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Favorite Posting in Canada

If you could choose any posting in canada (out of the wings) what would it be?

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cheeky_monkey said:
Even though I'm not AF, my options for postings (despite being 4 years away) are looking good. Esquimalt, or Halifax, and I've heard great things about both.

Not very good with the obvious are you? And somehow I don't think a town full of kids getting smashed and high is something "lol" worthy.

Give your head a shake.

Not good with the obvious ? what does that mean ? No, I will not give my head a shake, and well, thats your opinion

On another note, my folks seemed to like Greenwood
My folks liked Greenwood too, my folks also avoid the internet machine, cell phones and I am almost certain their remote control is connected to the Betamax via a cable.  Betamax for you Greenwood types should be coming to a Wacky's near you sometime soon.
Winnipeg was really good, I'd go back there again.  What Max said, surprising, but quite good, my wife and I enjoyed our time there, minus-frickin'-fortyfive for months on end notwithstanding.  St-Hubert was also good, Montreal is a fantastic city to hang out in!  Ottawa wasn't bad, but choices are limited to Challenger crews.  K-town rocks, great restaurants, awesome camping, sailing and outdoor activities, I'd liken it to Victoria without the mountains and a couple of months of mild winter...it's my choice for now.

CDN Aviator said:
If you stand in the middle of Greenwood / Kingston and throw a rock in any direction you will hit 2 things. Can anyone guess what they are ?

Hmmm...a Frenchy's and a ....?  :P
If you stand in the middle of Greenwood / Kingston and throw a rock in any direction you will hit 2 things. Can anyone guess what they are ?

An apple tree or a Goler.  (Perhaps both with the same rock if the Goler is sitting under the tree!)  ;D
No Wal-Mart in Greenwood, although one would be nice..

Too funny duffman I was just typing that exact same thing....

I guess it all depends on what you want.  I have 2 friends just posted there this summer...they both like it...both have young families.

Personally, I find it small and beer-na-neer hillybilly and prefer to visit than stay.  Come on, West Coast!
Eye In The Sky said:
I guess it all depends on what you want.  I have 2 friends just posted there this summer...they both like it...both have young families.
Personally, I find it small and beer-na-neer hillybilly and prefer to visit than stay.  Come on, West Coast!

TFF? True Friends Forever?  >:D

I will be in Greenwood soon enough for a glorious all expenses paid vacation, having lived there years ago it scares me to say it has grown a bit (a new Canadian Tire and Sobeys, not bad for 20 years *borat pause*.........    not )

I did hear that the barracks have been wired for High speed internet!  Colour TV is around the corner!
Dolphin_Hunter said:
TFF? True Friends Forever?   >:D

I will be in Greenwood soon enough for a glorious all expenses paid vacation, having lived there years ago it scares me to say it has grown a bit (a new Canadian Tire and Sobeys, not bad for 20 years *borat pause*.........     not )

I did hear that the barracks have been wired for High speed internet!  Colour TV is around the corner!

Too F**kin Funny actually  8)

Are you there starting Sept 8th or are you on the next one??

A "Needs" store and an "Avery's Farmers market"

I dunno...  I'm still thinking if you're going to be throwing rocks around that part of town you're more likely to bean a Goler before the rock hits the Needs store.

I'll put my theory to test next time I'm out there for an OMS session.
Well - guess Greenwood hasn't changed much - still full of apple trees and Golers.  At least they still have the Curling Rink - sure miss those bonspiels - best I ever attended!! Reminds me - is there at least a Tim Horton's on base or close by that is open everyday? Last time I went looking for a Timmies there I had to go to New Minas - not fun when you are severely hung over. Mind you, if someone had told me the rink was serving drinks at breakie it would have saved me the trip - double shot of dark in black coffee and ready to go again!
There is a Tim's just outside the base.  There was actually one in 11 hgr a number of years ago... but it didn't last long.
duffman said:
you're more likely to bean a Goler before the rock hits the Needs store.

The key word here is "before". The rock will hit a Needs store.

I'll put my theory to test next time I'm out there for an OMS session.

I'll make sure to go with you.
Does anybody know how the tour situation in the air force is? Is there a good chance of getting one and what bases give you the best chance?I heard that the air force spends most of there time removed by mod
josealbondo said:
Does anybody know how the tour situation in the air force is? Is there a good chance of getting one and what bases give you the best chance?I heard that the air force spends most of there time removed by mod


I hope you don't think the Air Force spends most of their time doing nothing.....  Having come from Pat Bay to Comox I can assure you that MH and LRP community is very active and busy. 

Yup thats right Pat Bay to Comox, the two best Air Force postings out there and I got them early so its all down hill from here.