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Floppy hat

I wouldnt mod your floppy hat On KAF some limp dick will not like and and charge your ass $600 is what mine cost me and the kicker is when I was about to be marched in for orders parade 3 guys walked by with "really " cut down brims oh well whats the army without getting fucked around
Funny thing...before Roto 0 I never ever "modified" any floppy hats but I did seem to have to repair the brim on alot of them f
A couple budies and I use WEED EATER string, that plastic string inside the trim to keep it pimping out or our eyes.
At least our Bonnie Hat is not as wide as the MARPAT one. Judging from the photo It seems the Marines boonie hat has a very wide brim on theirs. I don't think ours is as Wide is that! Then again I could be wrong. I have not compared them side by side.

That's a picture of the MARPAT trials. Weird things tend to surface for trial uniforms...such as sunhats ;)

Most pictures I've seen of the Marines with their boonies didn't look grossly oversized.
If ya think the brim on the MARPAT head dress is huge, ya should see the brim on the ADF one.
When I find a pic I will post one

Ours isn't that big, you probably saw it at a funny angle. Like i said previous, most ADF folks cut there hats down or buy a good Boonie hat. But at the same time, plenty of people keep the hat as issued and stick a bit of wire in there. The clever kids look past the LCF and keep there hats big, we do live in a pretty hot, sunny country ;)
That Marpat thing looks ridiculously big compared to ours.
It's too bad that they didn't keep the old-style bush hat...nice and compact, covered the head, and didn't flop around!

The only downside was when some officers insisted on wearing them elf-syle!  :D
I liked the old style as well if you knew how to wear it. It gave a Cdn attitude in the bush. but of course we need to follow the US.
Bergeron 971 said:
but of course we need to follow the US.

More crap coming from you eh ? I hated the old bush cap and so did most people i know.  I remember all the happy faces when we were issued US boonie hats for OP KINETIC. Its not because the US uses the same or similar kit that we "followed them".  By your logic, we probably shouldnt use the CP-140 ( USN P-3 Orion) the CC-130, the CF-188 and so on........

The giggle hat, the DPDU (desert pattern) hat we are issued has two styles, both short and wide brimmed, and we get both types issed, but for reasons unknown, the lads (mostly Paras) still take their wide brimmed hats to the local tailor, and get them trimmed down, and it looks like a factory job.

No charges laid here though, because you can't realy tell a trimmed wide brim from a issued short brim, unless you're a member of the offical hat police, or get very close, as they are both about the same. Besides, there is more serious shyte going on around us to be concerned with a hat.

Hey Bergeron, whats with the sour/anti attitude with the US? I work with them all the time here, and their kit is excellent, more important, they know their shyte here. Don't make a fool of yourself.

Now, about the old Robin Hood POS hat. It was ueless!

Silly ear flaps and sunburnt necks. Poor design. Piss poor ventilation. I wore it from 1976 to 1995.

The new CADPAT floppy I seen was a vast improvement, and the removeable kepi thingo, well, thats Cdn add-on, not a US thing. The hat has good ventilation, and even an adjustable chin strap on it. The hat is good, and bagging it and comparing it to US eqpt is sensless, and not needed. It proves nothing, adn shows your ignorance and contempt. The US kit is good, and if it was a copy, it would be because the design was practical.


Geez, I meant it as a joke, I love the US. Hell I want a dual citizenship, and are we not aloud our opinion in these fourms? Seems to me that only the admin's and mod's can state their opinion.. :-[ I feel REALLY picked on since I saw a friend on these forums and found out he made Para Coy and said his first name...
I've done nothing wrong. I'm feeling the same way I felt when I joined the Cameron Cadets 2360 and wasn't in the cool click at first cause I was from Quebec and french.....
Despite the way I was treated then I still think the Camerons was one of my faverate regiment I had ever been with.

I've never lied about who I was and what I do. I've never done anything wrong by purpose. Why do i feel singled out?
Bergeron 971 said:
Geez, I meant it as a joke, I love the US. Hell I want a dual citizenship, and are we not aloud our opinion in these fourms? Seems to me that only the admin's and mod's can state their opinion.. :-[ I feel REALLY picked on since I saw a friend on these forums and found out he made Para Coy and said his first name...
I've done nothing wrong. I'm feeling the same way I felt when I joined the Cameron Cadets 2360 and wasn't in the cool click at first cause I was from Quebec and french.....
Despite the way I was treated then I still think the Camerons was one of my faverate regiment I had ever been with.

I've never lied about who I was and what I do. I've never done anything wrong by purpose. Why do i feel singled out?

I'm from Quebec and i'm French too........i dont think thats your problem.

You meant it as a joke, fair enough......carry on
Bergeron 971 said:
I feel REALLY picked on since I saw a friend on these forums and found out he made Para Coy and said his first name...
I've done nothing wrong. I'm feeling the same way I felt when I joined the Cameron Cadets 2360 and wasn't in the cool click at first cause I was from Quebec and french.....


I did not see your US comment as humourous, as there is too much Yank bashing these sdays, and personally, its disgusting, considering whats going on over here (brave acts every day and I find the anti US comments in bad taste put forward by those who are clueless and safe in their happy homes), so I get quite defensive about it all, hence my rebuttle.

Sorry for coming accross a bit harsh.

Comments EDITed to reflect this, but please examine your post before you post it (as others would view and see it), as we are reading what you are saying, and respond accrodingly.

Being honest, It did not sound like a joke to me.


