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Flashbang question

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I was wondering something....I was on a FTX to Borden...and while sleeping we were all given 1 flashbang......One of the recruits that was with us decided to try his flashbang out in our hoochie(tent).....i was on night supervision and i heard the flashbang go off....me and the acting WO ran to check what happened....and when we got there the entire tent had burns on their faces.....and the thing that puzzles me is that....I've been hit with a flashbang...and never got any burns......was there something defective with them?

If someone could help me out with this it would be greatly appreciated ???
because a Flashbang is supposed to be outside not in a ten/hooch also since they were in a small space I'm guess there face was near the flashbang when it went off
Irapliskin, I'm guessing your a cadet, since you list your military experiance as 3 years, an hold the rank of Warrent. What were you doing with pyro?

You sure it was a flashbang, not a thunder flash.
Yeah it was most likely a t-flash cause they woulf have had a lot more than just burns if it was a flashbang.

And t-flashes will burn and bruise to all to hell....one landed next to me while i was prone and bruised all my right torso under my armpit....hurt like hell....

Safety distance is 5 feet.
4 feet.

I had one go off next to me while I was prone, I opened my eyes right after the blast and seem to remember sparks flying over my head...

It was pretty cool. :)

I question the practice of giving Cadets pyrotechnics for use on exercises.   I didn't realize they were authorized to use it in the first place.   If they are, this stands as an example why they shouldn't handle it in the first place.

Even with training and constanst safety briefings on the use of pyro in the regular force, we still have accidents and misuse.
Okay gurus, when I left the CF in Jan 95 the only hand thrown 'battlefield simulating pyroterchnics' widley used were theThunderfash and the Artillery Simulator. Both which can cause serious injury if improperly used, and were NOT available for Cadet useage to the best of my knowledge.

WTF is a flash-bang? Is this something which as been developed since I left, or just a new nickname for the good ole T-flash C1.?

If you don't know the correct answer, don't reply with more silly rumours.


It is a device most commonly used by "Door Kickers", sometimes refereed to as a "DD" or distraction device.
Which makes the posters claims all that more suspicious....see attached photo.

::)  I would put $ on it not being a banger -- they are stingy with them on the UOI course
KevinB said:
::)   I would put $ on it not being a banger -- they are stingy with them on the UOI course
Like i said Kevin "even more suspicious..."
So, some kind of concusion device, not associated with simulation, used by the police etc.

Thanks for the info.


Roger that.

  There is a ZERO PERCENT chance that a cadet got one.

The CF had issued the DefTech #25  and changed to the Nico 9 Banger recently.

Outside SOF they are discussed and very very very rarely seen - even doing overseas predeployment unless the unit had some common sense (strangely rare) to have the Hill run the pre-dep CQB stuff.
Kevin, that is the problem with the military of yester-year.  As you probably know, we have been conducting operations in urban areas for years, and until recently, have only started to place a serious focus on training and SOP's in units, based off the UO course and the experience we have learned from recent ops.

Tactics and training that revolve around urban operations, should have existed years ago, and should have been standard training for all combat, primarily infantry soldiers, who find themselves in this setting daily while on deployment.  In the beginning, it should have been taught by SOF, but now emphasis should be placed on those who have experience that works with the new UO course.  Which is largely developed around SOP's from the Hill.

Those of us who were trained to fight the next war in Europe in a head to head mechanized battle, have to make this our secondary role, with urban fighting our primary role.
...this is why, lately, I check someone's profile after reading what could be "8U11$HI7!"

Which leads me to my next point; never light stoves near the POL point.
Another thing that most should remember when it comes to flashbangs is that they tend to jump when they go off and get hot as hell. They have been known to stick into walls and start localized fires, aswell they create a overpreasure that can rupture eardrums. Its a less lethal device .........less lethal then some other devices that can be tossed upon making entry. 
Irapliskin said:
I was on a FTX to Borden..
.and while sleeping we were all given 1 flashbang..How do you know if you were sleeping
....One of the recruits that was with us decided to try his flashbang out in our hoochie(tent)..Contradicts next statement
...i was on night supervision and i heard the flashbang go off....me and the acting WO ran to check what happened..So who was in charge?

..and when we got there the entire tent had burns on their faces.....and the thing that puzzles me is that....I've been hit with a flashbang...and never got any burns......was there something defective with them? How many were set off?

If someone could help me out with this it would be greatly appreciated ???Don't play with things your not properly trained on!

Just IMHO.

During my time in Cadets we had T-flashes chucked at us all the time. Now some of you may call BS but there was once a time when this stuff was around. It might have been specific to certain corps' but mine  had T-flashes issued to the Res guys and they had no problems with terrorizing the Cadets with whatever they could, whenever they could. I do call into question this stuff being in the kids hands but how hard is it to find stuff lying around in someones locker or at least out of their sight.
Mind you this ended with budget cuts, safety concerns and liability issues, oh and all that CHAPS stuff.
gottyfunk - that was the No 25 primarily - the 9 Banger does not have the same issue with confusing itself with a rocket that the 25 did occasionally.

They are an excellent tool - especially for todays climate. 

The are not nec a Less than Lethal option but a DD, so you can either discourage attention (good for dropping out a vehicle near a crowd), or if you are a firebreathing doorkicking action figure they are good for putting a hickup hadji's OODA loop logn enough so you and the boys can give him some 5.56mm Love.

Edited to remove a bad quote.
Edited again to check spelling ... I need to go to bed now. :boring:

Cadets are never to be in possesion of any pyros of any kind .. period... The story sounds suspect to me. ::)

Posted by: sheikyerbouti
"Mind you this ended with budget cuts, safety concerns and liability issues, oh and all that CHAPS stuff."

It ended because it was not safe.

"CHAPS stuff" .. The program is called CHAP - Cadet Harassment and Abuse Prevention. (Note - No S) and just for the record... a cadet can not "chap" someone or have someone "chapped". I know that the subject of my last sentence was not discussed but it is something that I used to hear said allot around the "old squadron" (former life was spent as a CO of a cadet unit) Just something that irritated me.

Rant off

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