shelf life" but still are dedicated to serve and mentor until CRA.......which may become 70 some day soon ;D. Many are still deployable. They have "Retired" from the Reg Force, allowing for younger blood to maintain the rank and file, and become Reservists in turn where the demands and commitment may not be as great, but they can still contribute. Priceless.
I am sure that they could just as easily collect their pensions and become Commissionaires, or work at Tim Horton's or Home Depot, but that may not be their style. Would you like some fries with that?